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COLETTI last won the day on May 26 2024

COLETTI had the most liked content!


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    Weare, NH, USA

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  1. A woman's sports magic commercial set to a song about Robert Plant's penis? Huh... Imagine that.
  2. The imagery looked AI as fuck but the Cash cover is legit.
  3. Memories brought back, Googled FPD and found the Maniac Challenge doc by Bill Wood on GameFAQs, from when I used chris.murder as a screen name Fire Pro Returns will always be my favorite for what they added. Fire Pro World, while awesome, just felt wrong without the huge roster of fake-named wrestlers.
  4. Why is this even a talking point when AEW has indeed NOT signed every WWE "cast off"? Hangman isn't currently jobbing for Nic Nemeth ffs...
  5. Yeah I hadn't watched the original season until about a week before the newest one came out. This was fucking awesome and to get something like that so early in the season? Excited for what's to come!
  6. The retribution of Jeff Jarrett, love him or hate him, is fucking remarkable and TK & co deserve credit.
  7. Wild that we went from dudes like Tenta and Arn looking 50 at 25 to most of the current crop of stars pushing/over 40 yet looking light-years younger than those vets did in their prime.
  8. I give Malakai one benefit of the doubt - he was told at WWE he'd be on the same show with his wife if she signed a new contract, and then once she did, they dropped him. Yeah, most normal people would be forever bitter, but dude seems to really love his lady and want to be able to have less conflicting schedules. Plus him coming in led to Brody King so I legit hope he ends up happy with his decision to leave.
  9. Shibata/Takeshita ruled. GoA/HoH was rough in patches but I'm all for the Hounds as a face team, plus Gates in distinct matching colors helps their vibe. Queen Aminata rules, Yuka rules. The Callis Family Dinner was delightful. Really should've saved the Toni reveal for mid-match against Mariah but I can't dislike anything Toni's involved in.
  10. Just going to be the guy to come in and mention that Lashley spent 10 years between his stints in WWE wrestling in different parts of the world and TNA, and Shelton spent significant time in ROH, New Japan, and NOAH in a similar time period. It's not like these dudes are two Miz's.
  11. https://images.app.goo.gl/xj67vQCSNSAcnYfM6
  12. If it was as inspired by Romper Stomper as rumored, Yuta would be Davey and eventually take Mox out when it needed to be done...
  13. The one thing I'll give pedrobynumbers is if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have known there was a dude with an extremely similar name in my area who'd ripped people off in some wrestling related capacity - truly baffling.
  14. I'll predict it now: the Toni Storm we're seeing lately IS Timeless Toni performing her greatest role yet, and she'll use this brilliant deception to reclaim her championship!
  15. How has TK not booked Masato Tanaka?! Come one Coach, do iiiittttt!
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