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Curt McGirt

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Everything posted by Curt McGirt

  1. Also, I finally like Jarrett after him being my most-hated for... well, his entire career. Only his rookie babyface shit in Memphis, the MMA bit with the kids, and this remorseful old legend are good looks for him.
  2. Blood and Guts was a pretty good CZW match albeit with no (real) glass. I always detest handcuffs in my wrestling but I guess it was okay this time. They also did the Chairshot Heard Around the World! Despite that I think I liked Jericho/ Suzuki even more. Ex bringing up Kobashi/Sasaki immediately as I did was pretty great. ...I skipped the Shida match haha
  3. Those were all individual drones? That's crazy.
  4. How stuck-up do you have to be to try and take an axe to the PA at a folk music festival? (Speaking of which there was a funny anecdote in the Thurston Moore book about Sonic Youth being invited to play an all-acoustic benefit show with Neil Young. They got there and everyone was electric anyway, and of course them going acoustic was so bizarre that they gave up and smashed their instruments. Neil's kid, who has MS or something, told them "everyone has a bad day sometimes".)
  5. The most Tarantino-esque thing ever was Killing Zoe and it was TERRIBLE. Speaking of which, I watched about 20 minutes of Love Lies Bleeding last night before Colbert came on. That definitely felt like a bit of a throwback. It was pretty goddamn graphic sexually, odd seeing Kristen Stewart as a vulgar lesbian, and really odd seeing an ancient, balding-but-long-haired Ed Harris as a gun runner.
  6. I worked for a year at a Goodwill and we never got in anything good. I bought maybe a total of three things there the entire time. Everything worthwhile went online. We trashed piles upon piles of books. The only two I remember buying were Nicholas Pileggi's Casino and William Burroughs' The Ticket That Exploded, and I had to jump through hoops to get those. Two nice tape cases, though -- they made me revisit my love of cassettes and start collecting again (plus the price of vinyl went through the roof). EDIT: I did find a cool black trenchcoat there, though I've never worn it. I guess I just wanted to have a Columbine piece in my wardrobe? They always said I was gonna shoot up the school anyway... Two things that I remember we got in all the time: Joel Osteen materials, and Duck Dynasty shit.
  7. This might be pithy to bring up here, but because it reminds me: harmonica sucks.
  8. Same here, so here are mine 1. I watched and rewatched (just to figure it out) the Skye injury and feel so bad. A single upside I can think of is that she will be a surprise entrant (maybe even with the SABU~! blackout) on a match in the future and they scoop her right into a feud. 2. Who is Hologram? Smart of them getting the best base in the fed aside from Claudio to work with him. He wasn't quite Blitzkrieg level as they made him up to be, but he'll be a fun addition. 3. Deonna and Rosa still need to be tagging. Rosa is still shaky. Heel work would let her cover that up. Actually with Taya they would be a good trio. (Oh no. That opens the idea of a women's trios title. For god's sake I hope Tony isn't reading this...) It was good seeing all the ladies out there. Abadon still needs more airtime. 4. How the fuck Mortos does what he does wearing a gigantic Halloween mask is beyond me. I love YOU, Gordi As far as the cowbell goes, did anybody else hear it ringing constantly during that promo? And speaking of which, did anyone else get the super awful crack AEW audio team last night too? That shit was doubled up and echoing all over the place. Cut the live audio when you do backstage stuff!
  9. I watched almost everything. The open was fun, as was the Jericho BS. But you can't get me to stop watching faster than announcing "Lucha Bros. vs. Private Party".
  10. I gotta give a shout to my homies in Obscene from Indianapolis, who just released their third record, Agony & Wounds, on Nameless Grave Records. Old-school death metal (which I guess has its own acronym now, OSDM... lame) in the Asphyx/Obituary mold... or "mould", if you will (get it?). https://obscenedeathmetal.bandcamp.com/ https://namelessgraverecords.com/ Nameless also have some other good stuff like Altar of Gore, the tremendous re-release of Twisted Tower Dire's The Isle of Hydra, a demos record from (The Lord Weird) Slough Feg that they just put out, and they have a cool and varied distro encompassing the whole oeuvre of metal -- black, death, thrash, doom, trad., etc. Go pick up a copy of The Story of Death SS or Hellfire's Dominion by Desaster!
  11. You can't go wrong with the first two Crimson Glory. Granted, you have to be braced for the style -- think Queensryche. Slightly polished US power metal, but still with an edge. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcWO4tIrDNM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQse56PWDDI "Glory, to red shaaaaarks..." EDIT: Not picking up the CD of Transcendence that sat at 2nd Chance Records when I was a kid was a big mistake... but then there were a few of those, in retrospect. Vinyl wise I should have grabbed Death Angel - The Ultra Violence, Living Death - Vengeance of Hell (I just stood and wondered over the cover), Scandinavian Metal Attack II with Bathory and Oz, Loudness - Thunder in the East, who knows what else I'm forgetting. They had a picture disc of Venom - Prime Evil hanging over the metal section that was a whole whopping, price-restrictive $30!
  12. Also, is it just me or is he shrinking?
  13. I guess people are pissed about Absu being on the bill considering Proscriptor McGovern kicking their trans guitarist out and alienating the other members. There's a friend I have who basically took the opinion of "shut up, whiners" and I told him yeah, they don't have to protest the whole fest, just stage a walkout of the band instead
  14. I had a really good friend my collection was gonna go to, but let's just say that idea is off the table. There is one other person locally that I could see taking it, I guess.
  15. I watched State of Grace yesterday and man, you talk about a great cast trying to make chicken salad out of chicken shit. Gary Oldman was great as ever, Sean Penn and Robin Wright had the most thankless tasks of carrying the material (Penn actually has a line where he has to say the movie title) and Ed Harris played the same asshole he always has. John C. Reilly showed up, too, but... so what. There was a really bloody shootout at the end but somehow Penn gets shot to shit and they don't show him die. (Sorry, but I don't care about spoiling a movie I wasted my whole afternoon on.) It's supposed to be based on the Westies, and I guess Oldman is supposed to be Mickey Featherstone, but in real life these guys would have been whacked out long before they got to pull some of the things they do.
  16. The role of Cornel West will now be played by David Bautista
  17. I filled out the questionnaire and there's no way they won't summon at some point. I put my most convenient month as April, so hey. I wouldn't mind my civic duty if... *insert argument* But that's a discussion for the Discord, not here.
  18. Open the flap and stick it in the dishwasher?
  19. 1. Why would you give away full character deaths in a trailer 2. I can see the "Aliens" in the "Alien + Aliens" this is supposed to be. So much for scary. I dunno, maybe I'd have to play Isolation to be scared by this stuff anymore.
  20. I have a wish for my record collection to go to the Urbana Free Library but god knows if they have the space or want money along with that to take it. It's not really much space, but who knows. I'm gonna look into it at some point.
  21. Don't forget the appearance of wrestling participator Kid Rock! Or do. Or try.
  22. I'd be fine with that, but ROH Pure title should stay for ROH to have a secondary title. It's got a cool gimmick, and it'd throw them a bone. Not to ask for yet more gold but never having a women's tag with all this other shit around is really stupid.
  23. I just had a thought. What if there were seperate bookers for every section of WCW. Lucha/cruisers, lower-midcard and jobbers, old guys + prestige matches (the Flair Section), US title. Never shall the twain meet. That might've been the only way to make ANYTHING really work is if it was all done independently and there was no crossover.
  24. https://www.fangoria.com/alien-romulus-popcorn-bucket/ GOOD LORD
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