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Blake and Murphy are what happens when they screw up cloning Kane and accidentally make two Curt Hawkins.


When I first saw them, they reminded me of Hawkins and Ryder back when they were Edge's stooges and they definitely have that generic B show jobber tag team look to them.  It's too bad as they're decent workers and getting better and are just starting to show some personality.  They're a prime example of wrestlers having all the tools but not having "it" that really takes them to the next level.  If they can come up with an actual gimmick or something more distinctive about themselves then I think they've got a good run ahead of them.

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Blake and Murphy are what happens when they screw up cloning Kane and accidentally make two Curt Hawkins.

When I first saw them, they reminded me of Hawkins and Ryder back when they were Edge's stooges and they definitely have that generic B show jobber tag team look to them. It's too bad as they're decent workers and getting better and are just starting to show some personality. They're a prime example of wrestlers having all the tools but not having "it" that really takes them to the next level. If they can come up with an actual gimmick or something more distinctive about themselves then I think they've got a good run ahead of them.

I still call them the Minor Brothers.

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I'm watching Carmela and Bayley Periscope their road trip to a house show and I would absolutely watch NXT wrestlers struggling to make house shows because of Florida's all-universe shitty drivers and highways while slowly being driven insane.

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Test was way bigger than either of these guys and Albert had a unique look.


These guys are like the Dollar Store Mexican Action Figure Knock Off version of Beer Money


In terms of look and generic-ness, the best comp for Blake and Murphy is Croft and Baretta.


But with the Bliss/Trish comp being so easy plus the whole "2 reasonably talented but ultimately underachieving midcarders" thing they have going on, T&A has to be the best overall fit.

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Does anyone think Blake and Murphy even get confused about which is which?


My headcanon is now that every so often, Blake will hit on Alexa, who shoots him down- not because he is interested in her, but because it's the only way he remembers "Oh yeah, I'm Blake. Thanks for clearing it up."

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I'm watching Carmela and Bayley Periscope their road trip to a house show and I would absolutely watch NXT wrestlers struggling to make house shows because of Florida's all-universe shitty drivers and highways while slowly being driven insane.

I'm trying to picture Bayley having a fit of road rage, but it always turns out adorable.

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Simplest way is to have Eva win the belt from Sasha. Then have her get intentionally DQ'd or counted out every match.

How about giving her a monster bodyguard or forcing one of the Four Horsewomen to be her tag partner in tag matches, have them do 99% of the work then have Eva tag herself in and get the pin every time.


She then could brag that she had wins over the best in NXT and dodge any chances of singles matches. If forced into singles matches, she forces DQs. If she ever gets the belt, it would only be through LayCool rules.


EDIT: Eva has the personality of Plank. I've never seen her emote, she's like 1990s 3d game cinematic. That said, the roasting she got on NXT was so brutal (and over the line) that she actually showed emotion... subtle, but still emotions.

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I love that all the smarky "jokes" about Blake and Murphy here are exactly what they want . It's NXT, they want smarks chanting shit at them and hating then online. It's heat. And any heat is good.

"That's Blake wrestling"/ "Are you sure?"

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I love that all the smarky "jokes" about Blake and Murphy here are exactly what they want . It's NXT, they want smarks chanting shit at them and hating then online. It's heat. And any heat is good.


What about the dreaded X-Pac heat?

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I think his gear all says "Rhino" but he is "Rhyno" in WWE. Probably didn't want to invest in new stuff for a part time gig. He doesn't wear t shirts on the local XICW shows I've seen him work.


I can just see him heading through Gorilla before someone notices his gear says "Rhino", stops him and tosses him a shirt.  For fun, imagine HHH as Mean Joe Greene.

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I think his gear all says "Rhino" but he is "Rhyno" in WWE. Probably didn't want to invest in new stuff for a part time gig. He doesn't wear t shirts on the local XICW shows I've seen him work.

I thought of that a few weeks back. 

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