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So much to shit on with this show. Fuck John Cena and his indestructible act. Hey, how can we make the Wyatt's even more dead in the water? Let's feed them to Super Cena. I never want to see Kane ever again. I could feel the life being sucked out of the eulogy and handicap match by Kane's presence. I don't care if he's a demon, a corporate stooge; he needs to take a behind the scenes job already and stop wrestling. The Bella's segment was Claire Lynch levels of awful. I'm pretty sure I heard a faint TNA chant during that mess. The Bella's are Keanu Reeves level bad when it comes to trying to show any emotion. I'm so glad I had the Yankee game to flip to throughout Raw otherwise I'd be hoping for someone to curb stomp my head to end the pain.

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Bray got super buried. Mother-fuckers didn't even get an entrance, which is one of the best parts of the show. You could hear the crowd groan & boo audibly as they put up their cell phones 'cause Bray was already in the ring. :(


Remember when Mark Henry had that confrontation with Rusev? 


Remember when Kofi Kingston was with Big E and Xaiver Woods.  Now he is back to the same 3 or 4 minute job matches against Bo Dallas

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All I want out of the Dust Brothers heel turn is for Cody to run further with this whole cosmic key thing like the geek he is and to totally and absolutely ape Frank Langella's Skeletor delivery for all of his promos from now on.



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Remember when Mark Henry had that confrontation with Rusev? 


Remember when Kofi Kingston was with Big E and Xaiver Woods.  Now he is back to the same 3 or 4 minute job matches against Bo Dallas


We remember it. WWE creative; probably not.

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I also think Cole has reach the breaking point on this JBL vs Lawler nonsense. When they were arguing about Reigns throwing a cinder block at Rollins, Cole just had this look like he wanted to blink morse code for Kill Me.   

It is like Lawler vs Striker all over again. Only Striker would occasionally say something funny that he probably shouldn't have said. JBL is just insufferable now.


It's cavalry, Michael Cole, not calvary.  Well, unless Big Show and Mark Henry are now some sort of crucifixion-based tag team, and since I drift in and out of these shows, they may very well be.


I muted it during the Bella's melodrama, to much soap opera for my taste. I figure someone is gonna interfere in the Cena/Lesnar match so Cena can go into a program with that guy and Lesnar can remain champ and go on to fight Reigns. 


Glad some Nitro's are finally getting added to the Network next week. 


Tuned in at around 9:30.  Should have tuned out at 9:45 during that Bellas segment.


Stayed along for the ride all the way to the end.


That show, and this thread, have put me in a depressive episode.  Migraine.  Counting the seconds until I start bleeding black gunk from my eyes and chanting in reverse Latin.  Literally cannot sleep.  This is fucking DEPRESSING.


Back to feeling like wrestling's passed me by/hoping the Network crashes and burns, future of the whole industry be damned.


Cena's destruction of the Wyatt's tonight was like watching Ralphie get kicked down the slide in A Christmas Story after telling Santa he wanted a Red Rider gun.


Depressing as fuck.


Why do they follow up one strong RAW where they set a tone going forward with one that takes two steps back across the board?


I started watching, got distracted, and then turned it off.  


I get the Bellas feud.  You need to sell Total Divas.


AJ and Paige are the smartest Divas, they realize that without the belt they would be nothing in the eyes of Creative.


I don't get the Wyatt's.  Bray has been moaning on Facebook for months now after every RAW.  I would think they have someone who is filtering him.


Nikki Bella is great. She is hands down the best all around Bella. I honestly believe that Brie is only over due to DB being her husband. AJ still getting CM Punk chants is weird and I wonder exactly how much of her heat is based around her association with Punk?

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Nikki Bella is great. She is hands down the best all around Bella. I honestly believe that Brie is only over due to DB being her husband. AJ still getting CM Punk chants is weird and I wonder exactly how much of her heat is based around her association with Punk?

Best all around Bella is damning with faint praise.  Brie over because of DB is understandable.  But they're both only employed because Nikki is Cena's road beef.  


And at this point, I would say all of AJ's head is based around being married to Punk.  Since creative gives zero fucks about the Diva's, and its been well established that AJ and Paige are destined to just trade the belt around until someone decides they need a fresh face and replace one (AJ since she's older and draws those pesky Punk chants) with a NXT girl, and repeat.  No woman on the current roster is taken seriously since AJ and Paige have been kicking the shit out of them for a year and a half.


The only two things I liked were Cesaro winning and AJ/Paige.  AJ/Paige I liked for various reasons, and am glad Cesaro at least won.  I'm normally positive about the shows, but I just can't be with this one.  The Wyatt burial, the Bellas ACT.ING, and seemingly everything else just did not work for me.  Tried watching Emmys during Bella segment but it was on commercial.  Bastards.


Rusev is still selling his injured ankle from Summerslam while Cena gets killed by Brock and sells it like Giant at Cobo Hall in 95. I like Cena but tonight was just awful. Brock is no better than Nexus era Wade Barrett booking wise.

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