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  1. Nice that France is playing up one of things they’re most famous for, the menage a trois!
  2. When is Assassin’s Creed: Paris Olympics coming out?
  3. What was Canada wearing? The boat gimmick is kind of lame.
  4. Some channel needs to run Dick all day on August 9 to celebrate the 50th of Nixon resignation. Also, Dan Hedaya's Nixon is one of the best and in my mind most realistic, totally blows away the Ed Sullivan impression Anthony Hopkins does in Nixon.
  5. Thanks to Bobby Heenan they'll always be "ham-n-eggers" to me.
  6. I really wish they pull some sort of swerve and pick up the next half of the season after the Sekai Taikai, have both Miyagi-Do and whatever Kreese's heel team is called get smoked by the other countries, then have the rest of the season be them dealing with it.
  7. I think just select theaters, I saw it either the Wednesday or Thursday before the main release day at an AMC.
  8. The roadshow version of The Hateful 8 had a 12 minute intermission.
  9. Ummm Linda was the head of the Small Business Administration during Trump’s reign and she ran for Senate a bunch of times.
  10. I think that’s because he made it in his garage.
  11. What in the blue hell are they wearing? Haven’t watched the All Star game in years, was pumped to see some Black and Gold on the mound in the 1st inning. Those AL uniforms are really bad, how does someone approve those?
  12. Jake pointing and the crowd reacting if Martel was or wasn't there was a good idea, but The Model needed a manager to shout where Roberts was, then at some point he gets DDT'ed to make it The Snake + the fans vs. Martel.
  13. It totally looks like something AI would create today.
  14. This is amazing! There's actually legit great info in it but is bizarre with the Yinzer Sheriff, the English women introducing segments, the 80's editing, the boom mics in the shots, and Amarraca Grocery Store, which I'd only heard about since it was in the hoity-toity North Hills.
  15. Duvall’s Faerie Tail Theater was one of the weird( in a great way) things that could only happen at the start of cable tv, you had huge stars and character actors doing children’s plays, everyone seemed to be having a blast and they’d air between movies like BMX Bandits and Saturday the 14th.
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