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I would assume those votes are rigged from the start?


Well for what it is worth - the claim is that they are legit though the WWE clearly steers the audience to what verdict they want based on the choices or what they have the announcers say.


The more i think about it though - Kofi finishing 3rd does help with his heel turn


It would be great if Bray plays Raven, Bryan plays Cactus, and Cena plays Dreamer. I see potential in Bryan becoming an insane disciple who tells the fans and other wrestlers how Bray loves them and cares for them.


For those that hate this angle, what's the worst case scenario you see unfolding? And please put up a realistic answer.

Bryan becomes the Wyatt family's whipping boy, the audience begs for him to turn back, the wait and see bunch creams themselves in anticipation for a turn that only comes after Bryan has lost his heat, and when it finally does, and the crowd doesn't give a shit, you'll be telling us all "SEE? SEE? YOU JUST HAD TO WAIT!" at which point Bryan goes off and has a feud with Miz or something.

When has Bryan lost his heat in the past?

He asked for a worst-case scenario. Are you saying it's impossible for him to lose his heat?


If the rumored Cena-Wyatt Mania match happens, I could see Bryan being used as a stepping stone for Cena to overcome before he gets his hands on Bray.  Add in plenty of reminders that Bryan gave up when the going got tough while Cena Never Gives Up And Never Surrenders.


Oh so Bryan is going to be facing miz on superstars every week? I thought we were going to get realistic answers...

You've described everyone who has criticized the booking as "not happy until Bryan wins the world championship and beats everyone for a year", and you couldn't even summarize a worst-case scenario post without exaggerating. Your grasp on what is and is not realistic is questionable.

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He's the only guy possible who could somehow become even more popular after losing at WM in under 20 seconds. And he exploded because of Team Hell No. The guy has a track record of being teflon.

He exploded because of Team Hell No. Other than the annual smarkfest post-WM crowd, Bryan's heat lessened significantly after the Mania loss UNTIL Hell No got over.


If the rumored Cena-Wyatt Mania match happens, I could see Bryan being used as a stepping stone for Cena to overcome before he gets his hands on Bray.  Add in plenty of reminders that Bryan gave up when the going got tough while Cena Never Gives Up And Never Surrenders.


So, in other words, they tell a story from start-to-finish? It's just not the story you want to see.


If the rumored Cena-Wyatt Mania match happens, I could see Bryan being used as a stepping stone for Cena to overcome before he gets his hands on Bray.  Add in plenty of reminders that Bryan gave up when the going got tough while Cena Never Gives Up And Never Surrenders.


So, in other words, they tell a story from start-to-finish? It's just not the story you want to see.

Just like the Bryan vs the Authority story was told start-to-finish.

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If the rumored Cena-Wyatt Mania match happens, I could see Bryan being used as a stepping stone for Cena to overcome before he gets his hands on Bray.  Add in plenty of reminders that Bryan gave up when the going got tough while Cena Never Gives Up And Never Surrenders.


So, in other words, they tell a story from start-to-finish? It's just not the story you want to see.


Just like the Bryan vs the Authority story was told start-to-finish.



Who says Bryan vs. The Authority is over? Why did Bryan join the family? Because Bray was right all along. And what was Bray right about? Bryan will never defeat The Authority without The Wyatt Family by his side.


If the rumored Cena-Wyatt Mania match happens, I could see Bryan being used as a stepping stone for Cena to overcome before he gets his hands on Bray.  Add in plenty of reminders that Bryan gave up when the going got tough while Cena Never Gives Up And Never Surrenders.

If the rumored Cena/Wyatt Mania match happens, I found my bathroom break.  


I can't think of a match with the current WWE roster I want to see *less* at the biggest show of the year than John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt.





If the rumored Cena-Wyatt Mania match happens, I could see Bryan being used as a stepping stone for Cena to overcome before he gets his hands on Bray.  Add in plenty of reminders that Bryan gave up when the going got tough while Cena Never Gives Up And Never Surrenders.


So, in other words, they tell a story from start-to-finish? It's just not the story you want to see.


Just like the Bryan vs the Authority story was told start-to-finish.



Who says Bryan vs. The Authority is over? Why did Bryan join the family? Because Bray was right all along. And what was Bray right about? Bryan will never defeat The Authority without The Wyatt Family by his side.


Assuming the Authority isn't behind the Wyatt's.



If the rumored Cena-Wyatt Mania match happens, I could see Bryan being used as a stepping stone for Cena to overcome before he gets his hands on Bray.  Add in plenty of reminders that Bryan gave up when the going got tough while Cena Never Gives Up And Never Surrenders.

If the rumored Cena/Wyatt Mania match happens, I found my bathroom break.  


I can't think of a match with the current WWE roster I want to see *less* at the biggest show of the year than John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt.



Kofi-Miz Iron Man.






If the rumored Cena-Wyatt Mania match happens, I could see Bryan being used as a stepping stone for Cena to overcome before he gets his hands on Bray.  Add in plenty of reminders that Bryan gave up when the going got tough while Cena Never Gives Up And Never Surrenders.


So, in other words, they tell a story from start-to-finish? It's just not the story you want to see.


Just like the Bryan vs the Authority story was told start-to-finish.



Who says Bryan vs. The Authority is over? Why did Bryan join the family? Because Bray was right all along. And what was Bray right about? Bryan will never defeat The Authority without The Wyatt Family by his side.


Assuming the Authority isn't behind the Wyatt's.



Or that, too. So Bryan vs. The Authority isn't done. And look at Cena. He's promised Bryan a clean shot at the title if and when he beats Randy Orton for the title. Another part of The Authority tie-in.







If the rumored Cena-Wyatt Mania match happens, I could see Bryan being used as a stepping stone for Cena to overcome before he gets his hands on Bray.  Add in plenty of reminders that Bryan gave up when the going got tough while Cena Never Gives Up And Never Surrenders.


So, in other words, they tell a story from start-to-finish? It's just not the story you want to see.


Just like the Bryan vs the Authority story was told start-to-finish.



Who says Bryan vs. The Authority is over? Why did Bryan join the family? Because Bray was right all along. And what was Bray right about? Bryan will never defeat The Authority without The Wyatt Family by his side.


Assuming the Authority isn't behind the Wyatt's.



Or that, too. So Bryan vs. The Authority isn't done. And look at Cena. He's promised Bryan a clean shot at the title if and when he beats Randy Orton for the title. Another part of The Authority tie-in.


Assuming Lesnar doesn't kill Cena dead at Elimination Chamber.


The potential for the pay off being awesome is there.


But we've been burnt by Vince's whimsy way too many times to think this'll be any different.




If the rumored Cena-Wyatt Mania match happens, I could see Bryan being used as a stepping stone for Cena to overcome before he gets his hands on Bray.  Add in plenty of reminders that Bryan gave up when the going got tough while Cena Never Gives Up And Never Surrenders.

If the rumored Cena/Wyatt Mania match happens, I found my bathroom break.  


I can't think of a match with the current WWE roster I want to see *less* at the biggest show of the year than John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt.



Kofi-Miz Iron Man.


Its been said but it bears repeating.  Your choice of sigs makes your posts king sized.


The potential for the pay off being awesome is there.


But we've been burnt by Vince's whimsy way too many times to think this'll be any different.


Gregg, you asked for worst-case scenarios. You got them, and in response you're just arguing that they won't happen, that something better will. Yeah, maybe. And maybe not.

Believe me, I'd rather live in your sunny, optimistic world, but I don't think that's the likely outcome.


I dug the ending, not so much because I expect good things, but just for the "You're right" moment with Bryan laying face first in the ring.  I didn't see that coming at all.


On the other hand I hated, hated, HATED that powerbomb spot.  It should either end the match or Harper should lay around for a good 15 seconds before the pin attempt. Going straight into the cover like it was the first pinfall attempt AND Bryan kicking out really killed the whole contest for me.  Uggh... that was the WORST Bryan spot of his entire run in the company.


I think it's hysterical that so many people think Bryan is somehow going to lose his heat/kill his credibility etc etc. during this new angle.  The dude just kicked out of a fucking TOP ROPE POWERBOMB on Raw.  Who the fuck else get's to do that?


Ideally, this would all end with Taker being revealed to be behind the Wyatt's, Kane was sent in to The Authority as a mole, and the WM card is locked up with combinations of Taker/Kane/Cena/Punk/Wyatt's finishing,  occuping,  and removing threats from Shield/Triple H/HBK/Lesnar to make room for a Bryan/Orton World Title Main Event where Bryan finally overcomes everything and stands in Triumph hugging Brie whilst holding up the Belt ala Savage/Liz from WM's IV and VIII.



That said, I'm not gonna hold my breath.


I think it's hysterical that so many people think Bryan is somehow going to lose his heat/kill his credibility etc etc.. over this new angle.  The dude just kicked out of a fucking TOP ROPE POWERBOMB.

And by kicking out of it so quickly, it rendered the spot meaningless.

In any case, if things go south for Bryan, it's not going to be because of one spot or one night. As bad as that 18 second Mania match was, it didn't kill him even in the non-smark crowds. Bryan isn't going to show up at Raw next week and not get Yes chants. It's gonna be like Punk's title run, long and arduous.

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Here's how I'd summarize this argument:

If the optimists are right, then WWE has had a complex, multi-layered story that they have been telling since before SummerSlam, one that they are sticking to all the way to Mania, and possibly beyond.

If the pessimists are right, then WWE has been lurching in the winds chasing after ratings and buyrates, throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks.

Can you honestly tell me that option A is the more likely?

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The potential for the pay off being awesome is there.


But we've been burnt by Vince's whimsy way too many times to think this'll be any different.


Gregg, you asked for worst-case scenarios. You got them, and in response you're just arguing that they won't happen, that something better will. Yeah, maybe. And maybe not.

Believe me, I'd rather live in your sunny, optimistic world, but I don't think that's the likely outcome.



No. I'm arguing that they're telling a story that they'll finish. It might not be the finish to the story everyone wants. But they're telling something. People say this will end up w/ Bryan vs. The Miz or what have you. No it won't. Or they're saying the Bryan/Authority storyline is over. No it's not, since the whole reason Bryan joined The Wyatt Family is because Bray convinced him he can't beat them by himself and he's better off fighting alongside Bray then having Bray and his monsters continue to pummel him.

Everyone talks about the failure of The Nexus storyline. Well, what failure is that, exactly? The Nexus came and invaded. Cena led Team WWE to fend them off in a very good and heated SummerSlam match. Wade then shifted tasks to humiliate Cena, which he did when Cena was forced to join. Cena did Wade's dirty work for a few months. Wade then got cocky and wanted to have Cena raise his hand as champion as opposed to just merely winning the belt. He fired Cena. Wade's strategy then came back to bite him in the ass because Cena was punishing Wade's lackeys to the point where they turned on him since the Nexus was no longer about the collective but about Wade's aims and goals and they were being put through car windshields because of it. Cena then got a one on one shot against Wade and buried him under a sea of chairs.

Some of the details of that story could have been a little tighter -- the whole "you'll be gone from the WWE" part could have been done better, obviously. But that was a story told from start-to-finish.

The initial Summer of Punk stuff got too complex for their own good and could have been simpler. But Punk's arc was complete. He went after Cena because he thought he was the best. He won the belt. He then held on to it for a long time but was jealous of Cena's popularity and ended up with Heyman in his ear steering his career. Cena finally -- after Punk went on a historic title reign -- got his comeuppance against Punk on Raw in January in one of the best matches of the year.

Story complete.


Or what about Punk/Heyman? The reason why alliances like Punk/Heyman are formed are for the inevitable break-up. Punk wanted to a different route and Heyman got jealous. It took Punk months to finally get his hands on Heyman.  Punk went through wars to do so, including an epic against Brock, and finally was able to do so. Story told, start-to-finish.

Yes, the Invasion angle was completely botched. That was, what, over ten years ago at this point?

How many stories have they finished start-to-bottom since then? They ran a story for FOUR YEARS with The Undertaker taking on Shawn Michaels in two matches and HHH in two matches that ended with UT essentially having to beat both men to keep The Streak alive.

Just this whole stuff with Vince changing tasks doesn't add up to me. Are there some stories better told than others? Yes. Of course. But to automatically say these stories fail or what have you just isn't there.

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I think it's hysterical that so many people think Bryan is somehow going to lose his heat/kill his credibility etc etc.. over this new angle.  The dude just kicked out of a fucking TOP ROPE POWERBOMB.

And by kicking out of it so quickly, it rendered the spot meaningless.



That's pretty much exactly what I said in the first paragraph, but it doesn't change my point in the second one.  He consistently takes the biggest bumps AND kicks out of those bumps.  He is allowed to kick out of stuff that you wouldn't even expect Super Cena to kick out of.  That's absurd to me.  It's the most obvious vote of confidence from the company.  


The list of guys who get to do that sort of thing is really, really short.  

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