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The Green Meanie

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The Green Meanie last won the day on May 9 2018

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About The Green Meanie

  • Birthday 08/31/1984

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    The New Wave

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  1. I can't disagree more. I absolutely love Hobbs, and Wardlow would just bring him down.
  2. Just caught up on last week's Collision. Huge shout out to Daddy Magic for the Felipe Alou reference!
  3. Sorry, but I'm never going to believe that scrubs like Private Party and Kommander are ever going to have a chance against the BCC, no matter what the situation. I also hope Bryan wasn't going to team up with them but it was just rather because they were all out there. Excalibur saying Nigel said "thank you" was an interesting take. Mariah is booooooooring. I don't care for her or for Mina. NEVER SHOW TAZZ CRYING! It opened up a onion cutting factory at my house.
  4. Wife and I binged the whole thing last night. I didn't hear/learn anything really new, but wife really digged it cause she hasn't really been following the story very much. I was SHOCKED that Hulk finally admitted that he ratted out Jesse Ventura. Hulk and Austin really look bad coming out of this. Needless to say, Vince's defense on some things were not the angles I was expecting him to take. (I said the following multiple times:)
  5. That was some god damn heart-wrenching television there. Yuta as a man just GUTTED legit tore at my heart. The BCC situation as-is is just so messed up right now, I don't want them to fight, but it's also damn compelling television.
  6. Oh! That's something else I wanted to mention! I'm glad they FINALLY acknowledged The Dark Order pointing out that Hangman is a BAD FRIEND, but I wish they had done more other then what Uno had said.
  7. So BCC turned on Bryan because he got soft and went against Lord Regal's teachings. It wasn't the angle I was expecting, but I can see it working. That, in turn, brought us to why Mox wanted to speak with Darby. He wants Darby's title shot so he can be the one to retire Bryan. That makes sense again. Pac came out with them but Yuta did not. They didn't attack Yuta which makes me believe that they're going to eventually force him to choose which way he's going to go, especially since he's still 1/3 of the Trios Champions. Something that I realized after the show, however.... Would any of this have happened if The Lucha Brothers had re-signed? If Death Triangle is still intact then there would have been no reason for Pac to gravitate toward the BCC. My household erupted in cheering once we heard/saw The Outrunners come out, and even more so for that fleeting moment we thought they'd win that match. I hope AEW is fully aware of how over they are and act accordingly, eventually. Once I saw Nigel demand to talk to CD about Tony Khan I knew exactly where they were going to go with it. And by jove, they pulled it off! We had heard rumors about Nigel training for one last match, against Bryan, and I'm happy to see it.
  8. I didn't watch the show but caught the Cultaholic recap. I'm not sure I understand; for the syringe spot, was it (implied) what exactly was IN the syringe? Like was it supposed to be novacaine or some type of numbing agent or what exactly? I'm fairly upset about the BCC implosion. If it was going to happen, the way it got divided surely WASN'T the way that we had predicted how it turned out, apparently. So now it's Mox/Claudio/PAC(?!)/Marina?
  9. I love The Outrunners even more (somehow). I read an article earlier today that mentioned they're now the new #1 t-shirt sellers in the company. I *think* that they tried to get me to boo Mox due to him attacking The Outrunners, but my love for the BCC just won't allow that.
  10. Granted, those have relevance to the wrestler(s) that used them names, so I'd see the connection.
  11. On further research, considering the source material, and a bit of confusion as to why someone would use a disco song in 1984 I'm now not 100% sure that music is correct. The video is taken from a WWE Network airing, which has been known to overdub certain musical tracks, and the song was credited as having been released in 2009. I found this video clip from an original airing that matches the same intro, but uses the aforementioned Don Ray's Got To Have Loving: https://youtu.be/5YvVnfEXbL0?si=8zVyNbM3CHFMPzTH If this is correct, kudos to the music department for picking a banger of a replacement song!
  12. Not quite MonsoonClassic, but ran across a channel called "Larry's Classic Sports" that had quite a bit of territory wrestling from 1984, decided to give a few random ones a watch: https://youtu.be/xkkA1UhoHiM?si=3LLQtzK8NqljaD9w An episode of Portland Wrestling featuring a drunk Stan Stasiak on commentary, a somewhat inept ring announcer, a tag team called THE CLAN (featuring one wrestler named Mr. Ebony), Playboy Buddy Rose bringing in a wrestler from Africa who is then immediately announced as being from San Francisco (and is really proportioned very strangely, but makes the best wrestling faces!) and the WORST ring-side security I've ever seen. https://youtu.be/c_InrFqTzbE?si=ilozfWeyzZk-eUfh An episode of Mid-Atlantic Wrestling featuring the FUNKIEST SONG EVER USED FOR WRESTLING (somehow beating Mid-Atlantic's old record of using Don Ray's Got To Have Loving), a Wahoo McDaniel & Tully Blanchard (The Awesome Twosome!) interview where Wahoo doesn't know what to do with his hands, interviews with a distracting and flashing STARRCADE 84 sign at the bottom, footage of horses running in someone's backyard, and the introduction of Barry Windham and Mike Rotundo. I've also included that song that played as well because it's such an earworm, it's already earned a place on my favorites playlist. https://youtu.be/dy7yX2gA2_g?si=LmXIzBs1FWJe8Dgq
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