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I will say this...I didn't know much about the Young Bucks before, but a bunch of people sold me on checking them out. Sounds like a fun gimmick they have.


Shit. I didn't include fun to rib anyone. I mean that it does sound fun.

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Are we pretending like you didn't do the same thing, except replace "yelling" with "talking down" or "views own opinions as facts"?

Methinks Matt's tongue was lodged firmly in his cheek for a lot of those posts.

Most of the rest of us are animals, though.

I always enjoyed those CHIKARA acts like Taylor because they were an attempt at deconstructing wrestling tropes, which I found novel and fun, but that only worked for me for a short time...and in CHIKARA, where the context of the promotion allowed me to enjoy it for what it is.

That feels something like the peak of a point in time where some wrestling fans were enjoying that stuff partly because it struck back against the dumb "wrestling fans don't realize that it's fake" narrative, and now it feels like in general, people want the show to be a show again rather than a critique of wrestling shows past.

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I don't love the Bucks, but I think they are pretty great in crazy brawls. 


Here are my reviews of their two great PWG Super Dragon Brawls


Bucks/Dragon v. Everett/Busick/Lee


Bucks v. Dragon/Steen


There are really great as dipshit pretty boys that you hope Super Dragon murders, or dipshit Super Dragon tag partners that you hope Biff Busick murders

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Here's how I justify Dean's lazy lame "crazy guy" schtick in kayfabe.

I don't think of him as a guy Dean Ambrose who is a pro wrestler doing a crazy character badly because it's getting him over and people are telling him it's working. 


I think of him as the character Dean Ambrose, who is genuinely crazy, but who also has people in his ear backstage saying things like "Man, you're so crazy that's why you're dangerous.  That's why you're moving up!  keep it up."

And now, what does a genuinely crazy person do when they decide they want to "act crazy?"  Well, because they are crazy and don't know it, they clearly don't know what "real" crazy looks like...or else they would get help for themselves.  They probably do some ridiculous cartoon version of crazy thinking "this is how crazy people act."

And that is what Dean, genuine crazy person, is doing...and that's the joke, intentional or not...that a genuine lunatic who is being told he's cool because he's crazy will do the worst hokey-ass impression of crazy in order to work that angle.


Dean will always do the worst hokey-ass version of any personality or character trait you ask him.  In "reality" that may be because he's not a good actor.  But you retcon it that it's because Dean, the character, is so detached from reality, that if you ask him to do an impression of anything it will be distorted and exaggerated.


It's what makes him lovable, I think.


Or at least that's my last best shot.

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I won't quote all of piranesi's post to add this little part, but there is a phenomenon in psychopathology & mental health that is exactly what you describe. That puts Ambrose in a new perspective for me.

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The thing is Nate's post makes me feel a little guilty about the whole thing.  Like we have this guy who exhibited serious delusions and obsessive behavior in the Shield, but was protected there by the structure of the group and by following Rollins' orders.  Now he's on his own and we, the crowd, are egging him on to behave more an more wildly like a goof because we enjoy it...but it's really not good for him.

He is, potentially, a great tragic wrestling character.  Someone who's personality problems made him marketable, but who shouldn't have been anywhere near the "market" in question because it only led him to make a spectacle of his messed up self.

I mean, right now, he's basically getting huge cheers from us for throwing himself at Brock Lesnar and getting F5-ed over an over again and getting back up so we'll cheer for him again.  And somehow because we are cheering he thinks this is achieving something and maybe even thinks it's going to work. 

We are the villains in the Dean Ambrose story.  In a way, it plays off of that aborted angle he was going to do with Foley where he blamed him for making all these guys destroy themselves for the pop.  But now instead of being the crusader against that, he's just doing it, becoming more and more cartoonishly self-destructive the more we chant for him to.

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I reviewed Sunny's book (and her porn, the review of which was heavily praised by THE BOARD over at f4wonline.com)  You can check em out here:



Spoiler:  The book sucks, but does contain one HILARIOUS story about HBK and a certain fetish he had.


Bless you, good sir. That review had me laughing out loud.


For some reason, 'She blows The Big Guy' had me damn near off my seat.


Tammy is blowing Ryback now also?


She wishes

As for the Young Bucks, I have seen them in good matches with the Ants in Chikara and London/Kendrick. I think they understand basic wrestling, but do schtick to get over with some audiences. Which they really have to do because they are too twerpy to get over wrestling. 

There is no reason to fix Ambrose, he is really over. Most of the booking problems WWE has now come from breaking up the Shield. There was no good reason to do it and they are all worse off for it. Except maybe Rollins, I think that title reign hurt him. But its hard to judge.

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