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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/2018 in Posts

  1. If he were paying tribute to Phil Collins, he'd know that there's No Jacket Required.
    15 points
  2. Everything HHH said is corporate drone doublespeak bullshit. No, you absolutely do not need to be tolerant of an intolerant system because "hey man, it's just a different culture." Fuck all that. If that were true, blacks would still be confined to the nosebleed seats in Memphis. "Hey, the south is just a different culture and if they see blacks as subhumnan, who am I to judge?" I made the reference earlier, but this is like if they'd have run a show in apartheid South Africa in the 80s. I guess I shouldn't expect better of a dude rocking the iron cross. Not saying HHH is a bigot, just saying the dude is a) blinded by cash and b) ignorant. "You have to change the system from the inside" is the battle cry of zero-integrity sellouts everywhere and always has been. Call a spade a spade: they are running a show in a misogynist hellhole built on human rights abuses, and they're holding their nose and looking the other way because their greed is boundless. Vince will be dead in the next decade, has all the money he'll ever need, and his family is likely set for life as well, but they still want more. It's disgusting.
    7 points
  3. Everyone is sleeping on Graves actually explaining how Nak got the new theme because he didn't want the fans singing along anymore. That's next-level heel work. EDIT: That and the song title going from "Rising Sun" to "Shadows of a Setting Sun."
    6 points
  4. I only even learned this match existed yesterday. Have a gif:
    5 points
  5. Pro Wrestling Only seems like a nursing home, devoid of enjoyment of anything - whereas DVDVR is one of those gated communities for old folks that has a handful of cool old people, but also the occasional guy that’s all, “I miss the old days”.
    5 points
  6. Let's go one further and stop pretending that *WWE* itself is up to snuff with everyone's morals.
    5 points
  7. I did not know this until this post. Last year I started getting adult diaper ads in my margins. Every single day, every single site, men's adult diapers, women's adult diapers, almost exclusively ads for adult diapers. Especially a new kind called "Silhouettes", because they fit so comfortably under your clothing! Over a month of my margins being filled with adult diaper ads. And then one day my Pissed Jeans record - the one I pre-ordered over a month earlier - arrived in the mail, and I realized that google had taken my searches for Pissed Jeans to mean that I had a problem regular pissing my pants. As if I had googled "Dear google, how can I prevent constantly soaking my dungarees in piss?" And can we just cut to you telling me how many members of Protomartyr have been Ants?
    5 points
  8. Lawler would be the expert on giving young women payoffs
    4 points
  9. Ryder tweeted no full tears in his knee and no surgery required.
    3 points
  10. I mean they were going for "Cass was putting on his jacket and watch after having viciously attacked Daniel Bryan from behind". But without the Bryan attack being known until later, it just looked like "Cass coming out to zero reaction, putting on shit Men's Wearhouse just finished altering".
    3 points
  11. Amnesty International had a top 10 of sorts for human rights violators in 2017. Saudi Arabia is on there... but so is the United States, Europe, Australia, China, Russia, Turkey, etc. All places that the WWE tour in, some more than others. I hate to keep playing devil's advocate on this issue, but let's not pretend like WWE doesn't tour in other countries around the world that aren't up to snuff with everyone's morals or whatever.
    3 points
  12. 3 points
  13. Bryan's return will work out okay, unless the stick him in there with some green, uncoordinated lunkhead who doesn't know a wristlock from a wristwatch. So, re sign yourself to Daniel Bryan being killed in his first match with Big Ass.
    2 points
  14. Was your uncle a priest who was also a werewolf and terrorized Corey Haim when he was wheelchair bound?
    2 points
  15. This is why gifs are inadmissible as evidence in wrestlers’ court.
    2 points
  16. It's the libertarian dream. Knock knock knock "One second...ye........" "I LIVE HERE NOW. YOU GO." "Oh god," "STRONG LIVE. TEND LAWN. WEAK FLEE. FOOD FOR MONGRELS." "Hmmmm. your logic sound, gigantic invader. My wife and children are upstairs. They are yours to sell or devour. Before I leave may I grab a broom to fend off road warriors?" "NO. BROOM FOR ME NOW. LEAVES IN GUTTER NEED BROOM." "I see. I'll just pre-lube myself up for Lord Humungus then." "THAT GUY NOT REAL LIBERTARIAN. FIX GAS PRICES." "Yes, yes, I heard your debate on NPR." "NOAH ADAMS BIASED. ME PREFER JUAN WILLIAMS." "Of course you do." "ME HEAR SARCASM IN VOICE. JUAN WILLIAMS FAIR BALANCE." "Can I just go now." "ME FEEL LIKE YOU LEAVE ANGRY." "No, I'm fine. Just tired." "EVERYONE ALWAYS TIRED WHEN TALK MAYOR KANE."
    2 points
  17. If he was REALLY paying tribute to Phil Collins...
    2 points
  18. Previous to his injury, he spent most of his time standing next to an even bigger dork, so it wasn’t so noticeable.
    2 points
  19. Sid really was the master of the universe, and ruler of the world. Give me big dudes throwing people around over small dudes and their "fighting spirit" bullshit any day.
    2 points
  20. Thank god it's back. I didn't come to work to do work like some kind of god damned manimal.
    2 points
  21. SID was nothing but a spot monkey but check out his workrate:
    2 points
  22. Looked over post match interviews. I think one with Ishii is interesting since we usually don't hear him talk much: Speaks some truth and gives important advice for Henare and then goes back to his tough guy persona "But I don't care what he does". I suppose Ishii was actually impressed by Henare's performance? Because I don't remember when was the last time Ishii said more than 1-2 sentences in his promos/interviews. Naito reframes his match into being not about IC title, but about him humiliating "The King" and stealing his treasure that is not a treasure in the first place. He also mentions how he was beaten by Zack, but if he beats Suzuki... what does it mean for Suzuki-Gun? I think we all want Zack/Suzuki to happen at some point and this could be a good starting point for that story.
    2 points
  23. The booking of Daniel Bryan is just truly awful. It's back to the underdog, little man who gets laid out shit. What a fucking terrible way to present him after all this.
    2 points
  24. Who is your favorite wrestler and why is it Pete Dunne?
    2 points
  25. ... we are supposed to hate TM vs DK now? I hate the internet.
    2 points
  26. Client: "So I feel like my employer is just not valuing me as much as they should, what advice do you have?" Low-Ki: "Then stop working there" Client: "Should I find another job before giving my notice?" Low-Ki: "I don't understand what you're saying? Just don't go back there." Client: "But I have to finish some projects fi-" Low-Ki: "No you do not. That is not the warriors way do not let them tell you what you do." Client: "What's the refund policy" *Call ended*
    2 points
  27. "The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom." - William Blake You are both correct, of course. TM/DK was a revelation, a distillation of the most exciting parts of a match concentrated into a sugar-rush, like the freedom of having an ice cream sundae for breakfast. There was was, in hindsight, a sacrifice of story-telling and pacing, but the context was ideal: that time, place, participants and type of match (New Japan Juniors) and -here is the most important factor- the whole goddamn card wasn't like that. It takes the headlong overkill of youth and new ideas to swing the pendulum and steal the influence away from the tenured lumbering oldsters of the era who have not updated a style for more modern times. Will that dessert-for-breakfast lead later promoters to serve nothing but sugar (excitement) and providing not real nutrition (emotion, stories)? Well, of course, and there is a small audience for that too, but the the resulting sugar crash made a lot of folks appreciate the other aspects of thee Craft of Rasslin. Moral: eat balanced meals, kids, maybe not every meal but certainly on a day-to-day basis. Moderation tempered with indulgence, I say. - RAF
    2 points
  28. I'll never understand people not liking Booker.
    2 points
  29. Glad to see Big Cass hasn't changed at all because of his injury.
    1 point
  30. Well unfortunately doesn't look like there's a lot happening during that week. There are some Mariners games if you're into baseball, and a Sounders game if soccer is your thing. I'll second what OSJ said about EMP but it has the much more hideous name Museum of Pop Culture now (or *shudders* MoPop for short). Definitely take in the Pike Place Market too. Just be warned you'll probably see some homeless meth user walking around with his pants down (a friend of mine literally saw that exact thing a few weeks ago). If you're into rock Papa Roach, Morbid Angel and Puddle of Mudd are playing shows while you're here. There's an indie game festival on the 5th if you're a gamer. Otherwise there's the usual touristy stuff. The Seattle walking underground tour is pretty neat, and only takes a couple of hours. The zoo is pretty decent too, they've remodeled it since the last time I was there but you can easily spend half a day there. There's also a small aquarium and a Seattle harbor tour with Argosy Cruises which can both kill a couple hours each. While you're in Seattle you have to get a burger from Dick's. It's an institution around here. Hope you have a good time. Seattle's a great place if you can past all the hipsters, social justice warriors and zombies (we've got a pretty bad heroin and meth problem around here right now).
    1 point
  31. My big takeaway from all this is there was apparently a price for someone to get the biggest Roster of the #1 promotion on the planet to do a live custom, screwing up the show of "moments" in the process.
    1 point
  32. Right much more important to put him over the whole roster so he can derail the whole company for the 3rd time.
    1 point
  33. So, they are the Frank Miller & Alan Moore of wrestling?
    1 point
  34. I'm glad her attorney isn't going to attempt a Red Kryptonite defense.
    1 point
  35. Please don't bury us alive.
    1 point
  36. I've got no real desire to see that movie, but now I kind of want to go just so I can chomp on popcorn at the most dramatic moments.
    1 point
  37. Watching the Mae Young Classic, I remembered how much I like the full nelson slam as a finisher. It is simple, but always looks impactful. I've always thought someone should kind of do a full nelson/uranage where they swing the guy out and fall with them like a rock bottom.
    1 point
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