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DreamBroken last won the day on October 19 2023

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    What's That Metronome I Hear?

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  1. Miami Sweet Heat vs Aussie & Tormenta was excellent! Wild match with some awesome spots throughout. Tormenta crushed with the double kneedrop and then the double suicide dives with Aussie was killer. Miami Sweet Heat are on fire in everything from the promo to the match and back to the mic. I guess the ref decided to let the match become no DQ when Vicki Lynn just start wiping people out and then MSH hit the Fab Jab for the win. Great match and definitely one of the longer ones for WOW. Holly Swag was hilarious on commentary, loved that. Sierra/Fury was fun, some nice unique moves and the finishing cross body got some huge air. Sugar & Spice are always exciting and I liked the double finish from Las Bandidas, another nice quick match. Beast/Penelope with a pretty great main event. Penelope can always be relied on for going longer. The twisting apron german was definitely crazy. With new tapings taking place next month, I assume these tapings are ending soon and Vicki Lynn was leaving with the Tongas, so it will be interesting to see what's up next.
  2. Loved the Blood and Guts as usual with that match every year, thought most everything worked out pretty well and did a good job furthering the feuds within the match. Lots of excellent spots throughout. Always enjoy Britt/Shida matches. This one maybe not as great as some of their previous, but still good. Shida busting out a full sequence from the Yakuza game was cool. Jericho/Suzuki ruled. As did the Mariah/Toni pull apart. Great to see Kamille officially become ALL Elite, pairing with Mercedes should be killer for sure. Nothing announced yet for Collision but looking forward a weekend of Death Before Dishonor/the Royal Rampage/Collision/Battle of the Belts
  3. Decent little show coming out of Slammiversary. Nothing too major happened but some stuff set up nicely for next week. the main event was a solid trios match that got a lot of time.
  4. Paul Wight is now on the ROH Board of Directors! Hopefully this is used more than when Jerry Lynn/stokely were like dueling GMs. Solid opening tag of Yuta/Claudio vs Moriarty/Ogogo. Fun final segment for the women's title matches. Leaning towards an Aminata win at the moment but being in Athena's home still gives me some doubts. Nice debut for EJ Nduka. Shane Taylor/Johnny TV vs. Atlantis JR/Lio Rush was good stuff. 10 man tag was fun with Fuego's return. Pretty good Von Erichs/Dark Order main event. Didn't realize that vacating the trios titles also undid the unification too. The PPV cards always come together strong in the end, looking like another good one. Final card for Death Before Dishonor as of now:
  5. Tony announced the Royal Rampage returns on Friday as well. Last year was for a TNT shot at All Out, this year is for a World Title shot at Grand Slam
  6. In 2014, MVP, Lashley, and Kenny King were a trio unit. In 2015, the BDC formed but Lashley turned them down and feuded with them instead. HIs 2016-17 run was his best IMO. Some of my favorite matches included: vs. Drew Galloway (Slammiversary 2016) vs. James Storm (August 2016 iMPACT for all the titles) vs. EC3 (Bound for Glory 2016) series vs. Eddie Edwards (Destination X 2016, July 2016 Impact Steel Cage Rematch, October 2016 Impact x2, January 2017 Impact 30 min Ironman) vs. Matt Sydal (impact Desination X 2017) Promo-wise, I don't think it's online but the press conference leading up to BFG 2016 was top notch character work for him at the time.
  7. Just finished season 6 part 1 and still loving it. Lots of fun moments throughout. Johnny and Chozen as a good cop bad cop duo was great. Chozen leaving midway through felt abrupt. Glad to get one more Mike Barnes episode in too. Love the build to the Sekai Taikai. Crazy swerves for Tory, who was always my favorite.
  8. For what it's worth on the mention of Ricochet, MVP said last month that he originally wanted Ricochet and Cedric in the Hurt Business but was told he could only have one of them, so he chose Cedric because he thought it would help him more. I was a huge fan of Lashley's epic TNA run as champ, so would love to see him back there or in AEW, either one works for me. And always enjoyed MVP in all of his roles.
  9. Catching up on this thread, just wanted to co-sign any Franchise love. One of my all time ECW favs, loved his title reigns especially the last. the Bigelow win, brief rivalry with Rude, the Al Snow wrestlepalooza match, being pissed when Candido turned on him in the end, etc. And a definite agreed on Perfect Strangers entrance theme, all time great. I'd check out any indy still booking the Franchise.
  10. Darby/Mortos ruled of course. Hate to see Skye go down, was looking forward to her and Shida. Did like Shida's fired up promo later on, setting up her vs Britt for Dynamite. Always loved their matches together. I liked Deonna/Thunder. Was surprised to see Deonna win again but I can dig a Deonna/Taya alliance. Two of my favorite former knockout champs. Fun trios main event. I thought for sure House of Black was getting involved somewhere but surprisingly nothing. Christian celebrating by holding all three titles himself was hilarious. edit: Forgot to mention, sad that they have changed the Collision theme away from the Elton classic.
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