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No, I need Dolfan to roll on in here and flood the board with cute animal gifs so I don't start vomiting everywhere.


  • Like 4

You guys are taking shit way too seriously, the word "depressed" or "depressing" should not even be in this thread. You know there is a lot of old wrestling that you can watch if the current stuff isn't what you like right? But fuck it, I guess watching something you enjoy wouldn't be as much fun.

I've turned NoC into a no lose situation. If Brock wins like I want, I win. If Cena wins, I win.


No, I need Dolfan to roll on in here and flood the board with cute animal gifs so I don't start vomiting everywhere.


I feel better now. Thanks!

But in all seriousness, this was the kind of Raw that would have made me end my subscription if I had one. Cena coming back completely fine from Lesnar's curb stomping, clowning the Wyatts almost single-Handedly, and condemning them to be 3MB II isn't my idea of hype for NoC. If Cena wins, we're back to the same old shit. If Leanar wins, then you just made the whole damn roster look like losers and made Lesnar look like he could destroy ANY of them. Your roster looks laughably weak. Why should I care about them then?


Figured there'd be a lot of whining in this thread, but the show wasn't that bad.

Rusev looked great, as mentioned. Bo trolling Swagger is funny.

The Ambrose/Reigns vs. Kane/Rollins match up and lead is gonna be cool. Rollins' mic work is really up there right now.

I fast forwarded that Bella garbage, sorry.

Cesaro won, even if it's just to feud with Sheamus.

Lenny Lane was a way better stunt double than Sandow.

The Dust Brothers turn was well done.

Also...I'm pretty sure Cena won that match by DQ and escaped a beat down because the tag team of two giant dudes ran in. Since they have a feud with the Wyatt family right now. Cena looking like a world beater afterward was lame and they really are rushing his comeback victory, but eh, that's just what they do.

The legends roundtable or whatever was lame as shit, though, and an awful way to start the show.


I'll cut them some slack because this was one of the worst crowds in recent memory.


With this Cena stuff, it feel like WWE creative hit the house show/ppv wall again. Where they are prevented from doing what makes sense and would lead to the most interest (which in theory would lead to the most money) because without Cena (and Bryan, Punk and Ambrose) there are no draws for the houseshows and no main event for the next ppv.


I don't necessarily see the problem of Wyatt being fed to Cena.  Maybe there could have been slightly better storytelling behind it, but eh.  John Cena is Superman, that's well established.  Bray Wyatt isn't the sort that demands wins or losses in the ring; he's there to spread his message.  If he can get his point across to the fans and his opponent in a losing effort, then he's still won his personal battle.  He could have kept taunting Cena, smiling and cackling even in the midst of Cena's onslaught, to the point where Cena cranks it to 11 or Rowan and Harper interfere.


But I'm easy to please.  I watched the show, enjoyed it for the most part, then slept like a log afterward.  Anyway, I like John Cena's character; I may be the only grown adult who absolutely hated serious rapper Cena but loves corny babyface Superman Cena.



I think Cena means food in Russian or Polish. I know it means dinner in Italian.



Cena means price in Polish.



I misread that as "prince" at first.  I was thinking if Cena would ever took a lengthy post-injury break, he could return morbidly obese and call himself the Prince of Peckishness.  Maybe wear a chef's hat and hawk a t-shirt for the more zaftig members of the WWE Universe that reads "Now you CAN see me!"


Last night reminded me of 2011, when Punk won the title in his "last match with the company," left with the title... and then came back a week later. They looked incredibly brave one week and completely fucking gutless the next. Fast forward to last week: Cena gets utterly annihilated like no standing champion in company history, goes away for one week... and then last night he's 100%, fine and dandy, no drama at all.


So far they are booking this program like absolute cowards, and it's taking money off the table.

  • Like 10

There comes a point in show business where you have to stop blaming the audience for not reacting and starting looking at the product.


(Yes, because I've had comedy performances where I got nothing and liked it.)


It's weird to say this but isn't the Swagger-Rusev feud the boilerplate of how they should be booking Cena-Brock. 


If only Lesnar's complete annihilation of Cena had the same damaging effects as Jack Swaggers ankle lock which is still giving Rusev all sorts of trouble. 


Last night reminded me of 2011, when Punk won the title in his "last match with the company," left with the title... and then came back a week later. They looked incredibly brave one week and completely fucking gutless the next. Fast forward to last week: Cena gets utterly annihilated like no standing champion in company history, goes away for one week... and then last night he's 100%, fine and dandy, no drama at all.


So far they are booking this program like absolute cowards, and it's taking money off the table.


They need the network to be a hit in the long run, but their money is so god damn steady that it's hard to find the corporate reasons to ever have a light put under their ass. Frankly, the network is perfect for them, because what it does is take out the middle man. What we learned with the round of TV negotiation is that they're always going to be seen as sub duck dynasty shite. Wrestling will be low-brow, low-sponsor, appealing to idiots TV forever. This is how it will be looked at. This is how it will be paid for. Maybe WWE thinks otherwise, maybe not, but they've set up a system where their fanbase can basically just give them their money, no matter what anyone in a suit thinks, and it's up to them to make that pay off. 

  • Like 1

It's weird to say this but isn't the Swagger-Rusev feud the boilerplate of how they should be booking Cena-Brock. 


If only Lesnar's complete annihilation of Cena had the same damaging effects as Jack Swaggers ankle lock which is still giving Rusev all sorts of trouble. 


Because getting suplexed a bunch is *exactly* the same as having a pretty strong dude wrench the shit out of your ankle over and over again for two months...

  • Like 1


It's weird to say this but isn't the Swagger-Rusev feud the boilerplate of how they should be booking Cena-Brock. 


If only Lesnar's complete annihilation of Cena had the same damaging effects as Jack Swaggers ankle lock which is still giving Rusev all sorts of trouble. 


Because getting suplexed a bunch is *exactly* the same as having a pretty strong dude wrench the shit out of your ankle over and over again for two months...



Nobody ever said it was exactly the same. The point is, Swagger keeps on getting his ass handed to him and he keeps on coming back for more. Through the feud, both competitors are showing signs of wear.


Contrast that with someone taking the worst main event beating any of us have ever seen only to come back 8 days later physically exactly the same as before. Cenas healing ability is particularly impressive seeing how it was presented that Lesnar practically killed the Undertaker, 


I hate to be the one to break this to you but wrestling is a work. Rusev isn't really injured. He's not even really Russian. And his Russian valet went to college in Florida. An ankle lock is only more damaging than multiple germans if they tell you it is.  It's called selling.

  • Like 1

Utterly shit episode.


I usually try to see some positives, but fuck that. Even Cesaro beating RVD clean didn't mean shit since they trade victories every other week.

Well the winner got a title shot against Sheamus...so yeah it did actually have a point.  Sheamus & Cesaro always bring it against each other, so that should be a great PPV match.


Loved the Brock promo, can we get a word with the champ every week please.


Dusts vs Usos was awesome, but I love Goldust no matter what he does.  I was waiting just waiting for someone to go heel in that match and wasn't disappointed.  Hope the Dust Bros can take the belts at the PPV.


Rusev / Swagger continue to have some of the hottest matches on the card.  And Bo Dallas is hilarious


Hollywood Miz rules, and his "stunt double" was goofy enough to be funny.


Nikki Bella is an awesome heel, that was some serious Jerry Springer shit there.


Cena-Wyatt was great to bring back Cena's Terminator side, and once the 6 man got going it was good hard-hitting stuff.


Other than too many commercials and recaps towards the end I thought it was a fine show


They've pretty much lost my money now, though when baseball seasons ends I tend to lose some resistance.  That said, if my job goes, dumping WWE Network is $60 I don't have to find somewhere else.


I'm just dissatisfied with what I'm getting from the wrestling product all around- when does AAA start on El Rey?

  • Like 1

Last night reminded me of 2011, when Punk won the title in his "last match with the company," left with the title... and then came back a week later. They looked incredibly brave one week and completely fucking gutless the next. Fast forward to last week: Cena gets utterly annihilated like no standing champion in company history, goes away for one week... and then last night he's 100%, fine and dandy, no drama at all.


So far they are booking this program like absolute cowards, and it's taking money off the table.

That's exactly what I was thinking. Cena shouldn't even have had a match between Summer Slam and NOC. They should have played up his injuries, and made it seem like his career could be over if he takes another beating from Lenar.


They could have built so much drama and sympathy for Cena heading into that match. Instead they go with Super Cena no sells the beating, and destroys the Wyatt's which is the kind of booking that caused a large chunk of the fan base to turn on him to begin with.

  • Like 1



It's weird to say this but isn't the Swagger-Rusev feud the boilerplate of how they should be booking Cena-Brock. 


If only Lesnar's complete annihilation of Cena had the same damaging effects as Jack Swaggers ankle lock which is still giving Rusev all sorts of trouble. 


Because getting suplexed a bunch is *exactly* the same as having a pretty strong dude wrench the shit out of your ankle over and over again for two months...



Nobody ever said it was exactly the same. The point is, Swagger keeps on getting his ass handed to him and he keeps on coming back for more. Through the feud, both competitors are showing signs of wear.


Contrast that with someone taking the worst main event beating any of us have ever seen only to come back 8 days later physically exactly the same as before. Cenas healing ability is particularly impressive seeing how it was presented that Lesnar practically killed the Undertaker, 


I hate to be the one to break this to you but wrestling is a work. Rusev isn't really injured. He's not even really Russian. And his Russian valet went to college in Florida. An ankle lock is only more damaging than multiple germans if they tell you it is.  It's called selling.


Swagger got hit with a flagpole and Rusev(along with anyone else he's faced in-between) has attacked him there to the point that he's rocking a wrap around his ribs. Cena and Brock have literally only gotten physical with each other twice including the title match. And really? Taker? He looked like hell at WM before Brock even touched him.


Gee, thanks for the heads up! I surely didn't know that before now! And in the WWE's world, they've long since established that an ankle lock is more devestating than multiple germans when Austin got german'd to death by Benoit and Angle and didn't sell them like death the next night/week later by rocking a neck brace or full-body cast, so spare me that line of bullshit.


Last night reminded me of 2011, when Punk won the title in his "last match with the company," left with the title... and then came back a week later. They looked incredibly brave one week and completely fucking gutless the next. Fast forward to last week: Cena gets utterly annihilated like no standing champion in company history, goes away for one week... and then last night he's 100%, fine and dandy, no drama at all.


So far they are booking this program like absolute cowards, and it's taking money off the table.


You hit the nail on the head. They're completely gutless and afraid of taking a chance. It makes me wonder how much stock movements impact booking decisions like this.


And sad as it is or morbid as it is to say, WWE would have been better off if Cena suffered an injury in that match, which forced him to sit out for at least a month.


People can get a semi over Terminator Cena being back, but that Cena rarely lasts and the last time we had Terminator Cena was back when he buried the Nexus. Terminator Cena is weak sauce because it never, ever lasts and you know it's just a distraction from the rote, boring ass character that gets pushed constantly.


So Cena goes psycho at the PPV and gets DQ'd leading to the rubber match in oh gee,,,what's the next show called?

Oh yeah, HELL IN THE CELL...

Come on people, the booking is RIGHT THERE in front of you.

How can it be a rubber match if Lesnar is up 2-1?


Swagger got hit with a flagpole and Rusev(along with anyone else he's faced in-between) has attacked him there to the point that he's rocking a wrap around his ribs. Cena and Brock have literally only gotten physical with each other twice including the title match. And really? Taker? He looked like hell at WM before Brock even touched him.



Gee, thanks for the heads up! I surely didn't know that before now! And in the WWE's world, they've long since established that an ankle lock is more devestating than multiple germans when Austin got german'd to death by Benoit and Angle and didn't sell them like death the next night/week later by rocking a neck brace or full-body cast, so spare me that line of bullshit.



I was unaware that Jack Swagger's ankle lock was booked as more devastating than Brock Lesnar's multiple germans. Especially since I see Swagger win with it so rarely. 


I don't recall anyone ever kicking out of Trouble in Paradise. Is that more devastating than multiple sick looking germans?


I guess my question would be, what exactly would Lesnar have to do to Cena for it to piss you off when Cena no sells it? Some sort of trouble in paradise ankle lock hybrid?


Last night reminded me of 2011, when Punk won the title in his "last match with the company," left with the title... and then came back a week later. They looked incredibly brave one week and completely fucking gutless the next. Fast forward to last week: Cena gets utterly annihilated like no standing champion in company history, goes away for one week... and then last night he's 100%, fine and dandy, no drama at all.

So far they are booking this program like absolute cowards, and it's taking money off the table.

They need the network to be a hit in the long run, but their money is so god damn steady that it's hard to find the corporate reasons to ever have a light put under their ass. Frankly, the network is perfect for them, because what it does is take out the middle man. What we learned with the round of TV negotiation is that they're always going to be seen as sub duck dynasty shite. Wrestling will be low-brow, low-sponsor, appealing to idiots TV forever. This is how it will be looked at. This is how it will be paid for. Maybe WWE thinks otherwise, maybe not, but they've set up a system where their fanbase can basically just give them their money, no matter what anyone in a suit thinks, and it's up to them to make that pay off.

WWE has really developed an interesting business problem in that they've created a popular product that no one (advertisers) care that is popular.

The WWE Network seems to be an obvious step to finding a solution but it's a long term play that the WWE kinda short term shoot themselves in the foot by not selling it from the start as a long term project.

Anyway in terms of Raw last night, did they start powdering Paige's face? I know she's never been Barbie Orange but she really looked unnaturally pale last night, especially compared to the rest of her.


So Cena goes psycho at the PPV and gets DQ'd leading to the rubber match in oh gee,,,what's the next show called?


Oh yeah, HELL IN THE CELL...


Come on people, the booking is RIGHT THERE in front of you.

Rollins/Ambrose gets HITC so that Dean can hopefully go over.

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