SirFozzie Posted May 11, 2023 Posted May 11, 2023 My one line channeling DEAN with regards to the two crazy matches. "I was hoping that they would bust out something special for the grudge matches. Like Yamakawa's snakeskin pants for his deathmatch. You need to look your best when you're going into a crazy match. Provide the before, and let the blood soaked after be even more of a shock" 2
Cobra Commander Posted May 11, 2023 Posted May 11, 2023 1 hour ago, Technico Support said: "I get to bring a chainsaw" Seriously, though, I don't understand these rules. At first, I thought "dealer's choice" meant the opponent chooses whether it's no dq or not. But now it's...pick your own stip? “Dealers Choice, the HOB has to put me down for a 30 count to win” 4
Pete Posted May 11, 2023 Posted May 11, 2023 31 minutes ago, Fighting a man with a perm said: Dax on the other hand, I just don't dig his mic work at all. Way too much , "ok, ok, ok, just a minute now" or "alright, alright, alright, hold on now" as verbal crutches. And the constant use of "our best friend" around Mark Briscoe makes me want to see Mark brain him with a chair. GML... 2
Shartnado Posted May 11, 2023 Posted May 11, 2023 43 minutes ago, jaedmc said: I don't understand why it's called Dealer's Choice, if the House is the one dealing the rules, but the opponents get to pick. However, I will say that at least their special lighting doesn't take away from the match. They're not wrestling in Mountain Dew Black Lights and shit. If I understood the announcers correctly, the dealer's choice here is the no DQ, and if the opponents choose to accept that, then they can pick a stipulation of their own. Doesn't really change the fact that the terminology is a bit iffy, but I'll offer this as my interpretation of it. 1
chriskbrown50 Posted May 11, 2023 Posted May 11, 2023 1 hour ago, AverageKong said: I feel like Julia has a history of getting more of a face reaction. I thought the match was pretty even though and both women kept their heel essence. Equally vicious and underhanded with each other. The match wasn't bad to me, but the hiccups seemed more memorable than the good. Julia's failed kickout after the gory bomb on the chairs (that was a 3 count ). The superplex didnt land on the chairs and considering that was part of the finish I'll remember that the most unfortunately. What exactly is Anna Jay's character? They keep booking her in these hard-core match situations but I don't feel that's a real element of her character. Add that to the fact that she loses most of those matches and/or something goes wrong... I'm missing what the end game could possibly be here. Anna moving from Dark Order to JAS as a heel to me did not help her. Both her and Tay are stuck in second-tier or in even third-tier spots. With only one female match a night on the program, and a good size roster not sure where they can go. I mean Jade as the secondary champ is not on Dynamite much at all. The lack of an NXT environment for the AEW woman who are not vets is the issue. 2
Phantom Lord Posted May 11, 2023 Posted May 11, 2023 I thought last night was a pretty good show for the most part. I thought the House of Black match was a little confusing with the rules, but it ended up working out in the end. The lights looked cool and gave it a nice look. The cage match was a bit of a mess but in a good way. I don't know why we needed all the weapons when the cage itself is supposed to be a weapon. I know it had been hinted for a while, but i still didn't see Don's turn coming last night so that was a nice touch. I know he's supposed to be a chickenshit heel, but i wonder if this leads to an Omega/Callis match of some sort. Maybe a way to debut or dare I say a return of someone to feud with Kenny. 1
COLETTI Posted May 11, 2023 Posted May 11, 2023 "House Rules" and "Dealer's Choice" seem to line up way more with the general vibe of AEW more than they seem connected to a bunch of death rock ass kickers, I could see them being co-opted that way at some point. No other wrestler on the planet understands his or her character and style better than Orange Cassidy. MIRO! Pretty damn good episode. Still didn't make it to the end of the last match due to being tired as hell all the time. 2
just drew Posted May 11, 2023 Posted May 11, 2023 45 minutes ago, chriskbrown50 said: Anna moving from Dark Order to JAS as a heel to me did not help her. Both her and Tay are stuck in second-tier or in even third-tier spots. With only one female match a night on the program, and a good size roster not sure where they can go. I mean Jade as the secondary champ is not on Dynamite much at all. The lack of an NXT environment for the AEW woman who are not vets is the issue. I’d be real tempted to make Rampage women only a couple times a month once Collision starts… 1
Technico Support Posted May 11, 2023 Posted May 11, 2023 (edited) Clearly nobody understands these House Rules and we need a vignette of Jake the Snake explaining them better, preferably with him detailing how if you've got 21, he's got 22. Edited May 11, 2023 by Technico Support 7 4
John E. Dynamite Posted May 11, 2023 Posted May 11, 2023 (edited) On 5/11/2023 at 11:20 AM, Octopus said: Example: How are Komander, Hijo Del Vikingo, and Rey Fenix matches different? We see them all described as “lucha” style but beyond the genre, what specifically defines their matches. Step one, I think you have to try not to describe them as "lucha". In the bigger picture there's been the long-lasting problem of casual US fans assuming that the beating heart of lucha libre is flips and dives (as opposed to literally-figuratively tearing your hated foe's face off), but for something more cut-and-dry I'd say all three fall into the Ever-Escalating Battle To Be The Most High Flyingest Guy, a battle that started at a point in time I'm not entirely sure of. Chavo Sr.'s first moonsault, maybe? The three initially mentioned represent the first time in a long time that battle has been waged so heavily in Mexico. We're also past the point where you can become the Most High Flyingest Guy by inventing a new move by adding one more flip - the Double Moonsault and especially the Shooting Star Senton shot right past the stupid-ass-idea barrier so now everybody's doing rope work. Fenix strikes me as a guy who doesn't need to go down that path, but wound up there because of his over-the-top athleticism and maximalist wrestling philoshopy - at his very best this puts him in the same group as other one-time Most High Flyingest Guys like Tiger Mask, SSP-era Keichi Yamada, Mistico, Kota Ibushi, damned if I admit it Will Ospreay. Vikingo is a guy who needs the flips to initially break out but will soon need to learn other skills to see how far he can take it. Rey Mysterio Jr. is probably the guy who took that formula the farthest - beneath that there's still ample room for great talent like Richochet, 2 Cold Scorpio or Dragon Kid. I think Vikingo's been putting it together better and faster than I gave him credit for. The current problem I'm seeing with Kommander is that all his matches are build around a big ropewalk spot, and I feel like the bright lights of TV are making his other skills regress. Not counting tragedies like Hayabusa, the lowest tier of one-time High Flyingest Guys are guys who couldn't translate their game long-term to the big stage like Blitzkrieg, Yoshitsune or Jack Evans (who actually added great heel character work to his matches, he just peaked at the worst possible time for a US indie guy with midcard TV skills). Here's to hoping he can fill out the rest of his game. Edited May 12, 2023 by John E. Dynamite 6
Zimbra Posted May 11, 2023 Posted May 11, 2023 Real missed opportunity during the Strong/Jericho segment not to reveal that both had separately hired Mark Sterling. After consideration I think OC/Garcia was my match of the night. I loved Garcia selling his continued frustration and OC's head games almost backfiring on him when Garcia went full motherfucker. Some of those kicks to the knee from Garcia were gnarly as hell, and I dug the stomping on the hand during the crossface. 6
Brandon Bones Posted May 11, 2023 Posted May 11, 2023 Everyone that walked into Tony Khans office are in for a big surprise when they find out he is over in Gorilla. 11
caley Posted May 11, 2023 Posted May 11, 2023 I didn't read the whole thread, but the highlight of the night was Tony Schiavone saying something along the lines of "No spooky witches at ringside is a good would be a good idea all the time, no spooky witches...except then I never would have met my wife" then there's a beat and Tazz and Tony laugh, and Excalibur goes quiet as if he's had to mute his mic. I also laughed at Sting talking about Darby Alllin being a self-made man who had no ins to this business like the Stinger when he was young and I thought "Yeah, it must have been really hard for the bleached-blonde, 6'2" guy with the bodybuilder physique to get noticed by pro wrestling feds when there was a much shallower talent pool for people to draw from!" That said, Darby's vignette really made me want to watch him win the title. Sammy's vignette was like it was written for a different person then they just spliced Sammy's name in: "Follow your dreams, kids! I'm living proof." says the guy who sticks out his tongue, cheats to win and makes out with his girlfriend to anger the crowd. Julia Hart looked like a car-crash victim after that match, basically like she was holding her own hip in place. Anna JAS looked...I'll just settle myself down here and stop. The match was pretty fun with two wrestlers of so little experience. Cage match was a little more death match-y than I am really into. The image of Moxley holding that turnbuckle dealy at crotch-level and trying to push it into Kenny's mouth was a different type of hardcore that I'm also not really into. 3 1
JLowe Posted May 11, 2023 Posted May 11, 2023 10 minutes ago, caley said: I didn't read the whole thread, but the highlight of the night was Tony Schiavone saying something along the lines of "No spooky witches at ringside is a good would be a good idea all the time, no spooky witches...except then I never would have met my wife" then there's a beat and Tazz and Tony laugh, and Excalibur goes quiet as if he's had to mute his mic. I also laughed at Sting talking about Darby Alllin being a self-made man who had no ins to this business like the Stinger when he was young and I thought "Yeah, it must have been really hard for the bleached-blonde, 6'2" guy with the bodybuilder physique to get noticed by pro wrestling feds when there was a much shallower talent pool for people to draw from!" That said, Darby's vignette really made me want to watch him win the title. Sammy's vignette was like it was written for a different person then they just spliced Sammy's name in: "Follow your dreams, kids! I'm living proof." says the guy who sticks out his tongue, cheats to win and makes out with his girlfriend to anger the crowd. Oh shit, I meant to mention that part with Tony's random comment. I'm pretty sure Taz did a spit-take on the mic. Someone on Facebook pointed out that they showed Darby introducing his father and then a minute later Sting is like "Darby has no father there for him". And I pointed out that Sammy is ostensibly a heel right now. MJF killed it though.
Zimbra Posted May 11, 2023 Posted May 11, 2023 I think Sting was talking about not him having a dad or uncle with connections that could get help him in the business. At least that's how I read it.
AverageKong Posted May 11, 2023 Posted May 11, 2023 1 hour ago, just drew said: I’d be real tempted to make Rampage women only a couple times a month once Collision starts… That actually isn't a bad idea. They did so with a few episodes of Dark/Elevation. NxT has done it a few times as well as Impact. Even as a women's wrestling fan, I don't think AEW could pull that off regularly, but at least once a month, using Rampage to feature the female roster, develop their characters, and further storylines could work. 2
TheVileOne Posted May 11, 2023 Posted May 11, 2023 9 hours ago, porksweats said: He did not, Bix questioned it on Twitter himself and TK quote tweeted saying "No Bix, I definitely said TNT on purpose" Looking more into it, the announcement will be on TNT rather than Dynamite. That's very vague then. What time should we be tuning into TNT on Wednesday?
Stefanie Sparkleface Posted May 11, 2023 Posted May 11, 2023 5 minutes ago, TheVileOne said: That's very vague then. What time should we be tuning into TNT on Wednesday? Leave it on all day! Do you like Charmed and Supernatural reruns? Well my friend you're in luck! 1 9
Just Adam Bay Bay Posted May 11, 2023 Posted May 11, 2023 18 minutes ago, Sparkleface said: Leave it on all day! Do you like Charmed and Supernatural reruns? Well my friend you're in luck! What if I prefer Nip/Tuck and the reboot of Walker Texas Ranger?
Stefanie Sparkleface Posted May 11, 2023 Posted May 11, 2023 6 minutes ago, LF2 said: What if I prefer Nip/Tuck and the reboot of Walker Texas Ranger? Well, I respect your preferences but I'm afraid the best TNT can do for you is four straight episodes of Lucifer once Charmed and Supernatural are over. 3
Just Adam Bay Bay Posted May 11, 2023 Posted May 11, 2023 2 minutes ago, Sparkleface said: Well, I respect your preferences but I'm afraid the best TNT can do for you is four straight episodes of Lucifer once Charmed and Supernatural are over. I’d attempt to joke again, but I can’t find anything that the main characters from Lucifer started in that I watch. The other two were easy since I know Julian McMahon was a lead on Charmed, and Jared Padalecki was one of the leads on Supernatural. I guess I’ll have to settle for hoping the Young Bucks team with Kenny next week so I can hear the Supernatural theme song on Dynamite or Rampage.
Curt McGirt Posted May 11, 2023 Posted May 11, 2023 There are certainly... reasons... to flip on Charmed when you are stuck with nothing but fucking Rick and Morty at 4 AM 5
NoFistsJustFlips Posted May 12, 2023 Posted May 12, 2023 9 hours ago, jaedmc said: However, I will say that at least their special lighting doesn't take away from the match. They're not wrestling in Mountain Dew Black Lights and shit. Hard disagree. I love House of Black but I couldn't get into it. I'm not sure how this is such a hard concept for wrestling companies to understand but mood lighting for a character always sucks. Original Kane red light. Sin Cara orange light. The Fiend super red light. House of black dimmed lights with spooky flickering on all the screens. It's all bad. Sometimes standing out is a bad thing. As in this automatically gives fans a thought of why does this look weird and takes them out of following the narrative. I hope this aspect quietly disappears. Phenomenal show tho. Loved pretty much all of it. And I'm very glad Kenny didn't tear up his knee with that cage spot. That looked sooooo bad. 5
The Green Meanie Posted May 12, 2023 Posted May 12, 2023 11 hours ago, S.K.o.S. said: Interesting that Anna Jay vs. Julia Hart is heel vs. heel but in terms of how the match is worked, they made the decision to put Julia in the face role. She's more sympathetic. She may be Spooky Stevie Nicks, but she's not inherently evil, just spooky. Anna is in the JAS (at least I think she still is.) 1
The Natural Posted May 12, 2023 Posted May 12, 2023 (edited) Really liked Jon Moxley/Kenny Omega. I'd say it was the best of the four singles matches. Kudos to Omega playing Mox's game with the barbed wire and glass. Steel Cage matches feel a big deal in AEW like they used to in WWF/E before Hell in a Cell and the Elimination Chamber stole it's spotlight. Christian Cage is such a great heel. Great as a babyface as well. Good seeing Miro and Thunder Rosa escape the Phantom Zone . Edited May 12, 2023 by The Natural 5
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