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None of that is bad. Bryan is fucking storyline teflon at this point. He got KANE over this year, for crying out loud.


I basically agree with you, but when the fuck has Kane not been over?

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I'd really love for Bryan to become a crazed zealot who tells the fans and other wrestlers that Bray Wyatt loves them and that he doesn't want to hurt them, and that they should follow him. This could set up a feud with Cena, where Cena tries to undo the brainwashing but Bryan fights him in the name of Bray. This has potential, but I am still afraid they will screw it up.


I find myself at the moment not caring at all about Bryan's postion in the company.  He doesn't ever need to be the top guy to have great stories and matches, and fans will remember his run in WWE years from now as a series of incredible highlights regardless of whether he got the top spot.


So I'm looking at this as just another potential highlight and not caring whether it moves him up or down or whatever.  I think it could be a perfectly great character turn.  The idealist who has become so disillusioned that he gives up on trying to achieve success and instead just wants revenge.


It's a pretty classic failed hero type and I look forward to seeing Bryan get to play it.

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I just wonder if the crowds are going to care one bit that he is allegedly a heel now, or if it's going to be an Eddy Guerrero in 2003 type situation.


I think cities like New York, Chicago, etc. will cheer Bryan and loudly because they don't want to play along. I'm not saying they should or shouldn't play along..  they paid for their ticket, they can do what they want. I just don't think they will ever boo him and that's their right.


So how does this impact the Rumble?


Cena will be in the title match. Punk looks preoccupied with the Shield (and with it Roman Reigns).


Either Bryan wins it with the help of the Wyatts, or the Authority raise the stakes and bring in Batista to win the Rumble/stop Bryan from winning it.


Batista vs. Bryan at EC with the title shot at the Rumble on the line?


I loved the final segment, I thought it was exciting as hell. At least they're going somewhere with Bryan. But at Mania it's going to be Bryan vs HBK, despite HBK's denials, according to Meltzer not so sure now. And they were planning on Bray Wyatt vs Cena with Hogan involved in some way. Maybe a tag with Cena. Not a exciting main is it. But I doubt they're gonna boo Bryan in any match up.


I loved the Lesnar angle, did you notice the guys in the front row when Lesnar sent Henry through the barricade, they were actors, reacting reacting exactly as they were told to. Lesnar vs Taker is still on the Mania books. 


They're still negotiating with Goldberg, but he's driving a hard bargain =$.


The Old School Raw show would be a prefect way to bring back Hogan, assuming they're going that way. 

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I loved the Lesnar angle, did you notice the guys in the front row when Lesnar sent Henry through the barricade, they were actors, reacting reacting exactly as they were told to. Lesnar vs Taker is still on the Mania books. 




Yeah I noticed that as well. A real fan would have been jumping for joy after that, and not act like super concerned bystanders.


Maybe a brainwashed Bryan is how they can do the Cena vs Bryan / Bella v Bella angle without either REALLY being a heel.


I don't always see a main event player doing a mid card role as a demotion, or as some would say "getting buried". Sometimes, someone needs to step down to bring someone up. (That may sound like I am contradicting myself, but it's two different things.) As long as things goes well and it helps elevate someone, I see nothing wrong with it. We have been calling for more main event folks, right?

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It's not really even close to a demotion. When Cena is on he is the main event story, period. That has nothing to do with Bryan.  Bryan's story with the Wyatts is just under or right there as a co-main event angle. 


Cena is also just barely the main event in this. Bryan and Punk were heavily involved in the contract signing -- in fact, their involvement ended the show.

I think there is an argument to be made that the Cena/Orton feud over the unification of the belts is overshadowed right now.

Hypothetically, imagine if you switch Bryan with Cena right now? People would gripe that Cena's feud with The Wyatt Family was out shining the title picture, which should be the most important feud ever, etc, and prof that Bryan is being buried.

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I loved the final segment, I thought it was exciting as hell. At least they're going somewhere with Bryan. But at Mania it's going to be Bryan vs HBK, despite HBK's denials, according to Meltzer not so sure now. And they were planning on Bray Wyatt vs Cena with Hogan involved in some way. Maybe a tag with Cena. Not a exciting main is it. But I doubt they're gonna boo Bryan in any match up.

I loved the Lesnar angle, did you notice the guys in the front row when Lesnar sent Henry through the barricade, they were actors, reacting reacting exactly as they were told to. Lesnar vs Taker is still on the Mania books.

They're still negotiating with Goldberg, but he's driving a hard bargain =$.

The Old School Raw show would be a prefect way to bring back Hogan, assuming they're going that way.

Any form of Bryan vs. Hogan would make my head explode.


Finally caught most of the rest of the show and yeah, it was the pits. Barrett's nihilistic rant was pretty awesome though and the podium was hilarious. I almost feel bad for Brodus Clay, they might as well just ship him to Florida with how he got treated there. I guess a regimmicking is in order? Otherwise that was a burial and the announcers even made light of it. 


EDIT: Forgot to note. I saw the end initially and am firmly in the "pro" camp on it. Bray's facial expressions throughout, and also the weariness on Bryan's face were amazing and told such a story. Bray's look of sheer elation to Bryan submitting to him was priceless. Also, Luke Harper fucking rules.


I kind of like the Cole/JBL back and forth on the Wyatts. It's hitting the point where it's passed terrible into vaguely hilarious. All the goofiness about Cole's sources and then how he says basically the same thing each week and JBL insults him. It's passed the line. 


EDIT: I would have been fine with the Superbomb kickout if Harper had just spent a few more seconds visibly selling and delaying his pin. 

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Cena is also just barely the main event in this. Bryan and Punk were heavily involved in the contract signing -- in fact, their involvement ended the show.

I think there is an argument to be made that the Cena/Orton feud over the unification of the belts is overshadowed right now.

Hypothetically, imagine if you switch Bryan with Cena right now? People would gripe that Cena's feud with The Wyatt Family was out shining the title picture, which should be the most important feud ever, etc, and prof that Bryan is being buried.


Well if the Rasslemania rumors are true, all roads in this Bryan-Wyatt thing are leading to Cena being the hero at the end of the day anyway.


Late to the party, but:

My fear with the Wyatt Family angle is that the modern crowds don't buy DB as a heel. I hope the writing crew doesn't just rely on the audience chanting "YES" in every one of his matches to tease breaking Bray Wyatt's spell for too long or they will get bored of it. The Family has to do some truly evil things to get over. It has to be a legit heel turn/brainwash, because if Bryan was just faking, it devalues the angle for the future and weakens BW. I am a big Kevin Sullivan Prince of Darkness mark so this is right up my alley.

if you are not optimistic then why are you watching?,


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