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This show dragged, but Punk-Rollins became a good match while Big E-Fandango was Big E's best singles match yet. The Brock beating of Henry was epic! I also loved Booker's scarf - it was the best part of the Bad News Barrett segment. Bryan-Harper was easily the peak of the show match-wise. I'm glad they did something with Bryan and the Wyatts to move things forward, although I'm not a fan of even a short-term heel turn for him.




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I'm impressed how they managed with a split crew (Cena/Orton, The Brotherhood/Real Americans and co. were in Toronto.)


Really dug the final segment. Big E vs Fandango was fun. Punk/Rollins was sloppy as fuck.


Man, the end to that segment is going to tear the Internet apart w/ Bryan marks.

But when was the last time there was an ending to Raw that captivating?

Also, Brock/Henry was epic. I didn't see anything else yet.

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This came up tonight while we were playing GTA

If there was a tag title match between the rhodes family and the team of henry and big e langston, would it break the board?

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I'd be captivated if I didn't find the Wyatt's boring as fuck (Bray mostly, I like Brodie).


Bryan: "You're right Bray, the machine won't let me win, so I'll turn heel and join a midcard act, and my stopped push will be complete"


That final segment felt like it went forever. I could go along time without hearing Bray Wyatt talk. Kept waiting for some kind of pay off to all the talking and the bullshit finish. 

Maybe I'm pissed I missed out on Henry vs Brock. 


I'm already seeing bitching all over the net but this makes sense. Bray is a cult figurehead right.. but what better way to validate his status than be able to recruit a hot babyface? This gives Bryan an opportunity to fuck some shit up for a couple months and then I will expect that he turns on Bray to a huge pop and they finally have a one on one match. It's not rocket science. Plus, he's talking about "the machine" so it's not out of the realm of possibility that he comes for the title at some point...  just maybe not WrestleMania.


Also, BROCK LESNAR AND MARK HENRY. Yeah, we need more of that too...


That crowd killed that show. There was so much that would have been really hot, but no one reacted to anything at all. I guess in the crowds defense, they did have to sit through about twenty combined minutes of Divas and Khali.


There was a lot of WTF? moments on this show. Repackaged killer Brodus jobbing to his music, the whole "Eva Marie is a jerk because she used Purell after shaking hands with servicemen" thing (esp after they do a video package showing her kissing soldiers), and of course D-Bry's apparent heel turn.


I do think a brainwashed Bryan throwing in with the Psycho Hillbillies has some potential. It may be somewhat inexplicable but that angle was the best thing of the night.


Also, Summer Rae's dress.


I know that final scene has been described as "captivating" but that entire segment made me roll my eyes like Linda Blair on smack. Punk acting as the catalyst/irritant that starts to rattle the Shield could be interesting. Orton/Cena XXVIII is...jesus, really? Tonight the best thing that happened started with Brock and ended with Brock making a noise like an angry 13 year old girl.

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I loved the Brock segment so much.  Punk/Rollins was sloppy as fuck but turned out good when they came back from break.  Big E/Fandango match was pretty great too.  Lawler must be proud, the straps going down is over now.  It was weird seeing the main segment.  I thought for the new year they'd have Bryan be defiant again and that's it.  Even when he agreed at first I thought it was a swerve.  But past that it became pretty damn captivating.  It was weird and might have gone over some people's heads in the crowd, but it was so fucking awesome.  When he turned back on the stage I thought for a second he'd just knee Bray and that was it.  The parts that mattered went on for just the right length of time to make you wonder for a second either way.  I'm curious where they go with it.  Hopefully it doesn't drag Bryan down anymore than he's been already, maybe this will elevate the Wyatts somehow.



Also, Summer Rae's dress.


Yes.  Yes indeed.  I'm joining the cult of Summer Rae's dress.  Yowza.

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The Henry vs. Brock things was good, but not as monsterous as it could have been if Henry had still been a heel. Maybe they can still get a chance to get the massive pop it should get if they keep Henry out for awhile and build up his return beating against Brock, instead of just doing it next week.

Punk and Rollins had some awful miscommunications art the begging in their match, but they salvaged it. Turned out to be really good.

I wish Orton was there this week so we coulda saw him watching Brock say he wanted the belt and freaking out

Big E. Langston is really, really awesome.

Summer Rae's outfit.... My God...


So I assume that Cena is winning in the Royal Rumble because I can't imagine that Orton vs Lesnar is a good idea.  Well unless Lesnar absolutely destroys Orton which I am not sure would happen



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