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Tabe last won the day on January 14 2015

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    Joe West Fan Club

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  1. Trying to get out of it for your job, child care, etc., is totally cool in my books. Getting out of it because you don't wanna do it, not so much. And I admit to having been in the latter group for awhile.
  2. I used to try to get out of jury duty. Then I realized, if ever I was falsely accused of something, I'd want me in the jury box. So I don't try anymore. I've served once, as foreman on an appeal. It was a good experience.
  3. Spokane just tired its record for most consecutive days of 90+ at 16. Sunday is supposed to be 106.
  4. Crowdstrike trashed Linux servers a month ago.
  5. Youtube has been hitting me with recommendations of clips from A Man Called Otto so I watched it (again) last night on Netflix. Saw it in the theater when it came out. This is my first time since then. This is a movie I like a lot. There's a lot that you could dislike here with cliché characters like the spunky Hispanic woman, the gruff-but-lovable-underneath older man, and so on. But it all works. Tom Hanks is Otto Anderson, a very rigid man with a strong belief in a sense of order who is seemingly angry with everyone and everything. His world is turned upside down when new neighbors, led by Mariana Trevino, move into his quiet planned neighborhood. Trevino takes what could be almost a parody character and plays it all out, turning her Marisol into a force of nature. Throughout the movie, Otto repeatedly attempts suicide only to be repeatedly foiled in his attempts in different ways. As the movie plays out, we see Otto's younger days (played by Tom's son, Truman) as he meets his future wife and, eventually, the reason for his bitterness and anger. There are a ton of funny moments, some really dark moments, some emotional ones and it all just works. The cast is excellent. This is a movie that was hurt by its advertising as audiences were led to believe it was a comedy not a dramedy with multiple attempted suicides. Anyway, I like it a lot. 8/10. No, I have not seen the European original or read the book.
  6. Abducted in Plain Sight is flat out insane. Parents are each - separately apparently - having affairs with guy. Guy kidnaps daughter for 5 weeks, brings her back. Daughter says nothing happened, guy isn't prosecuted. Guy kidnaps her again 2 years later. Daughter survived and somehow forgives her mom enough to write a book with her that covers up dad's affair. Poor girl was failed by everyone. The documentary left me thinking the parents let their daughter be kidnapped.
  7. I met several famous people when I had season tickets for the local minor league baseball team. All of them were awesome: - Wayne Gretzky, hockey mega-superstar - Steve Garvey, baseball perennial all-star - Mark Rypien, Super Bowl MVP quarterback Talked for a good 15 minutes with Garvey. He was my friend's hero and I brought him to the game specifically to meet Garvey, who was being honored (he played in Spokane). I'd met Garvey the night before and gotten a photo. My friend wrote to Steve when he was a kid and Garvey wrote back! My friend had kept the letter all these years and showed Steve, who was VERY impressed. Took out his phone and took a bunch of photos of the letter. He was so, so nice. Another of my favorite stories is from high school: The Detroit Pistons were hosting a video watch party at the Palace to celebrate the release of the commemorative video of their NBA title (first one, I think, can't remember for sure). On the way to the arena, my friend is telling me this nonsense story about working at the movie theater the night before and meeting John Salley. And how they're now friends and just this whole made-up BS. We get to the arena and park sort of near this sports car. The door of the sports car opens and out steps GIGANTIC HUMAN BEING John Salley. I'm saying, "Holy crap, that's John Salley!" Salley looks over and sees us and yells, "JOHNNIE! HOW YOU DOING MAN? SO GOOD TO SEE YOU AGAIN!" We talked for a sec and then Salley went into the arena. So, yeah, my friend wasn't making up his story.
  8. It does look really, really good. If only they would release a PC version so I could play it...
  9. I love this movie. Clint's character in a lot of ways reminds me of wife's grandfather - grumpy, set in his ways, etc. He wasn't a racist like Clint's character though. I've watched it probably 6 or 7 times, always enjoy it.
  10. I think that's a terrible idea. Yes, it would draw more eyeballs than the current setup but I can't see the players liking it.
  11. I saw the trailer for Trigger Warning and just cracked up. Absolutely nothing about Alba gives off a vibe that she'd be credible in such a role. I'll probably still watch it though.
  12. MKBHD with an awesome look at the technology used in golf broadcasts: https://youtu.be/MV1qaFv4VUg?si=J5DVtdKuSF3giQEn Highly recommended.
  13. Craig Monroe apparently took lessons from Mel Hall.
  14. Henry Aaron is upset you left him out of the 500/200 club (he has 240 steals).
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