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Brandon Bones

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Everything posted by Brandon Bones

  1. Here I go. Bringing up my simfed AGAIN. But topically it’s a coincidence this has come up (for me at least). Because I’ve been pondering the newish Gauntlet Matches on 2k24. I could totally fix up a 30 person Rumble with pins and submissions and all that. But it sounds like it would take a week to finish on sim. So it’s kind of the same issue for AEW. How long is too long? Could an over run past the normal end of the show drive them wild or make them beg for it to just end already? Would a consolidated match put too many cooks in the kitchen as it pertains to agenting the individuals. Could be a butthurt ego fest potentially.
  2. A hit off my weed vape in honor of the two time WrestleMania Main Eventer. Loved the ECW run. An unforgettable character.
  3. Risk averse for sure. But it’s an odd way to be these days since so many shows that are highly regarded and successful had either an iffy start in quality or mostly ignored as they built an audience. A course correction could have saved this show. My perception of it had much of the show laying track for a future. That world building has value. Plus, you’re already invested this far. Baffling.
  4. And for me that’s the gist of it for my complete turnaround on Swerve. Killshot and his run in MLW did nothing for me. But ever since the team with Keith Lee I’ve fully invested. He is great and was as great as Bryan was during the match, the entrance, the build. In the category of picking nits though. It’s tougher to swallow the Christian win in hindsight of his losing the feud to Edge. Not that his injury was in the plans of course. But it has forced a course correction that would have had more muscle if they’d had the foresight to beat Edge instead. It’s not like I don’t think The Patriarchy has the legs to be the top heel group. Cage will carry that entire act on his back and make it incredible (and he still might). But at the moment? I guess mixing in the Luchasaurus tease IS making use of available resources to keep a certain continuity. But that element by itself is definitely mid-card strength expected to hold up main event weight.
  5. Chefs kiss to the main event, Toni/May, and MJF/Ospreay. Money well spent.
  6. This post is why I’ll always be Daniel Bryan Danielsons #2 best fan. A placement I am perfectly fine with. Great post, sir.
  7. Additionally, any connection to CC dies after a short while. It’s like you’re only allowed so much time to browse before every reboot of the game feels like pumping quarters into an arcade machine.
  8. Thank you. Just THANK YOU!!! This came up today with my therapist. I have issues. Jay Lethal is a good wrestler and I enjoyed his recent match.
  9. Seeing all those names together really hammers your point. Especially, since they’d all be competing for roughly the same demographic on shows where the real estate of tv time is gobbled up by work rate guys. But AEW isn’t that old. There can be an ebb and flow or shifting of tonal gears to provide variety and material storytelling elements to really sell the show. And I still think even 5 years in the shows are still defining themselves in a way the MNR doesn’t have to. So I get why the thought of work rate kind of eclipses the sports entertainment aspects both in intention and execution. But IIRC danhausen and Cassidy are/were big merch sellers and really easy to “go as for Halloween” because kids liked them a lot. Market value attributes that should generate revenue. Or so I’d assume anyway. Business chat is a bit above my pay grade but it made sense to me to keep a guy around that onscreen they were hyping as this big merch seller.
  10. Is there any known reason why Danhausen is back doing indies and not in AEW?
  11. I died a little inside watching Punk play it like a fucking friendship bracelet had the power of those Egyptian snake guys in CHIKARA to straight up… hypnotize him. It’s like your exploding death match didn’t explode. Limp. Dick. Salad. Shame. ding! Shame. ding! Shame. Take anything I say with a grain of salt. I don’t watch the weekly shows. I’ve got no clue (mostly) of what the storylines are. So with that in mind… The show started off pretty good. Liv/Ripley and Logan/Knight were both very good to exceeding my expectations. Ripley could be the face of the company. How this company navigates Logan Paul from this point forward should be interesting. Awesome moonsault or not. I’ve got no patience. Enjoyed Priest, Gunther, and the JD implosion. Good execution that makes the earlier angle more impactful by proxy. It got me into it in a way that the main event failed to. Am I incorrect that my perception of Solo is that he isn’t quite seasoned or elevated enough to warrant a PPV main event in a stadium? I felt the same way about Priest but he largely overcame that by standing up to a beast like Gunther. It certainly didn’t feel like Sikoa had a chance to win at any point. Thats too bad because babyface Cody is doing great but it’s shit like this that’ll start a fan backlash.
  12. As of last night nothing had changed. But I’ll check it out later and report back. Not that the MyFaction stuff does much for me. My game is mostly to support my simfed. So my criteria for what’s good may differ.
  13. Just to continue the never ending clusterfuck that are WWE games. PS5 won’t allow you to download the Pat Whatshisnuts DLC. They even managed to fuck up a release that nobody was even that excited about. Just to make it that much more fucky. Mmm mmm. Shit tastes good! Oh! Sugar in my gas tank? Fine! Go for it. Might as fucking well.
  14. Shane in AEW is too crazy not to do. But it sure is a delicate situation that you’ll get one chance to do it right. Not impossible.
  15. Were they? Heh. I did LIKE the entrance as it really made me laugh. Now it’s even funnier because it also has “lore”.
  16. You’d think that would be the wisest plan. Because dual competing events on the same night is inexcusable.
  17. I swear Claudio and Yuta came up with THAT entrance 4 seconds before they went out there. They just held their arms out and shimmy back and forth in opposite directions. Then they had the nerve to high five about it. It might have been the weed. But I have to highlight a tremendous lack of effort.
  18. I wonder how differently Douglas would be remembered if the largest part of his run as ECW Champion wasn’t spent injured in the announce booth. If he was feuding and pulling heel bullshit with his established faction during that same length of time and still find his way to Tazz. Yeah. Probably a lot better.
  19. I haven’t clicked the link and I already KNOW!
  20. Didn’t care for Hologram. Maybe it was nerves or something. But definitely needed some smoother movement to fully get the most out of what were otherwise decent moves. Plus I miss Fuego.
  21. It sounds like they’ve got every reason to go. I’ve seen oodles of news posts over the last year or two of speculation about bringing it back. So if Shelton or MVP keep “putting it out there” to no response from the company…?
  22. I’m betting the Aemond look will be this years most common Halloween costume. Bonus points if you manage to make his teeny wanger a part of the ensemble.
  23. Well that was fucking awesome. MOTYC on weekly tv for free that pushed the much vaunted 60 minute broadway that all the old timers seem to respect so much. Count me in. The announcers for once didn’t go total goofball during breaks of Osprey/MJF. Liked the “Riggs needs to reset his shoulder” spot from Lethal Weapon. Which got a fun unexpected “eww” pop from the crowd.
  24. I had completely forgotten what this was so I went and looked it up. As kinda lame as the Jake/Martel blindfold match at Mania was. I do like the suggestion of having coaches at ringside yelling instructions as an upgrade to an experiment that never quite worked. I’m sure GCW could do a fun one with EFFY or Cardona.
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