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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/2016 in all areas

  1. They misspelled massage and youths in the Lawler headline.
    7 points
  2. The giveaway for me would've been, Punk wouldn't have thanked anyone.
    3 points
  3. Abyss is going to burn the building down when Dixie takes his red Swingline stapler.
    2 points
  4. Sage cut off the dude from Arcade Fire RIGHT before the Bernie endorsement. Pretty epic use of celebrity game MVP speech if I do say so myself. If this was TNT they would have asked a follow up health care question before transitioning to a Chuck vs Win Butler debate. Man, ESPN sucks so much.
    2 points
  5. Jerry Only is the third most recognizable member of The Misfits and they haven't really been "The Misfits" in decades. It's like if Duff McKagan started touring as Guns 'N Roses. I got a kick out of the interview because I kind of knew what to expect. What's fun is to listen to his WCW stories, then listen to Vampiro tell the same stories on AoW, then try and figure out who's more full of shit.
    2 points
  6. "Make Batman look really, really strong."
    2 points
  7. That moment when you realize that is not the opponent with red hair you want in the ring with you "Hurray! Godzilla has run Gigan and King Ghidorah out of the city! OH SHIT! GODZILLA IS LOOSE IN THE CITY!"
    2 points
  8. Every second I'm watching SPOOKIES I feel like I'm getting stronger. I've never felt more at home with anything in my life. Nate, you magnificent son of a bitch, I feel like the reason I was guided by the universe to start this thread was so that you could lead me to SPOOKIES.
    1 point
  9. This looks like the most important movie never made. Dammit I'm missing it too. Okay....I've got it on. This is obviously the movie that you and I and every 11 year old kid would make if someone put an electrode into our brains and turned whatever was in there into a movie, right? I mean, it's perfect. The fact that it seems to be made with mostly props from Spirit Halloween Store makes it even more so.
    1 point
  10. So I'm taking this thread over and making it my own. I'm going to be doing an Ironman playthrough on Normal difficulty. I will be renaming characters shortly, and I'll be going by "Top Posters" list.It's actually Unknown, not the Long War. But I think it should be fun to check out. EDIT: I'm making it Normal cause just everyone dying would be boring. I'm way too rusty at this game. Also, Damage Roulette, New Economy, Not Created Equally, and Hidden Potential will all be turned on. Just to make things weirder.
    1 point
  11. Bob Holly mentioned it in his book. And no, there was no given reason. When he asked why they were dropping the belts they had no real answer. I would guess the Gunns were originally scheduled to win the tourney and Billy's injury made them unable to compete, so the Gunns winning the next night just returned to the status quo.
    1 point
  12. Watching the above Cesaro vid made me think, all these injuries might not be the worst thing to happen long term for WWE. If, and I appreciate its a massive IF, they handle the returns of Cena, Rollins, Cesaro et all correctly it could really shake things up and do good business. Depending on when and how he returns Cesaro could get a massive ovation and seem like a big deal. Of course now he will return in a mixed tag match on Main event.
    1 point
  13. Also, I've never understood how or why Jeff Hardy is charismatic. I think a lot of the fans cling to his run with the Hardy Boys because other than that, he was just very boring to me in the ring. As a tag team guy, he's great, which I suppose is how some people see Seth.
    1 point
  14. So.. um.. I'm going to leave this Total War WARHAMMER video here and walk away slowly before my head explodes with excitement, less then two months until release date!
    1 point
  15. This is a different conversation, but if you put Waltman in today's WWE, with so many opportunities to shine and have extended matches, I think his resume is easily equal to Seth. Also he was a way better promo.
    1 point
  16. I could see that.
    1 point
  17. WELCOME TO YOUR DEATH VALLEY DRIVERETTE~! for 02122016! Here ya go. ~!~ BIG JAPAN PRO WRESTLING- 1/24/2016-[RASMUSSEN] These three. ATSUSHI AOKI/ DAISUKE SEKIMOTO vs DAICHI HASHIMOTO/ KAZUKI HASHIMOTO: This is the new thing Big Japan is doing these days- taking three guys you know and inserting a third guy you vaguely know about but you aren't really sure. I know I've seen Aoki wrestle before in NOAH but I have no earthly idea who he is if you just put the name up there. Ah NOAH, how I have skipped over so much of you. As I gaze at Aoki's cagematch.net profile, I note that he has wrestled all over the world and in every major promotion in Japan- including 30ish matches in New Japan, 300 in All Japan and 700 in NOAH- but this his first year ever to wrestle in Big Japan. I assume this is from the eternal collapse of All Japan. Daichi Hashimoto moves one pound closer to Total Shinya every week, and I must say that it is very thrilling to watch. For those new to the world of Japanese wrestling, Kazuki Hashimoto and Daisuke Sekimoto are Big Japan Strong Style guys who will beat the living doghsit out of you. I am excited. Let's watch. Pre-match Aoki and Sekimoto talk about things and then I wonder if Cagematch.net could develop a way to cross-reference wrestlers, because Sekimoto wrestles 170 times a year, for any promotion on earth that will provide his guarantee, transportation and a raw deli platter- so the odds are good that if this tag team has 4,000ish matches between them, they had to have carpooled together to one of those Real Japan cards at some point and maybe, just maybe, became friends. But actually, if they were friends, it seems like Sekimoto would hook him up with more BJPW gigs, as Big Japan draws actual people while All Japan draws whoever is still working overtime at the particular warehouse they are running that day. But I really digress. Aoki and Kazuki Hashimoto start off the proceedings punching each other in the face. Man, don't tell me I have back and watch 3,000 Atsushi Aoki matches. Aoki does a fun stunned face when you elbow him in the face. After 15 seconds in with Daichi Hashimoto, he kind of stumbles into his corner with a "I'm too old for this stuff" face and Sekimoto tags in and Aoki rolls out the ring to the floor (possibly to get in his car and go home. Which would be hilarious. ((But he doesn't really- Dean after watching the whole match.))) Sekimoto and Daichi trade armbars and wristlocks and sleepers and shoulderblocks as they build up to the Strong Style aspects of the match- which would naturally lead to a Greco-Roman fingerlock into both of them beating the hell out of each other. Sekimoto succumbs to the beating and thus takes full brunt and fury of Team Yamato in all of its majestic kickiness. Aoki stands on the apron watching the leather fly, saying, "Better you than me. I got 13 matches in 13 garages next week." Aoki tags and slaps Kazuki a few times and hits a DDT and tags out. I'm digging the cameo aspect of Aoki's part in this. "Hey man, you work here I'm just visiting. I'm not gonna get all up your business." Sekimoto and Kazuki pulverize each other with chops and forearms and they get progressively more spectacular until Kazuki lands a lariat and tags in Daichi to give Sekimoto the full measure of his manly offense. Aoki is on the apron, "I'm right here for you, buddy" as Daichi kicks Sekimoto's Adam's Apple out of the back of his neck. After several more assorted kicks, Sekimoto tries to TRANSITION to offence with an Argentinian backbreak but Daichi counters into a sleeper that causes Daisuke Sekimoto to FEEL the VIBRATIONS of the Spirit of Nelson Royal as he hits the picture perfect Atomic Drop. Daichi Hashimoto feels the GLOW of POSSESSION as the spirit of Dick Murdock takes over and he does the "OW! MY HINEY!" fit on the mat. It's pretty great and a fabulously strange foray out of Strong Style. Aoki clocks in and gets in a really nice one footed dropkick and then does the same as Daichi is sitting up on the mat. Daichi counters a suplex attempt with a DDT and tags in Kazuki who kicks Aoki in the face and then brainbusts the visitor. Double Hashimotos then take turns kicking him until Sekimoto makes the save with a Spear and truly monstrous EXPLOIDER Suplex. Aoki tries to seal the deal by hitting as much as he can on Kazuki- Missile Dropkick, a QUALITY Dangerous Backdrop. Kazuki fires back with kicks and Aoki does the old man headbutt after a kick to Kazuki Hashimoto's face. Kazuki then fucking lays a kick directly and deeply into Aoki's teeth and then hits a TOTAL Daisuke Ikeda-level Death Valley Bomb to just fucking crush Aoki for the win. Jesus, Aoki takes a break from Akebono landing on him and SUWAMA lariating his skull into the forklift over there just to take the nastiest finisher in Big Japan Strong Style history. Aoki, you are my new boy. Yeah, you should watch this. http://rutube.ru/video/bc662ad860313a840db22c00291cfb22/?pl_type=user&pl_id=1067514 HIDEYOSHI KAMITANI/ KOHEI SATO/ SHUJI ISHIKAWA vs HIDEKI SUZUKI/ SEIYA SANADA/ YOSHIHISA UTO: When I first saw the line-up for this match I thought to myself, "Why are doing the Japanese equivalent of the SST and the Samoan Savage against the Ding-Dongs and Lee Scott? I'm against it. I'm just confused" Then I started watching the match and realized that Hideki Suzuki is that Wrestle-1 guy who is actually the ZERO-1 champ- thus the reason he and Kohei Sato are in the same match. But yeah, wee Sanada and Uto the Rookie are there to be beaten to a pulp. Which I can get behind. This ain't no Sunday school. Sanada has a fancy outfit, like he should one of those ROH tagteams that wrestle for the New Japan Junior Tag Titles and who bounce off the second rope for every move. Kamitani tries to SHOWBOAT the Big Japan Strong tag title to deflect from the fact that the Twin Towers really do tower over everybody else in the ring. He also seems delighted that he isn't receiving end of a Kohei Sato ass-beating. Uto, not so lucky. Sanada and Kamitani start the match- and one would assume that Sanada will try to WRESTLE wrestle Kamitani for as long as possible, staying away from Kohei Sat and Shuji Ishikawa and thus feeding his teammates to the alligators so he can live longer and wake the next day with far less wiggly teeth. Suzuki is the Z-1 champ from W-1 so he and Sato go all Shoot Style in this Strong Style-branded match, with Suzuki trying to procure as many Volk Han-isms as he can. Sato fights out them and they do the shoot style lounging kneebars routine. Sato stomps the ham string and they officially start beating on each other until Suzuki hilariously tags in Uto. Uto visually conveys "What... what WHAT?" as Kohei Sato welcomes him to the world by laughing at his headbutts and front chancellorys him to tag Shuji Ishikawa- Japan's Greatest Living Crowbar. Uto does a few seconds of attempted armwringing- as if to say, "YEAH! That'll work! We'll do an armwringer and that way he w..." Ishikawa crushes his face with a forearm. Uto tries to put on his big boy pant and FIRES BACK! Ishikawa crushes his face with a forearm. Kamitani tags in and Uto takes a far more reasonable Big Japan Strong Style ass-beating. Then Koehi Sato tags back in and Uto's desperate forays into FIGHTING SPIRIT are met with indifferent crushing kicks to the chest. And then Ishikawa tags in and mercifully merely rips Uto vertebra apart slightly with a half crab. Kamitani hits him with several dozen shoulders in the corner to set-up a JUDO FLIP for two! Uto has the hilarious look on his face of a man arguing with a lady at the DMV as Kohei Sato tags in and Uto tries to somehow kill the giant grizzly bear with his switches of chops to he chest. Kohei the grizzly doesn't die, but he does begin the just fucking endless assbeating that Uto contines to absorb. Kamitani comes off the toprope to accentuate the Inverted Falcon Arrow that Kohei lands; and Kamitani has the look on his face of absolute glee of being on the Twins Towers tagteam and getting to just throw in little things after they have fucking destroyed an opponent. It's like being the placekicker for 1985 Bears. Uto kicks out and Kohei is amazed at the rookie's toughness/stupidity. Suzuki tags in after Uto gets in a forearm and it's back to a regular wrestling match. Jesus. Ishikawa just fucking CRUSHES Suzuki's face with a forearm to set up a wad of Twin Towers power moves until Suzuki dropkicks to tag in Sanada who picks up on the dropkick theme by hitting a lot of dropkicks on Ishikawa. It's as if to say, "I'm 32 and a veteran. They can't just beat me to a pulp because I'm 150 pounds! MY OFFENSE! IT SUCKS! SO WHAT!?!" Sanada goes for a German and they spin around until Sanada procures the Octapus hold- then everybody gets Held By The Octapus! Sanada does the hilarious thing of remembering that this is a Strong Style so he just tries to trade forearms with Shuji Ishikawa. You laugh. I laugh. Everyone laughs. Except Sanada. Sanada gets crushed by a forearm. But he does trade a couple and gets in a dropkick to the knee that he probably should have opened with. Kamitani tags and decides that he should prove his worth by mauling the fresh guy like the Towers mauled Uto, starting with a RW Hawk Shoulder block off the top rope. Sanada fights off the Dangerous Backdrop and hits a rana to allow him to tag UTO~! So I think we all know where this is heading. Uto hits a high knee and leg drop and then a really good brainbuster for two. They triple team Kamitani with Suzuki hitting a sweet backbreaker to set up Uto's Guillotine Legdrop! Not the awesome onee with a forward flip but still a Guillotine for two. Then an ACTUAL Lariat for two! Kamitani hits a shoulderblock after ducking a second lariat. The Twin Towers come in a beat the fuck out of Uto for a minute to set-up Kamitani's Nodowa. KAmitani does the magnificent EVEREST Backdrop for the win! Your big winner... UTO! For the sweet batch of finishers at the end. And Sanada for not coming off as a wuss and for instigating a "trading of elbows to the face" section with a guy who will knock all your teeth out. Postmatch, Shuji Ishikawa and Hideki Suzuki call each other pussies and I'm a-hoping they settle it in a Z-1 ring that is captured and uploaded to the internet. Very fun. You should watch. http://rutube.ru/video/d894f4a34bfea127e264d3ad8215c8ab/?pl_type=user&pl_id=1067514 YUJI OKABAYASHI vs RYOTA HAMA: HOLY SHIT, IS THIS AWESOME. MORE MONDAY. http://rutube.ru/video/bf5df99fbea233234831d4ff0c2f78e1/?pl_type=user&pl_id=1067514 TOMORROW: Is Saturday! I prolly won;t write anything! Watch that Okabayashi/Hama match though. It is fucking MANLY.
    1 point
  18. The Jerry Only interview was Austin's most interesting podcast in months for all the reasons you guys have mentioned. Someone needs to do the research to see if those Misfits segments were popping the quarter hour ratings and pushing back against Raw's growing dominance in 1999.
    1 point
  19. and now "James Bored at Work Watching Youtube Videos Presents..." James
    1 point
  20. Wouldn't he and Thomas be a great pick and roll combination? Brent Barry was ripping Houston during the GSW game about how they were continually having Dwight work the block, which isn't his strength. But Harden is better at ISO play and driving to the paint, so they're building around him (as they should).
    1 point
  21. TIme to start a second character.
    1 point
  22. https://twitter.com/Mar10Du/status/697962925974294529
    1 point
  23. Pretty sure I saw Liv's finisher on Twitter somewhere. EDIT: Boom: https://twitter.com/Mar10Du/status/697962925974294529 Not familiar with Sombra/Andrade, what are some good matches to watch of his?
    1 point
  24. Was talking about Kanye and his, erm, proclivities with a co-worker tonight (not that I think there's anything wrong with them) and he responded: "Well, Kanye West likes a lot of things that other people don't." My response being: "Yeah. Like himself!"
    1 point
  25. Holy shit, I laughed my ass off. Triumph with the PC College kids is the best thing I've seen in years.
    1 point
  26. Could someone please do that to Dolph Ziggler? I mean for fuck's sake now he's wearing "Born to Raise Hell" on the back of his tights and the only two Motorhead songs he's probably ever heard are "Ace of Spades" and "The Game". And he's raised so little actual hell in either the ring or real life, at least from what I've seen and heard.
    1 point
  27. Turned on the computer this morning to learn that my friend, Mark Nulty, the owner of the Wrestling Classics Message Board lost his battle with cancer yesterday. Anyone who is interested in the old school wrestling owes this man a debt of gratitude. Can 2016 possibly get any worse?
    1 point
  28. So I bought a year of EA Access on XBone. Played around a bit on UFC and Madden 16. Madden 16 looks great and the gameplay is pretty impressive. Looking to dive into Dragon Age: Inquisition soon.
    1 point
  29. Enjoy your lifetime suspension from baseball, Jenrry Mejia... idiot.
    1 point
  30. Oh yeah, has AJ used the same finisher twice yet?!? Roll up against Jericho, Styles Clash to Axel, Calf Crusher against Miz and the flying forearm this week. Love it. Even though he lost clean I think they are doing a great job with him for the most part.
    1 point
  31. The only decent thing Shannon Moore was ever involved in was this:
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. I like the show, but the Kardashian name-dropping is embarrassing; they've had more air time than Nicole's children.
    1 point
  34. That's what did it for me - my wife lost a bunch of weight and it inspired me to do the same. Combined, we're down over 120 pounds.
    1 point
  35. If no one is ruled out yet I would like to push for Rollins a bit more. People really hated his HHH lite promos and I get that, but he was the in ring workhouse for a solid chunk of the voting period. I would definitely rather have Rollins in this thing than Ambrose if I had to chose between the 2.
    1 point
  36. There is a difference between "getting fresh" and clear unwanted sexual advances. If a boss fires you for flirting, I guess I see a grievance. This dude sexually harassed a woman. It doesn't matter who she was allegedly sleeping with.
    1 point
  37. Oct. 2013, I was over 240 pounds. I've been consistently below 180 for all of 2016 so far. It's amazing how many more clothes fit me now.
    1 point
  38. Two versions of a car I don't want, Plus a gun I already own and would love to get rid of. No thanks. The shark card stuff has always made me curious. Not questioning the overall business model. They've obviously made a shit ton of money this way. I just wonder if they could've made more if the cards weren't so insanely expensive. $100 for $8 million in game money guarantees they'll never get a penny from me. If it was $10, I probably would've bought one or two. It seems to me that the number of additional sales they would make from lowering the price might more than make up for the price drop, Would also love to know how sales have been doing recently. They've added a bunch of new stuff. Most people probably can't afford all if it without paying real money. However, the number of people that are playing enough to pay real money for this must have dropped off significantly by now. The few times I've been on recently, I've had a hard time finding a room with more than 1-2 people in it, and I've not seen any of the new shit, outside of Benny's. What I really want to know though, like I mentioned in the general video game thread, is how they're gonna do this for Red Dead. Are they gonna have a special horse named Zentorno that has up-gradable legs, can be painted lime green, and that makes you invulnerable if you ride it backwards? I have no clue how they're gonna monetize online for that game, but I'm damn sure they're gonna try. When it does come out, it better let us hijack trains, so that melraz can drive us around.
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. Just in case anyone missed this slice of fried gold. Bonus: Finn being so into it he almost busts his ass again. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10153518033521443&id=7175346442&_rdr
    1 point
  41. Finally putting on the new Dream Theater. Musically it's par for the course and excellent, but so far the lyrics play like a bad parody of a rock opera. I mean, track 2 is actually titled "Dystopian Overture."
    1 point
  42. I'm about 2/3 of the way through Tim Hornbaker's NWA book, and its kinda weird. Not bad per say, but not good either. Lots of interesting stuff, but its not well written. Poorly organized, and repeats the same stories two or three times from the point of view of different guys. Its almost as if its a compilation of different pieces about the NWA, because there is little to narrative structure binding each chapter together. I've read more than enough good history books to know what one looks like and this isn't it. . . .
    1 point
  43. Most of the tedfowler361 shows are Austin talking shit, which is my favourite version of the SAS
    1 point
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