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I'm a huge Bryan fan and I love the start to this angle with the Wyatts. I'm not the least bit concerned.

And as you've repeatedly made clear, if you're not concerned, no one else should be.



I'm a huge Bryan fan and I love the start to this angle with the Wyatts. I'm not the least bit concerned.

And as you've repeatedly made clear, if you're not concerned, no one else should be.



My question was "why should anyone be concerned?" given his current spot in the company... 


Spotty indy-esque selling from Bryan is nothing new. Look at the Orton match from a few weeks ago. He went from actling like his arm was about to fall off to skinning the cat and applying the Yes Lock with no apparent difficulty.


In addition, I guess you just have to accept the fact that in WWE, finishers have magical opponent-finishing properties that other moves don't. An even more egregious example was in that street fight between Damien Sandow and Dolph Ziggler. In that match, a DDT onto a steel chair only got a nearfall, but a full nelson slam onto a garbage can got the pin.

Which was, weirdly enough, another example of a Sandow win with non-down shoulders.


I'm a huge Bryan fan and I love the start to this angle with the Wyatts. I'm not the least bit concerned.

And as you've repeatedly made clear, if you're not concerned, no one else should be.


My question was "why should anyone be concerned?" given his current spot in the company...

You didn't actually ask that question. You asked what would make people who disagree with you on this happy, framing the argument using the most positive spin of the night's events possible, then you declared yourself a huge Bryan fan and said you weren't the least bit concerned.

The question "why should anyone be concerned?" has been answered repeatedly. It's been answered on this page. You don't have to agree with the answer, but you don't get to play the 'no one answered me so I must be right' card, either.


No, it hasn't...  The discussion is about angles that failed or flamed out, went nowhere, etc....    I am only discussing Bryan's status in the company. There's no reason why anyone should feel that he would ever be relegated to a midcard feud with The Miz.


I guess I fall into the "if anyone can fuck this up, WWE creative can" crowd.


I WANT to believe that they can make Bryan and the Wyatt clan work. The in-ring product has been off the hook this year and for that I'm thankful but I still have zero faith in the WWE demonstrating that they aren't tone deaf when it comes to what the fans want. I think that Vince has always been somewhat tone deaf and out of touch. He's had moments where he really nailed it but the most part I think he still wishes it was 1986 and every "Superstar" was 6'8", 285lbs and gassed to the gills. He likes "zany antics." He seems like the "Lt. Steve" character from Good Morning Vietnam. Until someone who is more in touch with the current market place can get Papa Vince to take a back seat, I have zero faith. I WANT the WWE to keep delivering great matches and angles that don't make me feel stupid for watching. Seeing Bryan do his "puppy in a rainstorm" walk behind Bray was eye-rollingly bad.


Hey, you know, the WWE has *never* EEEEVVVVEEERRRR relegated someone massively over to midcard pergatory before, nope...





You know, for saying that people are wrong for thinking that Bryan would ever end up in midcard hell...


We are just one Bella meltdown away from that happening, remember that.


The way I see it the Bryan-Wyatt's storyline plays to the four main contingencies that show up in Raw threads.

A) The pro-Bryan's to a fault

B) The anti-Bryan/Punk alliance

C) The pro/gaga over Wyatt's

D) The anti Wyatt's/ Wyatt's are a hokey midcard act.

This angle plays into every single group and the Mega-Posters are about to explode. Whatcha gonna do, brother!!

I enjoyed it and hope hope hope they don't screw it up.

Mark Henry and funkadactyl #2 both went splat. Lesnar looked like an absolute monster.


How would everyone feel if Bryan and the Wyatts either laid low for awhile or made an immediate impact by attacking Cena, Orton, HHH, etc.? What everyone thinks is a Bryan heel turn actually turns into him leading a freak group of revolutionaries, like someone else mentioned in another thread as a way to turn the Wyatt Family face?


Well, I'll conciede that Bryan could at least turn the Wyatt Family interesting.


I have faith in long term booking this time around. Call me crazy. It just makes too much sense, and the angles with Bryan/Wyatt Family and Shield/CM Punk has the potential to turn some people babyface, or launch them into a better position.


I guess I fall into the "if anyone can fuck this up, WWE creative can" crowd.



I fall into the "if anyone can fuck this up, WWE creative can, but I'm still going to have fun with you jerkwads watching and dissecting the thing anyway."

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When I read "wait and see" comments, all I see is: "I can change him. He loves me. He won't hit me again. It's my fault."


And now, great moments in "let's wait and see where this goes" history...





You forgot this one...


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I guess I fall into the "if anyone can fuck this up, WWE creative can" crowd.



I fall into the "if anyone can fuck this up, WWE creative can, but I'm still going to have fun with you jerkwads watching and dissecting the thing anyway."


Not me. I've left the WWE for months and years at a time. I'll be reading the RAW thread here every week though so I can see when it's safe to come back. My WWE viewing has been casual at best for years. 2011 got me paying attention, 2012 left me cold and I tuned out, but I hung out for 2013.




I guess I fall  into the "if anyone can fuck this up, WWE creative can" crowd.



I fall into the "if anyone can fuck this up, WWE creative can, but I'm still going to have fun with you jerkwads watching and dissecting the thing anyway."


Not me. I've left the WWE for months and years at a time. I'll be reading the RAW thread here every week though so I can see when it's safe to come back. My WWE viewing has been casual at best for years. 2011 got me paying attention, 2012 left me cold and I tuned out, but I hung out for 2013.



That sounds a lot like what I do. The only difference is that a few days after the shows air, I hit youtube and find what I want to watch of them (lots of six man and regular tags lately). On Monday night I watch The Blacklist with my wife or watch old Portland wrestling or the Lucha Set or whatever. Sometimes I'll catch part of a PPV. Usually I'll catch what I want a few days later and just follow along on PWO at the time. It's not some huge emotional investment for me most of the time. If you're that into things to make a bold declaration of separation on the internet, I'd try my way first. 


As I always think when I see the board blow up at something they don't like, I'd love to hear the idea they have for Bryan that is so much better than what happened last night. And remember a couple of things here, too:


-The angle ended the show. It fucking ended the show. If it was a mid card act, they would have swapped spots with the Mark Henry/Brock Lesnar angle. 

-Bryan basically just said that he's done all he could the way he wanted to do it, but never got to where he wanted to get, so he's going to sell his soul to the devil and do it by any means necessary. That's one of the oldest stories in history. And it's a great one.

-If he does achieve the goal (and in the process becomes the biggest name in the company, which is where the doubt is coming from) then you either have him disrespecting Bray to the point where Bray sends the hounds after him, or Bryan can tell him he used them to get what he wanted and fight them off. So there's a built in out.

-It elevates three guys from a step below the main event to top of the card guys because they're associated with Bryan. 


None of that is bad. Bryan is fucking storyline teflon at this point. He got KANE over this year, for crying out loud.

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Some questions:


1. Does anyone really think Bryan joining/teasing to join the Wyatts is actually more damaging to him than losing decisively to the authority at HIAC or having a two-minute title reign at Summer Slam?


2. Given that Bryan already has jobbed decisively to the authority, how would you realistically go about keeping him relevant without him being in the title picture?


3. Is it out of the realm of possibility for Bryan to take over the Wyatt cult and challenge Taker at Mania?


4.Unrelated, but who wouldn't be down for Brock/Cena 2 at Mania?

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