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Dude, you hate every Raw. Why do you even bother? It's like you are repeatedly opening the fridge hoping for something different to magically appear.

 HA! Said the person who would constantly come into TNA threads and complain about how crappy the shows were.

How many people do that now?


 HE's always done that and you know it. And now he's complaining about someone else doing that in this thread. Hypocrite isn't even the word.


As far as Bryan, I just think it would be pretty dumb to turn him considering how over he is.


No what I'm saying is: everyone stopped watching it. That's exactly what this angry dude should do with Raw.






Dude, you hate every Raw. Why do you even bother? It's like you are repeatedly opening the fridge hoping for something different to magically appear.

 HA! Said the person who would constantly come into TNA threads and complain about how crappy the shows were.

How many people do that now?


 HE's always done that and you know it. And now he's complaining about someone else doing that in this thread. Hypocrite isn't even the word.


As far as Bryan, I just think it would be pretty dumb to turn him considering how over he is.


No what I'm saying is: everyone stopped watching it. That's exactly what this angry dude should do with Raw.


 Well considering the same thing went on and on in the TNA thread for years, when the show was even worse than it is now, I'd say he has some time.


As far as Bryan, I just think it would be pretty dumb to turn him considering how over he is.

Well good, cuz we know the WWE never does anything dumb.

Also, as proof of how dumb this thing is, people are actually talking about TNA in this thread. That's pretty much a sign that something has gone horribly horribly wrong.


I loved the final segment with Bryan finally giving up and embracing Bray Wyatt as his lord and savior. I really hope next week Bray gives him a new name like Purple Haze or something because Daniel Bryan is his slave to the machine name.


You have to admire the balls of the WWE to have the B crew on the flag ship show while everyone else is elsehwere. This would be like in the 80's where Hogan and Piper headlined a show in Battlecreek while Savage vs. Tito was at MSG...(bad example cause Savage/Tito did headline MSG).



As far as Bryan, I just think it would be pretty dumb to turn him considering how over he is.

Well good, cuz we know the WWE never does anything dumb.




You have to admire the balls of the WWE to have the B crew on the flag ship show while everyone else is elsehwere.

Yeah, I dunno how the show was only able to survive with only the Wyatts, the Shield, Mark Henry, CM Punk, Triple H, Daniel Bryan and Brock Lesnar there to pique the fans' interest.

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You have to admire the balls of the WWE to have the B crew on the flag ship show while everyone else is elsehwere.

Yeah, I dunno how the show was only able to survive with only the Wyatts, the Shield, Mark Henry, CM Punk, Triple H, Daniel Bryan and Brock Lesnar there to pique the fans' interest.


The only thing I really missed from this Raw was all the sweet tag action we've been getting most weeks.  Most of the teams must have been working the house show undercard.  I guess The Usos and PTP were too upset by Bad News Barrett's bad news to have a match.

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Dude, you hate every Raw. Why do you even bother? It's like you are repeatedly opening the fridge hoping for something different to magically appear.

 HA! Said the person who would constantly come into TNA threads and complain about how crappy the shows were.


I actually enjoyed the show. I'm liking the Brodus stuff, and I wish they would turn him into a full fledged monster already. The Wyatt/Bryan stuff is intriguing, as Bryan is obviously not going heel.



Right, and notice how I don't comment much in the TNA threads because I can't stand to watch much TNA.


I don't know if I've ever been the only one with a glowingly positive review in a Raw thread, but man, I really loved this show.


Punk putting over the Shield really hard after beating them 1 on 3 a couple weeks ago was kind of silly, but it set up an alright match with Rollins, some quality ringside work by Ambrose and Reigns, and an audible "Roman Reigns" chant. Definitely a net positive segment.


Again, I'm one of the few who likes Cena/Orton matches, so I was perfectly happy to hear them getting another one at the Rumble. The TLC match was underwhelming, but that's not really a good gimmick for them at this stage of their careers. I think the regular match will be better, and while I like the announcement, I was fine with those two getting the week off. Really made the show feel fresh.


Every single Brock Lesnar segment since his return that does not also feature HHH has been awesome, and this was no exception. I guess HHH was there for the intro, but he got out of the way quick. Heyman's promo was decent, then Brock actually got some mic time. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Brock isn't the smoothest speaker, but he's the most believable promo in the company. When he says shit like "The line starts here. Behind me." you believe it. Then Mark Henry came out and it got even better. For a part timer, Brock always earns his paychecks, and he took a nasty bump on to the concrete that he definitely didn't have to but it made the segment so much better. Gave Henry a pop spot that looked good, and made Brock look even tougher when he got back up and speared Henry. Then there was the splat-tastic F5 on the floor (props to Henry for taking that), but what really sold it was those high-pitched primal screams. Like I said, believable.


Then there was a lot of stuff with Daniel Bryan. First, he had a great match with Luke Harper, and it can't be said enough: Luke Harper fucking rules. Those strikes were on point, and that double chop is just perfect for him. I mean he's got a killer big boot, killer punch, killer lariat, and now that? He's the brawler of the future, but just in case you need some more moves, he busts out an avalanche powerbomb and a half nelson suplex and doesn't even look that out of character. He just grabs a guy however he can and throws him. Bryan was also great attacking the leg and working with speed based offense. Rowan match was whatever, but Rowan still kind of sucks in anything over 5 minutes. Bryan did what he could and got us to the show closing angle.


Now I hope I don't have a reputation of being a "wait and see" WWE writer apologist, because I've been very critical of WWE writing for the last several years, especially in regards to their incompetence with closing out a big angle or being able to capitalize on potential star talent. So when I say "I'm very interested in how this plays out," you know it's from the heart. First of all, to anyone saying this is the nail in the coffin for Bryan, would please shut... the hell... up? Bryan's ace hopes were dead the second HHH pedigreed him at Summer Slam, and the casket was defecated in and padlocked when Michaels kicked him at HIAC. The worst is already over for Bryan. If anything, this is a potential re-birth and a change of pace that could lead to another chance for a strong singles push. Second, anyone saying the angle sucked is delusional and blinded by misguided rage. Bryan uttering "you're right" was one of the most legitimately surprising WWE moments in a long time, and I guarantee nobody saw it coming. The Wyatts using physical torture to break Bryan and finally get him mentally weak enough to be brainwashed into their cult was very well executed. The crowd trying to bring him back was a bit drawn out, but it was definitely the intended reaction. The end graphic was the first in a long time that surprised me, as I had lost track of time being captivated by this angle. It was a very well-written and well-executed segment that was both shocking and emotionally compelling. There's a lot of good places this could go: a full on Bryan heel run, Bryan/Bray as tag champs with all the great potential challengers there, killer 6/8-man combos, Bryan going for a long con and destroying the Wyatts from within, Bryan seeing the light, a singles match with Bray at Mania, Bryan taking over the cult and being a dominant heel... Who knows? 


Could it be botched? Sure. Has the writing team let us down many times in the past? No question. Am I disappointed they failed to capitalize on their most over babyface in favor of the establishment guys like Orton, Cena, and HHH? Yes. But all that is done and over with, and it doesn't change the fact that Bryan isn't in the title picture for the time being. He can either be out of the title picture and forgotten, or he can be out of the title picture in an angle with a strong stable and couple great young guys with interesting characters that gives him an avenue back into the title picture down the road. Maybe I'm just farther along the coping process since I recognized HIAC was rock bottom for Bryan's push, but I really don't think anyone should be disappointed by this turn of events (unless it's the markish emotional disappointment you're supposed to feel). There are a lot of good places for this angle to go and Bryan has proven to make the most of everything he's gotten. And by his standards, this is actually a lot to work with. I'm very interested to see how this plays out.

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I'd kinda look forward to where Bryan is going with this angle if I gave a rat turd about the Wyatt family outside of Brodie.

Not looking forward to the weak ass nonsensical promos about Dragon joining either. I wish someone ties him to a chair & have him watch weeks of Jack Roberts mic work & then have him deliver his best mimic job.


I love how the Brodus heel turn so far involves him calling himself "the main event playa", having fucking awful matches then losing to The Funkadactyls dancing. He's losing to Scotty II Hotty next week, isn't he?

Shit, hopefully it leads to a reunion of Scotty and the Hip Hop Hippo.

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"Well, someone had to be made an example out of."


For all of Heyman's hammy bluster, that line was so gloriously underplayed. He is so fucking awesome every time he opens his mouth.

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To try to focus on the positive:


Good wrestling and longer matches on this show.  Punk-Rollins had some rough spots early but it got good for the second half of it.


Wade's making chicken salad out of you-know-what.


Lesnar-Henry stuff was tremendous.  Wish Brock was a regular but this does make his appearances more "special".


Liked Big E rolling out of the ring after Fandango's guillotine legdrop rather than kicking out of a finisher.


Like Aksana's new finisher.


Definitely a Harper believer now that I'm seeing him on a regular basis.




You have to admire the balls of the WWE to have the B crew on the flag ship show while everyone else is elsehwere.

Yeah, I dunno how the show was only able to survive with only the Wyatts, the Shield, Mark Henry, CM Punk, Triple H, Daniel Bryan and Brock Lesnar there to pique the fans' interest.


The only thing I really missed from this Raw was all the sweet tag action we've been getting most weeks.  Most of the teams must have been working the house show undercard.  I guess The Usos and PTP were too upset by Bad News Barrett's bad news to have a match.


They were only mildly concerned, so they had their match on Superstars.

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"Well, someone had to be made an example out of."


For all of Heyman's hammy bluster, that line was so gloriously underplayed. He is so fucking awesome every time he opens his mouth.


The best thing about Heyman being in Lesnar's corner is how well he plays being scared of Lesnar's actions. When he F5'd Mark, Paul's reaction was greatness..and the example line was the perfect thing to say.


Having rewatched the ending.. Idk There was like no moment of heartbreak for the crowd. I get what they were going for and all, but DB's flat delivery wasn't strong enough. It took a while for the crowd to react to it?


And, if they wanted to get a special moment, turn Kane on Triple H and reform Team Hell No as Wyatt associates.

This is the idea that I was going to come in with. I am one that likes to stay positive as far as the storylines go. I don't like being Negative Ned when I watch these shows. Some would say that I live in a fairytale land, and they may be right, but oh well.


Seeing the main segment last night I liked it a lot.  Watching it again I absolutely love it so much.  Daniel wanting Bray, willing to go through Harper and Rowan, showed the fire in him.  Then they build it up with all the times the Wyatts beat him up, even if he won.  Then you had that long match with him against Harper which was a great showcase for Luke.   Leading up to the win Bryan got the hell beat out of him where he was barely standing.  Then Rowan beat him up some more, and even after winning Bryan still got beat up bad.  When the big beatdown happened they pretty much sapped any fire that was left in Daniel.  As far as delivery, I felt Daniel was great in talking like a guy who has been soundly defeated.  No matter how many times he wins they destroy him.  He had to give up. The walk up the ramp even fit as it was a walk of a broken-down man.  When he turned to the crowd he thought about snapping out of it, but reality kicked in and the fire went out.  I just absolutely love this so much and look forward to where they go.


The Wyatts had to have this change, they've done this for a couple months and it had nowhere else to go.  Daniel is crazy popular and is the perfect sympathetic face to join.  If he comes across like a defeated man and not ruthless like them the crowd will still have an emotional investment in him.  If the WM plans say Cena and Bray then Cena will step in leading up to their match.  In theory it can elevate the Wyatts more because of that.  I really hope they don't fuck this up.  They've fucked up a lot of things recently, but this one I'm very hopeful of.


Also, for what it's worth it's 11:22 EST and there's 7 pages in this thread.  That to me sounds like quite the response to this.  Whether you're on board or not it got people talking.

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