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Everything posted by caley

  1. I believe this was the talking point about the NXT women/horsewomen. In particular, I remember a lot of "Sasha Banks/Charlotte Flair won't be able to have good matches on the main roster when they aren't able to rehearse their matches for weeks at a time". And it was wrong, and it's still pretty much wrong.
  2. That song is still amazing. So I read this as as "Tony came out dressed in a DIAPER" and went "No, I don't know wanna know where this is going".
  3. Picturing Mojo Rawley sprinting into an office in a suit (probably with the sleeves torn off) and racing around the room screaming "Stay hype!"
  4. Read this as "my Meng Haiku thing" and thought we were about to be treated to some violent poetry!
  5. I thought it was hilarious that Alexa Bliss came out to an ENORMOUS reaction then Charlotte came out to a big reaction and the announcers had to fall all over themselves to talk about Charlotte's pop that was not near as big as the Alexa one. Women's Rumble was all right. I thought the first half was interesting but the second half sacrificed all the interesting stories (Liv being a sneaky heel, the NXT girls stepping up, Iyo's iron woman run, Bayley trying to go b2b) in order to give Nia more eliminations was dull. Thought the men's Rumble was terrific. Bron picking up and throwing Fatu out when he did was really brilliant because it was such an impressive power move that the crowd, whom had gotten super into Fatu, popped so big for the move that they didn't even really boo it and prevented then from hijacking the star-studded end run. I just wish they'd handled Dominik's entrance a little different because it was really funny to interrupt the mega-star run with him but I don't think they played it up enough, should have had a bigger delay, maybe even lights out before his entrance. I also think he would've been perfect here for getting destroyed, then hiding under the ring and coming back right in the middle of the end run. In short, I think they underused Dominik, haha
  6. A few years back, I think it was even pre-WWE, I saw an interview with Ricochet and at that point knowing a bit of his ringwork and style was surprised that he talked about how growing up he just idolized The Rock, figuring he'd be namedropping Mysterio, Benoit, Liger etc. etc. like most of the indy/Japan guys would. But you can see him leaning way into his Rock fandom with this turn (Even with his People's...Moonsault? last night) and it's made him way more interesting.
  7. I Saw the TV Glow: I tried to watch this once and couldn't get into it, gave it another chance because people loved it so much. I can't say I completely get it, or even really love it, but I do have to give it credit for being so thoroughly single-minded confident in its singular vision. Two teens bond over a youth-oriented TV show only for one of them to disappear. And then thing get REALLY out there. Quite beautiful and eerie and sometimes downright disturbing. So I LIKED it but not completely in love with it. I may watch t one more time as it's fairly short. Dirty Dingus Magee: I HATED this. I know it's the 70s and I'm fairly forgiving about blatant racism in other eras (I LOVE 'Holiday Inn' and as bad as the blackface is, the discussion on the blu-ray where a critic say, "You can't really FORGIVE the blackface because it should have always been bad, but Bing likely saw it as a tribute to minstrel shows which Crosby always raved about and not an attempt to make fun") but I could not get past Magee's love interest being a Native American, played by a white girl in a miniskirt whom repeatedly said "Din-GOOSE, we make bam bam now?" Anyways, it's one of those wacky old Westerns with repeated double-crosses and sex jokes and I friggin' detested it. Woman on the Run: This was another one I got 30ish minutes into and got bored and turned off, then gave it another shot when it turned up on TCM Noir Alley. And, actually, it's pretty great. Ann Sheridan plays a woman whose husband witnesses a murder and goes on the lam, and she's aided in trying to track him down by a reporter (Dennis O'Keefe). The duo trade some barbs, get into various mishaps while trying to stay ahead of the police and the murderer. There's some questionable plot points, but the last series set in the carnival with a roller coaster ride from hell is pretty great. Kill the irishman: I liked this, especially Ray Stevenson's performance, but I think it could've been better (I'd like to read the book!). Stevenson plays an irishman (but not THE Irishman!) who rises up from the docks to become a major figure in the Cleveland organized crime scene. I felt there were too many characters gven major importance who disappear offscreen for long periods then suddenly reappear (Usually to get killed and give the movie more...weight?). It's funny cuz when Stevenson and Linda Cardellini first get together, I went "There is WAY too big of an age gap here and it's throwing me off" and then I looked it up and they're only about 10ish years apart and that's a tribute to Stevenson looking way older than his age and Cardellini looking way younger than her age! The Marvels: I read a review of this that said the first 45 minutes or so is basically people explaining things to each other without ever really explaining anything which is pretty spot-on, really. I did greatly enjoy the half-assed explanation for folks who haven't watched the Marvel TV shows about how Maria/Monica Rambeau (I can't remember which Rambeau is which) got her powers "I walked through a witch's hex." It's right up there with Halloween 3 when the big bad is talking about how they stole a one of the Stonehenge stones and explain it by saying "I can't even begin to explain how difficult it was to get it here!" and that's the end of the explanation. Anyways, it was short, it looked cheap (One sequence where Captain Marvel flies into the back of flying ship does not in any way, shape or form looks like anything other than an old video game), the big bad was mediocre.
  8. Watching the 1988 Royal Rumble and the Dino Bravo tries to set a weightlifting record is INTERMINABLE. This is clearly such a Vince segement! The crowd doesn't care but they keep slowly increasing the weight amount and Mean Gene marvels at how much Bravo is lifting, gets into little verbal spats with Frenchy Martin, Jesse argues with Vince, and the crowd continues to boo him and there is no payoff. Okerlund: "You could be eye witnessing history in the making!" Crowd: "Boo!" It is in the neighbour of 16-17 minutes and the entire point is that Dino and Jesse Ventura cheat (?!) to break the record. No one comes out and goes "Hey he cheated!" Vince just says it over commentary. Truly remarkable un-entertainment.
  9. Oh my God, this works?! I've been trying to highlight the page number in the address bar and replace it with the next page number like a sucker all this time!?
  10. https://www.sporcle.com/games/buttscounty/wcwtagteams (not my quiz) I ended up 4 short of getting them all (And one was definitely in 2000 and I think the other was in WWE)
  11. Well to be fair Lashley and Benjamin challenged for and won the tag titles after 1 win in 2025 as a tag team...but then again the champions they beat are somehow also only 1-o as a tag team in 2025, too (per the pre-match graphics!)
  12. I watched a DREADFUL 1950s flick last night called 'Stolen Face' where a doctor was so upset about his unrequited lover marrying someone else that he performed cosmetic surgery on a female inmate (He had a theory that disfigured criminals would change their ways if their face was changed...no really) to make her look like his lost love (Luckily for the inmate, his lost love was played by Lizabeth Scott!) and so Scott played two characters: a bad girl with a cockney accent and the good girl and it was terrible and bad but the entire time I couldn't help but think it would be a great angle for Toni Storm!
  13. I'm not even the HUGEST fan but it should be Ospreay. Just have him give a spirited "I didn't come to AEW for NWO 3.0, bruv" promo. I don't think there's anyone outside of him (or Darby but he's away) who would make everything feel new and fresh with a victory than him. Plus you have easy feuds to plug in for the next few months (Fletcher, Okada, Omega, Callis and fam, Ricochet Eric etc). His never-ending feud with Callis feels like such a waste of someone so organically over withdraw crowd.
  14. Really enjoyed the women's casino, Taz's return, Joe's return, and some of the main event. Really hated the good guy in the MJF feud slut-shaming his mother and girlfriend. Also thought them using Owen Hart's death as that "Oh no MJF went THERE!" comment seems like EXACTLY the kind of thing Martha Hart wanted to prevent happening when she kept Owen's name out of wrestling shows mouths all these years. I used to think WWE would be salivating at the prospect of signing MJF away from AEW...now I'm not so sure they would even offer him a deal if released. My favourite is the DEAD silent crowd followed by him yelling "I said shut up!" and two people boo, so he does it again. If this feud continues down this path, Double J might lose his "last ride" momentum and not have to worry about his title shot. I also like to imagine Edge and FTR watching the Death Riders swarming Hobbs backstage on a monitor and going "Wait, let's see where they go with this...oh they just just re-broke his knee, I guess we should amble on out there." --- I got to say, after not really watching a Dynamite all the way through in the last little while it is REALLY WWE-heavy now. It's not quite early TNA where guys would walk off of Raw, into a title match over an established TNA guy, but I find it REALLY obvious. Hurt Syndicate (with their mostly non-wrestling manager!) quite easily dispatching the tag champs and a recent ROH world champ. Mercedes getting a vignette. Ricochet getting a promo but Swerve not getting to him in time. Mox and his 60% WWE guys beating down Hobbs, only for a WWE team to run them off (After the guy has already been demolished). Maybe it's just cuz WWE has had SO many wrestlers under contract over the years, but I used to like that AEW featured guys WWE wouldn't/couldn't sign (Omega, Lucha Bros, some of the ROH guys) and guys who thumbed their nose at WWE (Jericho, Mox who wanted to do something different) and now it's kind of turned into Velocity co-starring some AEW guys. Or maybe the Death Riders deal is just grinding me down...
  15. That reminds me of my favourite Stevie Ray commentary - well except for [spoiler]when he confronts Lex Luger in the crowd and lists a hilariously low amount of people watching and Tony has to talk over him to cover for it[/spoiler] But when Tygress hits this move later on, Stevie shouts [Spoiler]Face fulla' yak! Face fulla' yak! Don't strike back![/spoiler] That would not be funny coming from any other announcer but is HILARIOUS when he does it!
  16. None of us made that one! The only other televised wrestling show I made it to was a Smackdown several years later with a main evenr of McMahon-Lesnar in a steel cage which was, quite obviously going in, a swerve in which Lesnar would turn on Kurt Angle, that nevertheless INFURIATED the Kelowna crowd resulting in lots of chanted "Bullshit!" and other cussing that seemed to cement Kelowna as not worth returning to, as I don't believe we've had another televised show or even a house show since.
  17. Ah, my beloved Kelowna Nitro! Some fun stuff from being at the show. -My brother, my cousin and I basically wandered around the arena area for 1-2 hours before the show. At one point,we spotted Dave Penzer strolling around and asked him about the show ("It's gonna be a fun show! Everyone's gonna be here!") then asked him point-blank if Bret Hart was there ("Oh yeah, everyone's here!")...lying bastard. -I was basically all-in on everything wrestling at the time, even listening to all the PPVs rather than paying for them in good, old-fashioned scramblevision, looking stuff up online when given the chance, compiling a Top 10 kayfabe rankings list etc. etc.. So when Vince Russo came out and started talking about "Your hero Goldberg!" my friend turned to me (We actually became friends because at work he was trying to tell two disinterested friends of his about Nitro and "that guy with the skeleton suit" and I chimed in with "La Parka" and he was all happy that someone else not only watched wrestling but cared enough to know the names that we hit it off) and was like "Wait, are we supposed to cheer for him now?" and all I could offer up was a shrug. -My cousin and brother who got comped tickets "courtesy Mr. Goldberg" were on camera every time they cut to the announcers. My mom went in to check on him that night and my cousin said "Auntie Liz, that was the best night of my life." Life got in the way, time has rolled on, and last summer I saw him for the first time in 22-23 years, he has a wife, two beautiful twin girls and one of the first things he tells me is how he just re-watched that Nitro and showed his daughters when he was on camera. -That main event was the WORST! For one thing, we were all expecting a match. For two, from our seats in the skybox we couldn't see the screen so all we could hear was Goldberg talking about something and some of the crowd reacting to it and the rest of the crowd who couldn't see it, turning to other people and going "What happened?" And for three, there was no dark match to send the crowd home happy, everybody just stood up and walked out like "Show's over, see ya!" and that was it. -I can't remember if it actually made it to air or ended up as C-show match, but on Thunder they do some sort of handicap match with BC-area wrestlers and there was one guy Juggernaut whom we all thought would be a big star because he was 6"+ and like 400 pounds and did moonsaults and bled buckets and hardcore matches and the like and I saw he was going to be on there and when I finally saw it, it was the most disappointing thing because he was, in all actuality, not that good and his pants kept falling down and got not offence in and the big takeaway from the match was Stevie Ray repeatedly going "His britches are falling down, Tony!" So, I hope you do get to see that!
  18. In a much sillier part, I LOVE how they try to get over a catchphrase where one announcer says "It's Raw", the next one says "It's uncensored" and " It's uncooked! " which is genuinely a bad catchphrase (You really want people to think "uncooked" when describing your show? Is that a positive descriptor?) but is made even better that Macho and Bartlett keep forgetting to do their part, then later Vince says "It's uncensored" and Bartlett, who has most likely been talked to during a break, robotically adds "It's uncooked" and Vince stumbles not figuring on Bartlett's Pavlovian response. Eventually at some point they basically stop what they're talking about as Vince says let's get this right, and they go through the whole deal again and Vince is laughing but you know he's just seething underneath. It's a genuinely terrible show in almost all aspects (The Mike Tyson thing with Bartlett doing a bad impression is just interminable) and a hilariously entertaining car-crash especially knowing Vince's desire to control everything about WWE's presentation and his craving of creating a mainstream entertainment show and how badly it fumbles away from that.
  19. Watching the first Monday Night Raw and Rob Bartlett is clearly terrible, but it's funny how he seems to genuinely irritate and befuddle Vince McMahon to the point that when Bartlett spots Doink the Clown in the crowd and calls him "Dork the Clown", Vince McMahon forgets the name of his own creation: "That's Dork! What a name for a clown. Dork?" before Macho goes "His name is Doink" and McMahon echoes it "It's Doink, not Dork."
  20. Even better, the channel that shows Cheers reruns (Yet seems to be trapped in an endless loop of 'Wings' reruns as of late, of all shows!), is CMT. Yes, that did once upon a time stand for Country Music Television but now just shows no-longer-current sitcoms: Cheers, Wings, The Office, Schitt's Creek, that little-seen post-Community Joel McHale show where he worked with millenials. No country music, no country-themed programming, still called 'CMT' with the same logo it had when it showed country music videos all day.
  21. Wrestling weirdness! USA Network acquires the rights to Smackdown over 5 years, USA hasn't really been available in Canada, until this week. In Canada, AEW runs on TSN (Kinda like a Canadian ESPN) but only airs Dynamite (Only showing Collision or the other show whose name I forget when they're in Canada, btu available online if you subscribe to TSN's online deal) while Sportsnet has the rights to WWE. So, WWE goes to Netflix and Sportsnet replaces it with TNA. And tonight, out of nowhere, AEW Collision airs on...USA!? So, Smackdown airs on USA Network in the States, but in Canada the USA Network airs WWE's rival?!
  22. This is the first time I've had the majority of the back WWE catalog at my fingertips as a longtime Netflix subscriber. So far, I've watched the first two 'In Your Houses'. It's actually no wonder the NWO was so big because the WWF is so CORNY, here. I was a bigtime WWF watcher but kinda lost interest in high school/after Bret Hart lost the title, but I gravitated back toward it when Hart formed the Hart Foundation group. But these shows are SO clique-heavy (Which I know in retrospect but wasn't aware of at the time), the first show has Razor match, a Diesel main event, a phonecall from 123 Kid recovering from injury and SO many references to Michaels even though he isn't on the card. The second show has another Razor match, a 123 Kid match, a Michaels match and another Diesel main event. But it's actually quite funny because Diesel does a promo on both shows and they're pretty dreadful, Michaels does 2 promos on the second show and they're REALLY bad, even forgetting what the name of the show is but Vince is just enamored of them, praising them non-stop, laughing at all their jokes. it's WEIRD, man. It's kinda like Vince finally got to sit at the cool table with Shawn and the clique and he's so worried about screwing it up. But the funniest thing on the two shows is Jeff Jarrett doing his concert because, even though Jim Johnston has the songwriting credit on it, I assumed Vince had a lot of input because No. 1. He LOVES the song and No. 2. It sounds like a song you could imagine Vince singing; in the car, in his office, angrily over the phone to Jim Johnston when the early versions don't do what he wants. So, Jarrett "performs" it, Vince keeps saying things like "Wow!" and doing that "fun" Vince chuckle and talking about how surprised he was at it. Then they cut to Petengill in the crowd surveying the fans about it and, of course, Jarrett being a heel and these being WWF fans of the era, the kids are like "It's not bad", "it's terrible" and "it's ok" and you can practically hear Vince's heart breaking going "Oh.", "Well?" and "Tough crowd". I laughed really hard thinking of Vince ranting afterwards "Goddamn kids wouldn't know good music if it kicked them in the ass!" then driving home, listening to 'With My Baby Tonight' and weeping. Also, somebody is really monkeying with the lyrics that are displayed when you try to Google it. "You call me narrow-minded About music and stuff like that So I called you retarded And I'm sorry If I ruined our little chat" No, Musicmatch, I do not think those are the lyrics to "With My Baby Tonight"
  23. Quoted for posterity
  24. There was a terrifically bad Big Vito promo in late WCW where he tried to get over a thousand different catchphrases at once but delivered them all poorly and kind stilted where he said "I've been hearing things...I've been hearing things...I am the goomba of ooh-aah, the Pavarotti of shots to the body and they feel real...good!" that my brother and I had queued up on a video and would just put on every time we walked past the VCR and laugh at.
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