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Everything posted by Octopus

  1. Started watching late. Neat to see the Private Party got their groove back. I absolutely loved Danielson vs Okada. I loved the ending for it being for tv. Okada looks strong, Danielson still looks like a champ, Mox and the gang looks tough and mean, Yuta looks like a big deal to end their 5th year anniversary show. I’ll probably go back and watch the matches you guys hyped up but maybe not the full ep? Idk, I’m busy.
  2. Honor the contracts you give out. If the money is there (which it looks like it is) having a deep bench is fine. Snarky posts about people being paid by a company you have no idea what their finances are like is pretty shitty posting.
  3. The Four Pillars were the original Cheetah Girls
  4. I’m excited now they got something to make up for and prove.
  5. I like the direction the world title scene is going, or at least oddly enough trust the process. Give me Darby learning to be ready to be champion. He lost to Jungle Teen and now MoxBully. Have him down on his luck and then learn a new move like the Darbinizer or the AllinSlam. He spanks Perry and then avenges himself from Mox. Whether that is when he wins the title or against Danielson. As for which Danielson match I’d prefer, even though we didn’t get Danielson vs Darby, I don’t think I could handle Darby’s dives at Bryan. Lol. I remember really liking the Revolution match between Mox and Dragon
  6. Remember when you showed me that Deathmatch event and the ring was literally brown from blood? Lol
  7. Maybe he is taken out by Mox and avenged by the mysterious masked wrestler, the Vegan Rider.
  8. I feel very much the same way, but in a way that it oddly works. Danielson being beaten up and returning from betrayal gives Nigel a chance. This is merely a stop for Bryan and the world for Nigel, which sadly parallels their rivalry and their careers. McGuinness falls short in his one chance where his odds will at most he in his favor, in a nearly one sided long build of overt jabs and insults. Danielson is champion. Danielson had the WWE run. Danielson was still on tv during his forced retirement. Danielson is called the greatest. Danielson has more rivals ahead. Danielson wins. Nigel is a commentator. Nigel didn’t accomplish his dreams. Nigel had a long road to accept his position in life. Nigel is thought of as what could have been. Nigel will still only focus on Danielson. Nigel taps in the middle of the ring. Admittedly, this is all likely my own imagination waxing poetic and overly romanticizing a moment of time that truly touched me. I’ll hopefully have time to ramble on the match itself. A very fun moment.
  9. “What is Defensive Player Of The Year doing in the Elite Zone?!”
  10. If I ever become rich I want to see a Big Japan show with @Gordi the recovering AEW f
  11. Mission Accomplished! We got Danielson vs McGuiness. Very pumped up. It was what it needed to be. Some weaker looking strikes from Nigel but it kind of worked as he got stiffer in the end. Several moments made me wiggle. Very happy.
  12. Calamities at home. Anyone that can get me a link to Danielson vs McGuinness will get all the riches in Scotland.
  13. Gal bought me drinks. Gotta break a heart or two. Nbd. Tough bein cute.
  14. My first job was a Blockbuster. It was in an annoying wealthier area. Having to tell rich people they owed a $1.25 for a month late movie as an awkward teen taught me a lot about humanity.
  15. I will get Motz Sticks for youuuuuuu! he was my Governor when he was bald. Culvers is great, but get it to go. Booths aren’t gamechangers. Arby’s gets hated on. Good chicken sandwich, curly fries are a classic, the shakes are good, jalapeño poppers and Motz sticks are great for fast food. Big Arby’s supporter, but won’t travel far for it. Yes, Elon sucks and is trying too hard to be the modern crazy rich tycoons of yesteryear. Too transparent.
  16. Dang, I’m late on this. Where did you guys eat?
  17. I got my Michelob Golden Light with Olives and the floor is now open for questions.
  19. Hey man, thanks for asking. Here’s a link to my previous film: Ode to the Whale of Christ Here’s a link to the screening I was talking about a week ago. This year’s Artist in Ficus: Two of my recent films and a Q&A If you guys watch them, rate them on Letterboxd if you’re feeling naughty.
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