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Everything posted by Octopus

  1. Never done the cucumbers on there. Really, cucumbers are kind of like celery. Hardy water flavored filler. It can be a pallet cleanser but when it’s in stuff it generally takes away. I’m cool with pickles. Certain places like Popeyes has pretty good pickles on their sandwiches. It can add variety to the bite. I generally like a variety of different burger options. If I’m making it at home I’ll be really funky with seasonings and toppings. But also a plain cheeseburger can be good too. The heart of the matter is how reliable if the burger shop. I like a good Burger with the works on it (a bit of everything), but if the place isn’t up to snuff, then it’ll be too wet and dissolve a weak bun. So in that case, less can be more. You really have to scout out the options and their workrate.
  2. You can probably still rerun the angles and if done right it’ll be enjoyed as nostalgia. Pastel Suit fake retirement, Custody of Dom match, Gunther’s history with Katie Vick.
  3. So I had a resent resurgence of thought towards this. McDonald’s had the Angry Whopper a looong time ago and it was a game changer. Then when they stopped I was mainly a spicy chicken sandwich guy. But a year or two ago I rediscovered how great Quarter Pounders were. So for a bit it was McD’s. Now I’m a bigger fan of the Whopper though. Burger wise, Burger King. Also shake wise, Burger King. I like their Oreo shake. But Fries and practically everything else, McDonalds. The breakfast food is better and their app is far superior. But the Whopper is my favorite right now. I don’t have a Costa near me. I’m guessing Coffee? In Minnesota the battle is between Starbucks and Caribou Coffee (big in the state chain). I’d say if I’m just getting an espresso type drink, Starbucks. Caribou can be more sweet (but I’ll add more espresso to even it out). Caribou has a better wood and rustic ambiance and better much breakfast sandwiches. In fact, I usually order a cold press with an extra shot of espresso and oatmilk with a sausage & cheese biscuit. I’m going Caribou!!!
  4. I forgot a few others I like: in response to when people say a word in a sentence and you don’t want to go too deep: If the word your derping off of ends in “er” sound you have two options. 1. “_____er the better” example - “tractor the better” or even “more ____er the better” 2. “_____er?! I hardly know her?!” Example - “protractor?! I hardly know her!” if the word doesn’t end in “er” sound you can simply say 1. “that’s not a ______! THATS MY WIFE!” Example - “that’s not a air conditioning unit! THATS MY WIFE!”
  5. I can’t discuss wrestling outside of this community. A lot of pretty wild people out there. No one looking for a conversation. It’s more just aggressive grandstanding.
  6. Odessasass (Sadly thought of that a week ago)
  7. I agree with you on the false finishes, but I think the actual finish being a misdirect tease of the hour draw was more powerful than a regular cheat win sooner.
  8. Eddie Kingston, this is your life!….and by life I mean a long list of enemies you must battle ending with defeating Danielson for the title.
  9. No one makes Applebeenis like Applebees. You can really taste the been.
  10. The trick is packing peanuts. The Postal Service will never know.
  11. If you need more phrases: ”When in doubt, Sauerkraut” ”the world is your oyster, because that’s all the world is” ”when in doubt, [a world someone just said] out” When someone is giving you money or a bit of food, say “oh no, I couldn’t “ then proceed to take the money or eat the food.
  12. We’ve seen enough rocks. Have we seen enough Shake’N Classics with Bacardi? All I’m saying.
  13. You are always welcome, my friend.
  14. Roman Reigns 15:20-21 It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Applebees was not known, so that I would not be building on someone else’s foundation. Rather, as it is written: “Those who were not told about him will see, and those who have not heard will understand.”
  15. Out of respect to lesser restaurants, Applebees allows other smaller establishments to use their slogans to gain more instagram followers. Bless them and bless their Bourbon Street Steak.
  16. I was so jacked up from last time. I’m sorry if I let you or the Applebees community down. by the way, anyone know if I can get this in Minnesota?
  17. I don’t want to come across too biblical, but that guy was The Whore of Babylon. He knew the neighborhood and he was familiar with the family. He won’t rest until he is eternally damned. May God have mercy…no wait…fuck him…BURN HIS SOUL.
  18. The floor is open for questions.
  19. EMERGENCY POST!!!!! This is not a drill. I repeat. This is not a drill. Applebee’s has 50 cent Mozzarella Stick. I FUCKING REPEAT Applebee’s has 50 cent Mozzarella Stick. When you’re here you’re neighborhood.
  20. when Gunther was Walter and Danielson had a buzz cut.
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