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sabremike last won the day on November 5 2022

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About sabremike

  • Birthday 11/12/1977

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    The Church of The Magic Giraffe


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    What do the Sabres & The Titanic Have In Common?

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  1. What Charlton did was such insanely unprofessional bullshit and Tony had every right to be livid about it. Really getting sick and tired of all the anti AEW grifters at this point, there's plenty you can criticize Tony for but this is absolutely NOT one of them.
  2. Schlitz Malt Liquer + Mantaur = MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Marvin Lewis is RIGHT THERE.
  5. An important part of the story was that Charlton going completely off the rails put Rocky in a really awkward and uncomfortable position and he was clearly not happy with it. That's likely the main reason he got punished.
  6. There was a reason for the shoot beating he took at the ECW Arena I noted earlier...
  7. IIRC Chad was the guy New Jack legit beat the living shit out of in a tag match at the ECW Arena and was like the infamous Mass Transit match later that year where it was a premeditated assault with Jack telling Meanie (Chad's partner) beforehand to stay out of the way.
  8. Honestly it all worked out in the end as Gaylord would eventually end up finding his true calling in life: Robbing banks.
  9. Yes, but barely. We need: 1- Beat the Yinzers. 2- Dolphins to lose today (they play the Jets next week so yeah...) 3- Chiefs beat the Broncos.
  10. That uncomfortable feeling when you have to root for the Browns...
  11. Season has sucked but beating the team up north twice is always good.
  12. I saw the video and Eddie is the one who clearly initiated physical contact by slapping the drink out of the guy's hand.
  13. One reason that I would love to see all the lowlife grifters who engage in bad faith "criticism" of AEW rounded up and placed on a remote island in the Pacific that is nuked until it glows is that it's led to Tony and the company shutting out legitimate criticism which is hurting them badly.
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