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  1. Just once, I want someone to call a press conference to "apologize" and walk up to the podium and say, "Fuck Donald Trump, and everybody down with him," and walk away.
    7 points
  2. The actual show I was talking about was at the Civic Center, where FSU plays basketball. It was Dusty's last gasp in Florida, around 1989. I think the place your Dad went was the Tallahassee Sports Stadium, an old Butler building with bleachers on two sides and folding chairs around the ring. I went there once when I first came to Tallahassee in 75-76. I'd just moved over from Jacksonville, where I went to the matches at the 10,000 seat Coliseum every week. Was not at all ready for the culture shock of the little Tallahassee place. My friends and I -- who may have been a little high, maybe-- walked in and plopped down on the near set of bleachers without much thought. We sat there shooting the shit while the crowd came in and we waited for the first match. At some point, one of us noticed that we were the only white people on our side of the building. Then we looked across to the other set of bleachers and saw nothing but white people. We were sort of stunned-- even redneck Jacksonville had integrated crowds at the wrestling matches. We stayed put on the black side of the arena that night. We also never went back there.
    5 points
  3. How about a wacky TV show with Blackman, Schultz and New Jack, where they run run their own bail bonds/skip tracing/birthday party entertainment company, and hilarity ensues. Can these three mismatched hotheads survive this wacky business --- or each other? Answer: they can - through the magiks of friendship and comedy. This is the programming we need to heal our fractured souls. - book it, RAF
    5 points
  4. I think the old WWE stuff on FS1 does well enough. I mean it's not like they were thrown on FS2 which is on the cable equivalent of an old UHF station you needed to get with the old Fox viewing positions.
    4 points
  5. If any one is interested in participating in a quick survey about wrestling habits
    4 points
  6. I hate to hear this, but hope things get better for you when all of this is over. I honestly feel like the most destructive thing we've ever done as a society is create this idea of American exceptionalism. We really think we're special, when we clearly are not. We are going to destroy our entire society, because people are too dumb and too selfish to do the bare minimum in the name of helping someone else. Seriously, almost every other country has this shit under control, because they are willing to stay home and wear masks without calling it a deep state conspiracy. I guess that is what happens when you create a society that is based on profiting of the exploitation of the most vulnerable. Seriously, this shit is crumbling right before our eyes based purely on the fact that we created a world where considering others is a sign of weakness.
    4 points
  7. "All The Things She Said" combined with Victoria's Titantron of her having a mental freak-out is probably top-five in best song/tron combinations.
    3 points
  8. I disagree with this. The only time I've really felt that from Io in the states was the MYC final against Toni. With Sasha it felt like they were just starting to let loose and hit the next gear before the interference hit.
    3 points
  9. Brandon Thurston set up that poll. He's a really good wrestler. And I'm sure he used to post here, too.
    3 points
  10. A tale of two divisions. The Miller Lite Catfight Girls are now backstage and they meet Torrie Wilson and Stacy Keibler. Torrie is reading her own Playboy, probably because Norman Mailer was writing about the decline of Swinger culture and the unsustainability of heteronormative monogamous relationships. Stacy has been reading Al Reis and Jack Trout and wants to share marketing scenarios with the girls. The implication here is that these 4 girls go off to fuck. Victoria has the Women's title, and deservedly so. She's a fine worker who has gotten over with a insane tough-girl/pseudo-lesbian gimmick -- oh, and she's got Stevie Richards with her. Possibly because the Blue Meanie was occupied. She's facing Jazz and Trish Stratus for the women's title in a triple threat match. There's not so much a story as these are the top three workers in our women's division and Lita is hurt (iirc). Jerry begins his race-baiting nonsense by the way, by saying Jazz looks like Mike Tyson... more on THAT bullshit in a bit. I am very sad WWE has apparently lost the rights to "All The Things She Said" by fake(?) Lesbian Russian group t.A.T.u. (I add the ? by fake because there's a theory I've given a hair of credence to that these girls are in 2000's Russia which is not exactly the most tolerant place in the world, so they double-agented themselves, so they said they were fake lesbians, but actually were lesbians.) ATTSS is one of the best entrance songs for any wrestler in this era. Wiki says this was 7 minutes long, so they all clearly had their working boots on. And again, like last year, this match was great. It's basically non-stop action from the moment the bell rings and the ladies all hitting their spots and selling well. Changing alliances have Vicky teaming with and turning on each of her opponents, and both of them doing the same with each other. The pacing was great also, as all three of them can go, and they all hit their stuff. Hell, even Richards did his part terrific. End came as Trish hits Stratusfaction on the interfering Richards, is about to get a Widow's Peak from Victoria... but she reverses and nails a Chick Kick (unnamed then for some reason) for the win and her 4th Women's title to a huge pop. This match gets very outshined by what's to come, but it's a great little bit of story that Trish has learned from her mistake the year before and made sure the third person was out of commission before finishing off the champ. The fact that it took Vince and WWE another 10+ years before they finally believed in Women's wrestling is sad. The shift to the Playboy girls and the 'Divas' instead of women did a disservice to the ladies who busted their asses and got over a VERY quick match.
    3 points
  11. LOL The moment I saw that @MavsFan77 had responded, I knew it was going to feature whining about AEW bias. Learn a new tune, man.
    3 points
  12. he had cool m0vez, he beat up Bradshaw in an airport, he was fun to play as on the PS games, and Head Cheese. Lot of wins there.
    3 points
  13. My son has a favorite stuffed rabbit. Because he's inherited an inability to name things from both of his parents, the rabbit's name is Bunny. Anyway, he's decided that July 8 is Bunny's birthday. Over the last week this has somehow become a bigger and bigger deal. A few days ago my wife and I looked at each other and said "we're going to have to take the day off, aren't we". So we are. I felt kind of silly at first, but at this point fuck it. He's had a crappy year like most kids. He's an only kid of two only kids, and he's been stuck at home with only his two parents that still somehow have to do their full time jobs. He's barely seen any of his friends since March. He probably won't go back to daycare, and will likely not ever see most of the kids he's been in class with for four years again. In normal circumstances I would never take a vacation day for this. But this thing is making him happier than he's been in months, so hell yes I'm going to take the day off for the rabbit's birthday.
    3 points
  14. Vince McMahon is due to watch Jackie Brown, so maybe he’ll bring in Blackman with a Max Cherry gimmick.
    3 points
  15. Quick note: If any of you have ever been to a Tournament of Death, I'd love to hear your experiences. I am always intrigued by live accounts and that "On The Road" style review of how the day was (What did you eat on the way and how did you get there, what workers were wandering around and how did they interact, what sticks out in your mind that day). So post all that in here to help expand on the experience good brothers and good sisters! Preface When I was a kid in the 90s, I was your typical WWF fanboy. Growing up in Denver right after the Denver Auditorium was remodeled into the Buell Theatre and the AWA no longer had a viable arena to run (and WWF ran them out of town), the WWF was the only game in town. When I was 6, I became aware of another wrestling promotion when a later night scroll through the channels presented me with WCW Pro. Not as flashy as the WWF, I’d make note of it but wouldn’t really actively follow the shows for another two years or so. Around 1997, a kid in my class who I didn’t normally talk to walked over and showed me an ECW catalog because he knew I liked wrestling. I was shocked. I hadn’t known this level of violence before and I was still about a year out from really falling down the rabbit hole of professional wrestling and trading tapes through the Wrestle World boards. Imagine my even bigger surprise when my 12 year old friend let me borrow the Onita tapes he bought off of the internet! Fast forward to 2002 and I was hip to a lot of the forms of wrestling. ECW and WCW was dead, my enjoyment of the now-WWE was dwindling and the only thing that could really hold my attention was this backlog of AJPW and random death match wrestling I was finding and trading for. But one of my main problems being a 15 year old kid with a short attention span was the lack of commentary. Now don’t get me wrong, Japanese wrestling has commentary. In fact, it has glorious commentary with passion and emotion that can sometimes be lacking on American wrestling promotions. But no amount of studying the Japanese language or being absolutely attentive to the goings on could get me through an entire show in one sitting. It was this crossroads that I began to question my passion for American wrestling. Would my English viewing soon become limited to occasional Raw and Smackdown fast-forwards to see the one or two matches or angles on the cards I cared about supplemented by 70s, 80s, and 90s cards I had seen a half dozen times? Enter the indies. I had heard of the indies in 2000 but with ECW, WCW, and a VERY HOT 2000 WWF on my television, I had no need to seek out additional wrestling. But now in 2002 where I was hungry for a change, I needed to know more about that indies. This is where a new friend steps in. The friend that introduced me to ECW had long since stopped wrestling but a new friend at school had a similar propensity for hardcore wrestling but wanted something different. We met in high school and after learning of each other, we began to trade our tapes with each other and when I introduced him to tape trading on the internet, a whole new world opened. He had RF Video catalogs but didn’t know that on Crazy Max or The Video Zone, you could dub your tapes to trade with others. Quickly he began reading about Jun Kasai getting so beat up in a match that you could see the bone in his elbow. He immediately got the tape and suddenly a whole new world opened up to us on that first viewing of Un F’n Believable. I credit CZW and very soon after ROH with re-invigorating my fandom in professional wrestling. After seeing the initial CZW tapes, I found myself drawn to Best of the Best (even knocking a live Best of the Best off my bucket list on 2017 in Orlando) and then ROH’s style of professional wrestling. I still enjoyed a bit of hardcore wrestling but the evolution got too extreme even for the guy who sought out Sabu’s bicep tear and Jun Kasai’s elbow bone showing at the end of the match. But now, in this time of quarantine, I think it is time to give it another go. So as I lay here on the couch on the top floor of my house with a disc shifted from sitting too much, I am going to start and watch through every CZW Tournament of Death on the HighSpots Wrestling Network (Best 9.99 in the biz~!). Now obviously this won’t all occur in one sitting. Or from the same place. One thing about me is I always watch wrestling in some interesting places so this journey will be no different. Today it starts on the couch, tomorrow may be from the elliptical in the basement, the day after from the Electric Car Charging Station at the Target, the day after on an iPad as I lay in the tub drinking a Red Bull Vodka (from a wine glass so I can feel classy with my death match viewing), and if this virus ever lets up we will see if we can freak out passengers someday soon on a plane as I venture out for more live graps viewing. This journey will be a long road, let’s see how far away from the couch it will take me.
    2 points
  16. I dunno why you're confused, VileOne. I was agreeing with you for once out of like a thousand plus posts you've had here.
    2 points
  17. Rand made a career out of demonizing government assistance and then died on welfare, so it’s actually very on brand.
    2 points
  18. Of course he pluralizes with fucking apostrophes.
    2 points
  19. Danhausen. He's one of those indie guys who decided that being a strong gimmick was a great way to get over. Here he is interviewing the stars of RoH:
    2 points
  20. My parents were busy trying to get me out of wrestling at the time so I would sneak upstairs and flip between both channels. And in the process I drove myself crazy. But funny thing is while I can technically pull up NXT on a second screen I find it hard to concentrate on either show if I'm watching both. I tried that the first couple shows and would scrap that after 20 minutes of it.
    2 points
  21. Guys, I love this so much. Debusne was a pissy, whiny, mugging heel (méchant) but he was up against another one and it was his moment: This is such a cool set up for a head twist:
    2 points
  22. I’d have to watch both in my room as I did the same thing, and my dad would demand I give him the remote. ?
    2 points
  23. Guys it don't matter. We all have our preferences. I remember the board loving Brock Lesnar vs. CM Punk and I thought the match was mostly dumb. It happens
    2 points
  24. This is an incredible straw man argument. I defy you to find one post of mine where I have compared Io/Sasha to Shida/Penelope. This idea that I’m putting down one to favor the other is a figment of your anti-NXT conspiracy-obsessed mind. Unlike you, I’m capable of evaluating these things based on their own merits, irrespective of the other. And if most other people liked Io/Sasha more than me, cool! I didn’t post my opinion with the intention of changing anybody else’s. Just thought I’d talk about the most notable match of the week on the ol’ rasslin’ talk board.
    2 points
  25. LOL they probably cheated on the test
    2 points
  26. I went to my first wrestling show since going to Future Stars of Wrestling in Vegas right when COVID hit (Ring of Honor cancelled their shows that weekend 3/4 of the way through my road trip). The show was Primos Premier Pro Wrestling doing a Black Wrestlers Matter show in a bar in Denver. The bar would only allow 50 people into the building including the wrestlers so there was a smaller crowd with clustered seating for people going together (with their names on the chair clusters) and everyone was required to wear their masks outside of the wrestlers, commentators, and the referee. Definitely a new world we are temporarily living in but the crowd was still rowdy and excited to see live wrestling again and it made me happy to be at a show since I'm used to going to 30-40 shows a year. The main event was a banger, two guys in Colorado who I think are going to hopefully be big names later are Marlion Bishop and Justin D'Air. Bishop has some size to him and is a daunting figure and D'Air is a good flyer who will put his body on the line for a spot but also makes the spot make sense. Anyways, just wanted to share. With the COVID cases rising, I am probably not going to go to any more shows for a while until cases start dropping. I signed up for the Jericho Cruise and assume I won't be at a live show until that point unless things get better and I'm able to journey back to Tokyo for WrestleKingdom. Be well good brothers and good sisters.
    2 points
  27. One guess... Amazing that the owners couldn't even bother to wait for the season to begin before they stopped caring about players' health. I'm guessing we're about 2 weeks away from a strike.
    2 points
  28. Morricone is in that rarefied air of artists where someone unfamiliar with him or any individual movie he scored would still be familiar with references to his work through cultural osmosis.
    2 points
  29. I had no idea that is why the bird was there. I thought it was just Harv being creepy Learn something new
    2 points
  30. Anyone else have deja vu scrolling this board? I'm sure we had this exact conversation before and RAF here replied with something exactly like this. I think I need to go outside or something ?
    2 points
  31. I’m guessing you’re referring to Dusty’s return to FL just before it finally dried up. My old man grew up on FL and used to see it every time it came to the old place that’s not there anymore on Capital Circle at the Crawfordville Hwy I think. Might have been the Big Ben Jai-Halai place on Hwy 20 (lol!). Talked about it until his death and he didn’t talk about many things. I wish I could find Dusty Rhodes vs Pak Song which was his favorite match. We’re from Monticello. I recently found this that I thought w neat. We were pecan farmers, and by extension pecan buyers. Idk if you know what all that means but that means we know the names of all these little towns lol Newberry Fl...never would have guessed Dusty Rhodes wrestled in that town. https://sportsandwrestling.mywowbb.com/forum2/42917-11.html
    2 points
  32. Steve Blackman is such a weird case. Half of the Blackman fans I know like him earnestly, half of them like him ironically. And I don't know a single person who actively dislikes Steve Blackman.
    2 points
  33. I'm going to keep making gifs of headbutts, ok? I also like the gut shot and the reaction here: Match is full of a lot of this. Just guys beating on each other. I think he almost kisses his fist there but I'm not sure: And a punting knee:
    2 points
  34. Steve Blackman: - one of the least divisive wrestlers, popularity-wise - all dig SB - most universally popular across the board (workers and marks) - decently pushed (but never a top guy) (minimal merch, tho') - good run during a peak era Wotta guy. - RAF (big fan, too)
    2 points
  35. Why yes - I am enjoying this week
    2 points
  36. They should record their own theme song, "We're Not The Bobbies"
    2 points
  37. "Match to be won by suplex" it's not really fair letting Scott Steiner pick his own match gimmicks.
    2 points
  38. Cheri Bibi vs Paul Debusne. Bibi we've seen a bunch of and he doesn't generally impress. It's all about who he's in there with. Debusne has great hamming and a bad, pissy attitude. Look at this takedown by Debusne. So good. Here's a bunch of finger manipulation: Leg splitter with a headbutt to keep him down:
    2 points
  39. Lashley and Fish get teamed up as “The Bobbies” and are given a London police gimmick, complete with helmets and terrible British accents. Fans chant along to their exciting catchphrase of “What’s all this then?”
    2 points
  40. Well, they are a retro promotion.
    2 points
  41. 2 points
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