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AxB last won the day on June 2

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About AxB

  • Birthday 09/08/1974

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    Staffordshire Moorlands, England, Europe.


  • Member Title
    Literally the problem

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  1. To be fair, anyone joining the Discord to rant about how Workers' rights are a bad thing is probably going to be quite upset when they see what the 'Political Discussion' folder on there is called. nb: It's not called Political Discussion
  2. So Deadpool 2 and Deadpool 3 take place in different universes, right? Because in Deadpool 2, all of the X-Men are still alive and Professor X is James McAvoy-aged. Whilst Deadpool 3 takes place post-Logan, so all of the X-Men are dead (except Colossus apparently)... but there's clearly not been a big time jump between movies, because Negasonic Teenage Warhead isn't suddenly 40 years old. On first viewing, it was a lot of fun. Got a bit sentimental right at the end there, but that was always on the cards. Not sure how well it'll stand up to repeat viewings though, when the surprises aren't surprising. That one return that the final trailer spoiled, it was a better movie moment than trailer moment. Movie directors should start demanding final cut of promotional material from now on.
  3. Would the Gone in Sixty Seconds franchise not simply contain Gone in 62 Seconds, Gone in 63 Seconds, Gone in 59 Seconds (the early years) and so on?
  4. He would have two Vegans in a Loser Eats Meat match. Only after they took their first bite of the beef, they would immediately acquire Carnivore Strength and immediately destroy the guy who just beat them.
  5. Officially (in kayfabe) Daniel Garcia has nerve damage and may never wrestle again. In reality, allegedly his contract is expiring and he is open to to exploring his options. Allegedly.
  6. You know what that was? Real Gas! Go cry me a river!! Pretty sure it was water, actually. It didn't have the shininess that actual petroleum spirit does. To be honest, I always thought that throughout wrestling history, the staple gun spot has looked rubbish. Generally if you weren't front row ringside, there was no way to see if it was actually loaded or if they were selling getting stapled with thin air (unless they do the dollar bill thing, but even then sometimes that doesn't work). But with HD cameras, and Swerve being so dark skinned, you could see the staples reflecting the gleam of the lights in him.
  7. It took them 5 years to have a match end during PinP, and that was by accident.
  8. From last weekend, West Coast Pro (and Prestige Wrestling and Deadlock Pro) present UNTOUCHABLE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKkWvjl19go Alex Shelley vs Alpha Zo Kevin Blackwood (c) vs BEEF - West Coast Pro Heavyweight title Sandra Moone vs Zara Zakher Adam Priest (c) vs Vinnie Massaro - DPW National title Calvin Tankman (c) vsJiah Jewel - DPW World title Los Suavecitos (c) vs The Krusty Krew - WCPW Tag Team titles Aaron Solo vs Jaguar Montoya Alan Angels (c) vs Starboy Charlie - Prestige title Shelton Benjamin vs Titus Alexander
  9. Hobbs/ Wardlow feuding with Lashley/ Miro. Two teams that form on the basis of "Sorry about the feud dude, turns out you were right all along".
  10. Last time Samoa Joe joined MVP's stable, it was the Beat Down Clan in TNA, and the angle where Joe joined them aired the same week his contract expired and he left the company, never to return. Is Lio Rush under contract to NJPW or AEW (or neither)? Because his gimmick when he was put with Lashley (in WWE) was horrible and they deserve the opportunity to redeem it. Now, why you would sign a guy who had the talent and charisma that Lio Rush does, and then make him into a manager I don't know. Let alone taking a guy who is effortlessly cool, charismatic and sympathetic, and make him an annoying little git who runs away from the first sign of danger.
  11. We have had the Voice Actor reveals for Rook in Dragon Age Veilguard. FemRook will be played by Erika Ishii, and MaleRook will be played by Alex Jordan. (They both appear in D&D streams; Erika was a guest in Criical Role for a few weeks, Alex is a permanent member of Natural Six) Edit to add:
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkJJuWJTYEg Hey! EW with Jimmy Jacobs. Scroll down the comments to see Matt Morgan putting him over.
  13. Shane Douglas isn't respected because Triple H stole his whole act (and did it badly), for an interminably long time, on shows that a lot of people watched.
  14. The best Disney Star Wars thing is Andor. The best movie is Rogue One. And to be fair, if you remove the word Disney, that's still true. It is pretty interesting to me that, those of us who watched the OG trilogy as kids and then the prequels in our 20s, the overwhelming narrative was "Get George away from Star Wars, he insists on both infantilising and over-complicating everything, he can't direct actors and his plots make no sense... it peaked with Empire when he was more collaborational and less of a dictatorial god". But there's a subset of fans who were kids for the prequels, in their 20s for episodes 7-9, who rage against Kathleen Kennedy and her constant besmirching of the godlike genius that is George Lucas and his brilliant and fantastical vision for the Star Wars universe. Now granted, a lot of them are actually mad because Star Wars is liberal and diverse now (it always was; George Lucas made Red Tails, despite it not being his story to tell, because nobody else was going to tell it if he didn't), and are being disingenuous. And a lot of them are refusing to actually look back and see that the Star Wars franchise, from its inception, has never actually been as good as they falsely remember it being.
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