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Technico Support

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Everything posted by Technico Support

  1. Finally saw it today, thought it was great!! NGL, the Captain America gag got me.
  2. Arguing that another company paying someone more than they would hurts the business as a whole. Every time I think WWE can’t sink any lower, they find another sub basement. “Now WE have to pay these interchangeable bags of meat more? God dammit!”
  3. The best thing I read, regarding Brit losing a step and being sluggish in the ring, was “she used to be a dentist who wrestled like a wrestler. Now she’s a wrestler who wrestles like a dentist.”
  4. Aubrey having to ignore Strong’s foot on the rope, and then having to step over his still on the rope leg to call for the bell, was hilarious. No idea what Mox’s deal is but I dug his Claude from GTA 3 cosplay attire. Hayter’s gear is weird. Looks like she had an accident in the crepe paper aisle. Taz was amazing during P in P, referring to himself as a “short king” and saying his has a 22” inseam but the torso of a 6’6” guy.
  5. I don’t know why anyone would rather see Christian face Danielson first. Christian was already Swerve’s first challenger and it was “post Mania 20, Kane as Benoit’s first challenger at Backlash” levels of apathy. I know TK likes Christian but at this point, leading a midcard stable is right where about where he should be. Making a guy whose first run started when Bill Clinton was still president your world title contender not once but twice is insane. Maybe it’s just me but I could not care less about Christian. Like I already don’t give two shits about Copeland, why would I care about his lesser pal?
  6. How long until Hayes was back? Was Henry still with the company when Hayes came right back to the same job? He should have squashed it on day one. Nobody’s going to mitigate the fact that Mark Henry repeated ate shit and smiled (once literally) and then stuck up for terrible people over and over.
  7. You guys are some awesome, supportive motherfuckers. I'm proud to be here.
  8. Really good review and I loved this part. The new synthetic was definitely the high point and yeah, any time they try to get cute with different kinds of alien hybrids, it's a shitshow. The Honest Trailers review of the original referred to the new Crow as Jared Leto Joker Crow, which is so on point from multiple levels.
  9. This is the kind of thing that just kills me about Mark Henry. He comes across as having zero character and no conviction. Not even no self respect...negative self respect. He'll just gladly eat all the shit his "superiors" shove at him and then carry water for them. Here's the list I can think of: Ate shit as a rib and didn't just straight kill the motherfuckers who did it. I'm sorry, I know there's a system of ribbing that's a tradition in wrestling, but no job is worth eating a fucking turd. Once you've done that, everybody knows exactly who you are and are not. Let cracker-ass Michael Hayes insist that he himself is "more of a (n word) than" Mark Henry. To his face. Accepted being called "The Silverback" without graciously or ungraciously explaining to the racist fucks in creative why that's not something you do. Every. Single. Time. that a black wrestler had anything publicly bad to say about WWE on the race front (I specifically remember ACH and that fucking Sambo t-shirt but I know there were others I can't recall right now), here comes "one of the good ones" Mark Henry to publicly insist that there's no institutional racism in WWE. DESPITE WHAT HAD ALREADY HAPPENED TO HIM. Goes on his stupid podcast/radio show for old white dads (with the equally loathsome Bubba Ray) and insists today's rookies are soft, have it too easy, and all those other chestnuts that certain shitty people will just eat up. Fuck anyone who thinks like this. Pulls this victim-blaming gold-digging bullshit w/r/t the Grant lawsuit. Seriously, guys. Mark Henry is trash, has no dignity or self respect, and sold out his character to Vince, etc. a long time ago. We all just got too wrapped up in the salmon jacket, air bill, "somebody gonna get their wig split," etc. to pay attention.
  10. It's weird to me that All In weekend came and went without an announcement on the TV deal.
  11. I have no idea what a stone is, just the Bush album Sixteen Stone, but best of luck, my man!
  12. Holy shit I haven’t thought about The Maxx in 20 years.
  13. I don't doubt at all that risk-averse Hollywood would take this as the lesson. But honestly, Acolyte just was not good. Take away all the bullshit outrage from the racists/misogynists/most toxic elements of a fanbase, and you still have a disjointed show with maybe one or two good episodes that lost the plot, wasted a great opportunity to tell an interesting story, and really shit the bed. Also, nobody wants a Sith who looks like an underwear model. I knew this show was cooked when that dude got out of the water all pouty and dripping with a six pack looking like he spent more time doing crunches than he did studying the eldritch ways of the dark side.
  14. I'm burnt out on Star Trek but I'd recommend Mayor of Kingstown in a heartbeat.
  15. You reminded me that I saw this in the theater when I was 10. TEN.
  16. Pulp Fiction, which I just rewatched, turns 30 this year. Fuck's sake. Time passing just freaks me out. Listening to Smells Like Teen Spirit right now is akin to young me in the 80s listening to 50s doo wop, time-wise.
  17. It was cooler today, so I ran for eight miles...longest I've run in a while. The mid-Atlantic Summer heat and humidity just saps it out of you. But it was in the mid 60s (F) this morning, which was great. My "random shit" playlist that I've been using for running is hilarious. Only place where Rick Ross rapping about selling drugs and giving women anal pleasure in Acapulco segues into "I Want It That Way."
  18. PPVs from this year are $20, but previous years are 10. I’m in Maryland but Triller thinks I’m in London, sometimes Manchester.
  19. Shit like this has me hoping to live to see the day in maybe a generation or two when nobody running wrestling has a connection to the carny days. HHH was trained by Kowalski and learned booking from Vince and his cronies, so it’s no wonder he’s a subscriber to the “your race = your gimmick” school of booking. Shit, “brown” seems to be close enough for him…doesn’t one of his Latino stables have a Filipino in it?
  20. If it keeps getting traction, look for Mark Henry to issue a statement to the contrary any day now.
  21. Stuff I saw over the weekend, to steal other, better posters’ gimmicks: Shirley (Netflix): A telling of Shirley Chisolm’s story, much like Black Wall Street, something I never learned in school and had to learn from a streaming service. Very good, lightweight, easy to digest story of our first black female congressperson and presidential candidate. Alien: Romulus (theater): just fine. Not bad, not great. The addition of Prometheus plot points to this interquel was a real turd in the punch bowl. Fuck Prometheus. Alien Resurrection was better than Prometheus. Yeah, I said it, Knock at the Cabin (Peacock): better than the book, which had an unsatisfying and ambiguous “was it supernatural or were these people just crazy?” ending. Dave Bautista is the best actor I’ve seen in person fake fighting in skimpy pants. He’s the best part of the movie.
  22. I’ve only seen Danielson wrestle live once, which is weird, but what a match — Danielson & Joe vs KENTA & Marufuji for ROH in Basketball City.
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