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2nd biggest show of the year is Sunday.


The Card:

WWE World Heavyweight Championship

Brock Lesnar @ John Cena ©


Womyn's Championship

Paige @ A.J. Lee ©


WWE Intercontinental Championship

Dolph Ziggler @ The Miz ©


Lumberjack Match

Dean Ambrose @ Seth Rollins


Flag Match

Jack Swagger @ Rusev


Use Your Husband's Finisher Match

Brie Bella @ Stephanie McMahon


I Too Am Moist Match

Randy Orton @ Roman Reigns


Finish We Should Have Done Last Month Match

Chris Jericho @ Bray Wyatt


Here's every SS in 60 seconds (each):


Cesaro's not on the card, Bryan's not on the card, and Luke Harper probably won't be doing much substantial stuff, and those are my three favorite guys. 


This will be another show where most of the wrestling is solid, but the finishes and decisions on who goes over will be questionable at best and just leave promising guys spinning their wheels for another month at worst.


I do look forward to Brock Lesnar straight up murdering John Cena and then only showing up once a month to defend the championship, however. That will give the title some extra importance. 

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Brock should murder Cena to make whoever ends up Conquering Brock a legend.


Cena will win.

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That video was great. I remember having SS 98 on VHS and absolutely watching the crap out of it. 


The video also reminded me of the fact that Summerslam has been one of the least memorable events of the last ten years. I honestly forgot most of the matches and feuds.


8 matches and nothing involving the tag belts or US title.  Are The Usos and Sheamus even feuding with anyone right now?  I'm guessing The Usos might go over The Wyatts or Rybaxel for the ninth time on the preshow.


8 matches and nothing involving the tag belts or US title.  Are The Usos and Sheamus even feuding with anyone right now?  I'm guessing The Usos might go over The Wyatts or Rybaxel for the ninth time on the preshow.


They've been waffling on the last couple of cards as to whether they should merge the IC/US title at the PPV.


One of the rumored plans for the battle royal last month was for Sheamus to win and merge the two.


8 matches and nothing involving the tag belts or US title.  Are The Usos and Sheamus even feuding with anyone right now?  I'm guessing The Usos might go over The Wyatts or Rybaxel for the ninth time on the preshow.


That is my biggest problem with the product right now.  The mid-tier belts, where you could dip down to grab a quick contender in the event of an injury, are being ignored.


The shows are basically focused around Cena and the Title, keeping Bryan relevant with the Authority, and the Wyatt's, Jericho, and ex-SHIELD who are in the mix but not on the level of the top two.


At least give the titles some respect by creating some minor feuds so guys can work on their characters a bit.


They're at least doing that with Miz-Ziggler. The tag belts, on the other hand...what was the point of teaming up two fairly over upper midcard guys, giving them a manager and a decent story, and then not doing anything with them for three weeks, exactly?


They're at least doing that with Miz-Ziggler. The tag belts, on the other hand...what was the point of teaming up two fairly over upper midcard guys, giving them a manager and a decent story, and then not doing anything with them for three weeks, exactly?



I like to see guys progress in the bottom half of the card.  Even if they lose a fued for a title do they elevate their character so that down the road I can see them holding the belt? 


The Tag and mid tier titles should be for guys to polish their characters and see if they are ready to make the jump to the next level.


I hope Brock breaks Cena's arm and then takes the arm and puts it on a chain as a reminder to everyone that you don't mess with him.


Seriously though I'm looking forward to Brock/Cena, AJ/Paige, and Dean/Seth. Maybe Rusev vs. Swagger, but I really wish it was Rusev vs. Zeb who was 25 years younger cause Rusev vs. a super patroitic Zeb would be awesome.


Don't really care about anything else on the show. Orton vs. Reigns is just such an apathetic match. Everything they are doing with Reigns, they should be doing with Ambrose. Roman should never cut promos after last night. He should just speak in one word sentences and be the Samoan Ivan Drago.


Looking forward to Brock/Cena, and Ambrose/Rollins(even with the stupid stip). If I was forced to pick my #3 most anticipated match it would be Miz/Ziggler. I don't like either guy even a little, but Miz is a great d-bag and Ziggler is over so it's a perfectly fine mid card feud. I may have some morbid curiosity to Steph/Brie and Orton/Reigns to see the crowd reactions and if they stink up the joint or not.


It feels weird to me that every match is a singles match. I'm mostly excited about Cena/Brock though I'm looking forward to Dean/Seth as well. Also interested in seeing where most of the under card goes.


Really only interested in Cena-Brock. That lumberjack stip for Rollins-Ambrose still boggles my mind. AJ-Paige should be good. Intrigued by Miz-Ziggler but here is no way Ziggler is winning.

I fear Reigns-Orton mightily. Steph-Brie should have enough shenanigans to be entertaining, if kept short.

This doesn't feel like a SummerSlam. I know the Bryan injury really screwed things up and Barrett going down didn't help but wow. I think it'll be a decent show but Night of Champions and Hell in a Cell better be damn good to get me to re-up.

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Aside from Cena-Lesnar (and that's only because I want to see the outrage when Cena wins), I have literally zero interest in this show. If that RAW was the last attempt at selling me on the Network, I wouldn't have even considered subscribing. Though I kind of wonder why one of their supposed big-time babyfaces in Sheamus is nowhere to be found on this card.


I would say there is an 92% chance Cena is winning.  The only way this would be acceptable is if the Taker returns, but he may still be concussed since WrestleMania.  


Even if Taker doesn't physically return, if the finish is just random *BONG*, Brock distraction, AA, Cena wins... is that acceptable? I dunno. I'll readily admit that I'm probably more of a Taker mark than is healthy for a grown man, so with that in mind, I feel like Brock having beat the streak means he shouldn't ever, ever lose. He should be Great Leader and Eternal World Champion much in the way Kim Il Sung still rules Naughty Korea decades after his death.


Even if Taker doesn't physically return, if the finish is just random *BONG*, Brock distraction, AA, Cena wins... is that acceptable?

That's a lose/lose/lose scenario. It kills off the heat Brock built at Mania, doesn't elevate Cena any, and doesn't even turn him full heel.

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