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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/25/2014 in all areas

  1. No Gregg, you don't get to tell us what to do. We're gonna complain. And we're gonna complain hard. And whatever happens at the next PPV, you have the right to compose a 1300 word post about how great it was. That's how this relationship works.
    9 points
  2. 1300 words? What about the second match and rest of the card?
    7 points
  3. RE: Cruise Sorry for the 'WELL HERE'S A STORY ABOUT LIVING IN LA I AM THAT GUY' but I really love this story. My wife and I both work on the Warner Lot, but I work in an office where VIPs rarely tread and she usually works in Building 1, which is where they all come for meetings. She is the lobby receptionist, so she greets VIPs and calls who ever it is they are meeting with, and that person comes down to get them. It's that way for everyone. Will Ferrell came in on her first day and sat and waited. The producers of Game of Thrones came in and waited. At the end of her first week, a motorcycle pulls up to the door because of course it does, and the helmet comes off and it's Tom Cruise, who just swings in, flashes the Cruise smile and says 'Just here to see Barry' and just goes upstairs. And then he pauses at the top of the stairs, points at her, and says "You're new, right? Never seen you." She just sort of nods and he smiles real big and vanishes upstairs. Wife is horrified. She has not done her job but also, do you just tell Tom Cruise to hold the fuck up? How does that even work? A little while later, Cruise comes back down, this time flanked by like, most of our executives and their people. He comes to a completely halt on the stairs, stopping everyone, points at Torlin (wife. Norwegian.) and says to Barry Meyer, the CEO "She's new. Fantastic, though. What's your name again?" She stammers out a 'Torlin.' and he snaps his finger and goes 'that's right. Great name. Great work. She's doing great work, you guys.' And then he leads the hurricane down a random hallway. She does not blink for an hour. I have no real clue what that story says about his personality, but I like to think that he knew he had screwed her a bit and to prevent some shitty executive assistant from being like YOU SHOULD HAVE STOPPED HIM AND MADE HIM WAIT, he turned the tide for her.
    3 points
  4. Destiny is one half of a really great FPS and one half of one of the worst AAA games ever made. It's a combination that is inspiring. Rage being mostly what it inspires, but still, impressive.
    3 points
  5. Movie idea: Liam Neeson and Denzel Washington kidnap each other's daughters. It's how World War 3 starts.
    3 points
  6. At least they didn't bait and switch with Devitt on the name. Someone suggested that they name Steen "Jake _____" and team them together. A couple of you will get that.
    3 points
  7. Ang Lee's Hulk is the Man of Steel of Marvel movies. Except of course, The Hulk isn't meant to be the paragon of virtue in the Marvel universe.
    3 points
  8. I imagine if Bruno were on tv for 3-5 hours every week (besides a PPV every month) folks probably would've gotten sick of him too.
    2 points
  9. The '08 Rambo is fucking awesome dude...
    2 points
  10. From 5:45 And then that is followed by lots of responses that go "Maybe you should stop fixing things that weren't broken"
    2 points
  11. It's sad that the they "may know". I don't know how you can book a show and not know what comes next in a business the is meant to get people coming back on a weekly basis.
    2 points
  12. I liked Tina. And didn't know people didn't like her until I got online. But then I never met in person someone who hated the Zombie Halloween.
    2 points
  13. They better live up to their promise of fixing the loot drops and not making the encrypted engrams and their color random. When I say "they better," not like I can make them or anything. The game is already very successful. But seriously, like get it together.
    2 points
  14. Oh. Duh. Is...there a clip from the Hulk series that's the opposite of the one I posted?
    2 points
  15. No Lashley at BFG according to Jimmy Suzuki from W-1: From TNA's site: Bram. Nobody's favorite is Bram. The innovative young minds behind TNA's biggest PPV of the year: https://twitter.com/JimmySuzuki1/status/514773209322098688/photo/1 Tenay, Ryder, Vader's grandpa, Fat Andy Capp, Suzuki They should give me the book. Following the integration and utilization of my theory of Stud Stablization, I feel confident that everything will be running at peak optimization in no time. First, a change in the broadcast booth. New team of Josh Mathews, Mongo McMichael, and J. Puppet Levescue. Mike Tenay knows who J. Puppet Levescue is. It's the former Puppet H. Every week, Mongo berates J. Puppet's wardrobe choices. "Oh, look at that no good J. Puppet over there, dressed up like a cowboy. You must have rocks in your head, baby, if you're over there supporting James Storm and his Revolution, baby. And lemme tell all you good folks out there in TV wonderland something, baby, listen to Mongo, baby, you ain't gonna find action like this anywhere else so keep it tuned in right here to Impact, baby!"
    2 points
  16. mother fucker... I'm more pissed off over them taking away the ascendant materials from dismantling the queens gear...That is fucking stupid. There is zero reason to do queen's missions now for me...
    2 points
  17. perhaps the first Ultimate Warrior was the result of Fritz Von Erich's work with the students of Wernher Von Braun to create a clone of his son Kerry in order to create more Von Erichs. Then Fritz got cheap, Warrior was released without mentioning him as a Von Erich, and the Von Erichs just bought Lance Von Erich instead.
    2 points
  18. I never got the complete hatred for Ford Fairlane. I know Dice is a polarizing figure, but for pure silliness, it wasn't a bad movie. Plus, Lauren Holly looking the hottest she's ever looked on film.
    2 points
  19. Andy Greenwald wrote a love letter to Lost yesterday. Fuck the haters! .http://grantland.com/hollywood-prospectus/lost-legacy-ten-year-anniversary-abc/
    2 points
  20. I attribute this to him greeting the listener and then immediately bringing Dave on.
    2 points
  21. That Gregg hates Simmons so much is hysterical to me for some reason. It's like Shia and The Natural. Speaking of, I haven't seen that dude around here in a while. Back on topic... #FREESIMMONS
    2 points
  22. Pretty much how every attempt of that move ended up for me in No Mercy/Smackdown.
    2 points
  23. - "they" at the first performance of "The Rite of Spring."
    2 points
  24. THAT WAS SPECIAL AND DIFFERENT BECAUES...SHUT UP THATS WY BECAUUSE Of course it was special and different, it was before interleague play started. So it was only the National League clubs, the truest of the true, the sincerest of the sincere, that beauteous and righteous land of hard-nosed baseballery where pitchers bat for themselves, that had the opportunity to show the proper respect and support for The Wizard of Oz. Plus, my fifth-grade teacher told us she saw him shoveling his own sidewalk once after a snowstorm. Classy and majestic.
    2 points
  25. It also helps that the WCW midcarders weren't working the same exact match as every other WCW midcarder. You'd get a cruiserweight bout, then two guys trying to punch through each others' faces, then a nice matwork match. You'd also get matches with clear clashes between technique (as when Dean Malenko would wrestle a Mexican cruiserweight). It's hard to tell the WWE midcarders apart when they're all wrestling the same formula match. I fully believe that one of the reasons that both the Shield and the Wyatts got over (in a multitude of reasons) is that they were wrestling trios matches that had just enough of a different structure from typical tag matches to catch everyone's eyes.
    2 points
  26. "Doctors without Borders" only lasts until you quit, Paul. NWO is (say it with me) FOOOOOOOOOOR LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFE."
    2 points
  27. Stolen from twitter: Cousins should be.....twice removed.
    1 point
  28. let's all calm down and have some pizza.
    1 point
  29. The perfect ending would have been going out with another championship, but this was as good as it could have been without a championship.
    1 point
  30. Well, like General Manager Brad Pitt said, "It's hard not to be romantic about baseball."
    1 point
  31. I'm not old, but I do think the invisible cameraman stuff for segments is a bit overdone. Just move out a few feet and pretend they're security cameras showing us things going on in the back.
    1 point
  32. Daaaaaaamn. Whose hand did Mojo fail to shake? Also, Bull is a bad man.
    1 point
  33. Getting Dragon Age Inquisition. That is pretty much it.
    1 point
  34. Someone in an American Idol recap linked to me being on Carmen Sandiego and made some quip about it and then was a dickhead on Twitter when I confronted him about it. He's not w/ Grantland anymore but played it like he was too cool for school. He's also a garbage writer. However, Grantland (and DVDVR alum Bill Barnwell) have written favorable about my brother and a friend of ours, and two other buddies of mine have also done stuff for the site. I only read it for the basketball content. Zach Lowe is the best sportswriter in the world. I also love Kirk Goldsberry's stuff. He's also good friends with a good buddy of mine, which speaks well for him. I should let it go. I know I'm the babyface on DVDVR but in reality I can be a real spiteful prick, especially when I'm mocked to help Subway sell foot-longs. LOL. Not at you being mocked necessarily, just that the random clip was linked in an American Idol recap. Such a Grantland thing to do. I do agree that Lowe is the best sportswriter in the world right now. So good that he will probably give up the writing to work for an NBA team at some point.
    1 point
  35. Saying someone who "may" be second handedly a contributing party in the suicide of a troubled person has blood on his hands is incredibly disingenuous. We have no idea whether or not any of this was a factor in her suicide, we don't know her at all. Putting blame on someone, who didn't wrote the story by the way, is just making shit up. I understand what happened was wrong, and shouldn't have happened, but saying he essentially killed someone is just wrong.
    1 point
  36. Balor was a Celtic demon/god. Perfectly good name.
    1 point
  37. God I wish you sig was in color. Just imagine the various colors on those ties, jackets, shirts, belts. It could literally be anything.
    1 point
  38. The pod of thunder, and rock and roll. The spell you're under, something something Chris Jericho.
    1 point
  39. Gregg, this has been explained to you. The reason why it matters whether WM 31 was the culmination of a year of brilliant booking or a result of Creative being backed into a corner after the fans violently rejected THEIR preferred storyline is because THE PEOPLE WHO BOOKED IT ARE STILL THE FUCKING BOOKERS. If someone was going to serve you a shit sandwich and he only ended up giving you a steak cuz you told him how to cook it and explained that you wouldn't be eating any more shit sandwiches, this is not a person you then suddenly trust to cater your wedding.
    1 point
  40. 1 point
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