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RIP Bray Wyatt

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Wow wtf. This reminds me a lot of Brodie, right down to them recently talking about how he has a life threatening injury. That’s just fucking dad and he just recently had a kid. Terrible loss.

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3 minutes ago, hammerva said:

Was his health issues that well known? 

There was talk of him missing Wrestlemania due to being sick. Months later there were rumors of how it was life threatening back then but also that he was on the mend.

Edited by Eivion
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Super sad for Bray and Jojo and their family and he had children from another marriage I believe as well.  36 is way way way too young.  He was our age.  A really creative guy.  

I'll always remember The Wyatts vs. The Shield as a big big moment in wrestling. 

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Holy shit...just the other day I was wondering what had become of him. While the latter half of his WWE run left a lot to be desired, peak Wyatt Family was one of the most intriguing factions and storylines out there. I remember the first time they squared off with The Shield and the tension was palpable. He was definitely one of the more creative guys out there who could have easily made it as an actor. Anyways, here is one of my favorite individual ring entrances of all time


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Absolutely shocked. In the face of often weird bookings, Bray Wyatt always managed to become massively over time and time again. The Fiend w/ Firefly Funhouse was an one of a kind all time series of segments. The Cena cinematic match was truly special. This is a big loss to professional wrestling.

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God damn it.  

I don't even wanna speculate, but the words are definitely pointing in a direction. 😞   

Such a shame... such a loss.   


Rest in Peace man.  You were awesome. 

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3 minutes ago, Dolfan in NYC said:

I don't even wanna speculate, but the words are definitely pointing in a direction. 😞  

Definitely this.  I think knowing cause of death will just make it more painful.  RIP Bray Wyatt.

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