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cwoy2j last won the day on December 16 2024

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About cwoy2j

  • Birthday 09/01/1979

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  1. Started another playthrough of Bannerlord 2 with the Khuzaits. They're so OP it's ridiculous. All I had to do was load up on Khan's Guards, some Empire Elite Cataphracts, Sturgian Linebreakers, get a companion with high engineering and jack up my smithing stats to bankroll everything and taking over the world has been a piece of cake. Khan's Guard basically wipe out everybody on the field and the Sturgian Heroic Linebreakers are the best for taking over castles and towns.
  2. Hey I'm not saying that women don't fall all over him. But he don't give in. He's a family man.
  3. Jericho had the Evenflow ripoff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gUNsskAEis
  4. Are we talking about Raven's WCW music? If so, that wasn't a Pearl Jam swap. That was a swap with Nirvana's Come As You Are. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ON_BqmOCXQY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vabnZ9-ex7o
  5. I've come to really appreciate Screaming Trees lately.
  6. It's wild because most of the time, you think of little people matches as comedy but most of them were actually great workers. I remember going down a Cowboy Lang rabbit hole a long time ago after reading Bret Hart's autobiography where he described Cowboy as being a great wrestler who could actually put on fantastic matches when he got the chance but most of the times promoters just wanted "midget comedy". Lang was pretty fantastic.
  7. As a young JCP fan, that's one reason I hated the WWF back then. I thought most WWF wrestlers were stupid. "Hogan is going into his Hulk mode! Stop hitting him! Just roll out of the ring and wait for his Hulk Up meter to go down! This would never happen to Tully Blanchard!"
  8. Man, I know Missy gets clowned on for her botched surgeries and other stuff but I've always loved the fact that she's genuinely a wrestling fan. https://x.com/WrestlingNewsCo/status/1868532783439851798
  9. You know Tony Khan would pony up the money for the rights to Sharp Dressed Man.
  10. Sorry but Gorgeous Jimmy Garvin strutting down the aisle with all of the sequins like a peacock drunk on Jack Daniels to "Sharp Dressed Man" while Precious sprays the entire ring with air freshener is the king for me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLF1yIT5J-M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvQE2mQUywQ
  11. Another example would be the Hercules/Hogan match from SNME. Herc had him dead to rights in the backbreaker. He thought he heard Hogan submit and let him go early and started celebrating. You can probably figure out where it went from there.
  12. I just love the Lemmy documentary where they show Lemmy on a day off and basically all he does is play video games with his kid and go to the Rainbow Bar and Grill to drink Jack Daniels and play the x rated version of Photo Hunt. When people ask me what I want to do when I retire, I just tell them to watch the Lemmy doc and you'll see my retirement dream.
  13. I'm a giant Motorhead guy so any theme they made for HHH is better than all of the others.
  14. Missing HBK and Cena. Also, apparently Austin was a cardio monster. Just never got a chance to show it much later in his career because most of his matches were Attitude Era brawls but I've heard a few guys from that era say Austin's cardio was insane.
  15. I want him and Papa Brisco as El Gran Ultimo Brisco and El Hijo Del Ultimo Brisco.
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