Super Ape Posted August 26, 2014 Posted August 26, 2014 No, I need Dolfan to roll on in here and flood the board with cute animal gifs so I don't start vomiting everywhere. 1
Eivion Posted August 26, 2014 Posted August 26, 2014 Honestly the only thing I outright disliked on this show was Bray being sacrificed to Cena. I get the why of it, but the fact that they did it makes me feel like they have truly given up on the Wyatt Family. Everything else on the show was at least ok, but kind of ruined by a weak crowd. I thought the Bellas segment was good for Nikki. The Rhodes Brothers turning heel was odd, but could be interesting. I liked that Reigns actually followed up on his comments from last week and went after Seth for what he did to Dean. And I continue to enjoy the Miz's current Hollywood character.
Nice Guy Eddie Posted August 26, 2014 Posted August 26, 2014 Ya'll need this right now... The Swingers and Pulp Fiction clips in there made that for me.
HumanChessgame Posted August 26, 2014 Posted August 26, 2014 I'm continuously impressed with Russev's improvement. He's really starting to get psychology more and more. I'd like to see his offense get varied a little more, maybe give him a few more signature moves than just his finisher. This was the first time I've paid attention to Slater and O'Neil and I'm getting a kick out of their schtick. They seemed to have some really good chemistry in that promo that had a bit of a Head Cheese/buddy cop vein. If they don't intend to re-form the PTPs when Young heals up I wouldn't mind them sticking around for a while. Despite the unceremonious jobber entrance, Cesaro managed a win and I'm hoping this feud over the US title with Sheamus goes somewhere. The two of them work well together and it could potentially make the US belt look important. 1
E.J. Posted August 26, 2014 Posted August 26, 2014 I've started believing that RAW is written by a rotation of writers who don't watch the work of the other writers. That's the only way things make sense. I like to think of it more of an anthology series. Each couple of RAWs stars the same people, only in different roles ..except well, Cena. 1
mco543 Posted August 26, 2014 Posted August 26, 2014 Rusev is worlds better than I expected him to be when he showed up, he's incredibly impressive. He's been selling that God damn ankle since the Swagger feud started. It's like he just learned how to sell and he thinks it's fun. He does so many little things in the ring like selling his ankle when he had Swagger in his finish at SummerSlam, biting his hand tonight, etc. The stomp he does to the spine before putting his finish on is a really, really great touch. His expressing and emoting in the ring are really good too and make me think he can be a great babyface. Hopefully if they go that direction they keep him with Lana because they're a great act and perfect together. 4
ebbie Posted August 26, 2014 Posted August 26, 2014 Sandow wrestling move by move like The Miz was weird. We all know the Miz is a painfully average performer. But hopefully the match will shut people the fuck up about Sandow. He didn't make any of the shit Mis does look any better or worst than Miz. Nikki is awesome at killing divas. Such intent when she does it. I also enjoyed when the Bellas first turned in 2011 and she just went around choking divas.
Go2Sleep Posted August 26, 2014 Posted August 26, 2014 On the plus side, at least Cesaro's winning again. Those sirens they added to his music are horrible, though. Heel Cena vs. Face Bray was great in a vacuum, but being a one-week throwaway match makes it horrible for both of them. Bray's probably really hating that Del Rio slapped that guy, because he almost certainly would've been in that spot instead were he still around. Didn't care much for the Bella segment. Nikki and Brie still sharing a twitter handle is a real kayfabe-breaker in 2014. And you'd think once they saw how Brie was holding up her end of the Steph feud, they would've quit putting her in spots where passable acting is required.
piranesi Posted August 26, 2014 Posted August 26, 2014 Miz went the half Thurston Howell this week. It's too soon for that and you are supposed to 1) save it for PPV 2) Never go half Howell. Go full Howell with a panama hat and a pipe or don't go at all. Bad form, kid. No fashion watch for you. 2
sydneybrown Posted August 26, 2014 Posted August 26, 2014 So Cena goes psycho at the PPV and gets DQ'd leading to the rubber match in oh gee,,,what's the next show called? Oh yeah, HELL IN THE CELL... Come on people, the booking is RIGHT THERE in front of you.
Cristobal Posted August 26, 2014 Posted August 26, 2014 Things in WWE that don't utterly bore and/or depress me right now: 1) Sheamus/Cesaro should be great. 2) I'm really enjoying AJ/Paige. 3) I can start watching a 3-hour show at 9pm AND complain in here and still know I'll get to bed at a decent hour.
Phantom Lord Posted August 26, 2014 Posted August 26, 2014 I missed most of the show tonight on account of being out during the first half hour and then watching the Emmy's. AJ going all Mickie James on Paige was wonderful and if she had tried to kiss Paige on the lips the entire internet would have imploded tonight. Oh yeah the match with Paige and Nattie was good too or something. Moving along, from what I watched of the Bella Twins promo it was so over the top terrible. Nikki going mega heel was all kinds of hilarious. If they dubbed it into Spanish I would not be surprised that they lifted this whole angle from some Telenovela. The thought of Vince watching a Mexican soap is tremendous. I tuned in to see Cena suplexing Bray Wyatt and then him doing his Terminator Cena pose and I was like what the fuck is this shit. Then they have the nerve to turn the main event of RAW into the main event of a Smackdown. The only thing I can figure is Big Show and Mark Henry are with Cena because Brock made them both his bitches. So Cena gets revenge for them. God what a terrible show. I have the last hour on the DVR so I'll watch it again tomorrow but I don't see my initial thoughts improving.
Jiji Posted August 26, 2014 Posted August 26, 2014 That womb bit is definitely from the mind of Vince McMahon. "I'll never forgive your mother for giving birth to you!" I enjoyed Nikki's heeling. No comment on the rest of the show. Sigh.
tbarrie Posted August 26, 2014 Posted August 26, 2014 So Cena goes psycho at the PPV and gets DQ'd leading to the rubber match in oh gee,,,what's the next show called? Oh yeah, HELL IN THE CELL... Come on people, the booking is RIGHT THERE in front of you. Inconclusive finish leading to Brock/Cena in the Cell seems likely to me too.
Dirty J. Posted August 26, 2014 Posted August 26, 2014 Utterly shit episode. I usually try to see some positives, but fuck that. Even Cesaro beating RVD clean didn't mean shit since they trade victories every other week.
The Green Meanie Posted August 26, 2014 Posted August 26, 2014 I normally don't watch or comment on the Divas segments, but how/why exactly are we supposed to be booing Nikki? Everything she said was accurate, so I'm fairly confused on that aspect.
HumanChessgame Posted August 26, 2014 Posted August 26, 2014 So Cena goes psycho at the PPV and gets DQ'd leading to the rubber match in oh gee,,,what's the next show called? Oh yeah, HELL IN THE CELL... Come on people, the booking is RIGHT THERE in front of you. Didn't Hogan refer to the upcoming NOC match as being the rubber match? Then again I'm aware that anything that happened more than a few months ago can be erased from history unless it's deemed relevant to a current angle. But yeah, some type of fuck finish (probably due to Heyman interfering) leading to a HIAC match seems most likely at this point. That also suggests Cena winning in said match, which rates highly on the apathy meter.
Cobra Commander Posted August 26, 2014 Posted August 26, 2014 Guy,s John Cena made it clear in that promo he's targeting the ass. He's scouted Brock and he knows where his weakness is. John Cena: a sesame seed lodged in an infective rectal diverticula of life. Cena starts using Kevin Sullivan's double stomp as a move to target Brock's intestines. Brilliant! Followed by doing the Big Josh long-roller move.
Brian Fowler Posted August 26, 2014 Posted August 26, 2014 TERMINATOR CENA IS BACK! TERMINATOR CENA IS BACK! TERMINATOR CENA IS BACK! Seriously, fuck anyone that doesn't like murderdeathkill John Cena. 1
goc Posted August 26, 2014 Posted August 26, 2014 You guys are taking shit way too seriously, the word "depressed" or "depressing" should not even be in this thread. You know there is a lot of old wrestling that you can watch if the current stuff isn't what you like right? But fuck it, I guess watching something you enjoy wouldn't be as much fun. 2
Rehabilitated Rick Posted August 26, 2014 Posted August 26, 2014 I'm enjoying both Diva feuds. The rest is white noise.
Jenalysis Posted August 26, 2014 Posted August 26, 2014 This show past the Rusev and AJ/Paige stuff was so boring I turned it off at 10. I think I'd rather watch a Vince Russo booked show. 1
AxB Posted August 26, 2014 Posted August 26, 2014 Seriously, fuck anyone that doesn't like murderdeathkill John Cena. I don't know if you have them in America, but in England you get these corner shops on the outskirts of town centres called things like Polski Sklepp or Euro Central, or something. They sell imported Eastern European stuff, for Eastern European immigrants who want a taste of home (I think they also do cash transfers for people sending money back - I'm fairly sure that's their main income source actually). There's one in Stoke town centre called EuroShop, it has Polish and Russian and Romanian flags in the window, and there's not one word of English anywhere in it's window display. EXCEPT for the special offers board, which is always headlined SUPER CENA MUST GO. I think Cena means food in Russian or Polish. I know it means dinner in Italian. 4
Bourdain Posted August 26, 2014 Posted August 26, 2014 (edited) Cena (Terminator Edition) is the best thing ever Nikki rocks too. Can't believe I typed that. Big up to the Bellas, I'm a fan Edited August 26, 2014 by Bourdain
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