piranesi Posted August 19, 2014 Posted August 19, 2014 Ambrose leaping into the middle of over a dozen people and somehow making every one of them fall down and sell didn't really help matters. Let's not undersell how seldom he bathes and what he uses as soap when he does.
DreamBroken Posted August 20, 2014 Posted August 20, 2014 Pretty good show. The SummerSlam retro report did a great job adding a big time feel to the show. Thought with the first half having rather short matches that they were setting up Cena/Lesnar to go real long but it was the opposite. Never would've expected such a squash. Very glad Paige regained the title, didn't expect all 3 title changes. Thought Steph/Brie was a lot of fun with an exciting finishing stretch. Ambrose/Rollins was a good brawl, expected it to go longer but it worked well...real good feud video package too. Rusev/Swagger ruled with great selling as noted. Rusev's post-match selling last month was a highlight there and was great all match here. Also cool to see the Four Horsewomen from UFC there and later involved in Steph's ice challenge. Loved the mid-air RKO counter on Reigns, that was great.
Dolfan in NYC Posted August 20, 2014 Author Posted August 20, 2014 Ambrose leaping into the middle of over a dozen people and somehow making every one of them fall down and sell didn't really help matters. Let's not undersell how seldom he bathes and what he uses as soap when he does. Honestly, I think Ambrose keeps himself fastidiously clean, like a cat. Unfortunately, he uses the same method of cleaning himself. 2
Nice Guy Eddie Posted August 20, 2014 Posted August 20, 2014 Ambrose leaping into the middle of over a dozen people and somehow making every one of them fall down and sell didn't really help matters. Let's not undersell how seldom he bathes and what he uses as soap when he does. Honestly, I think Ambrose keeps himself fastidiously clean, like a cat.Unfortunately, he uses the same method of cleaning himself. Hey, don't knock it. My cats are incredibly clean.
NintendoLogic Posted August 23, 2014 Posted August 23, 2014 I saw the huge German announce table team. I saw Lesnar throwing a lot of German suplexes. My vision was sadly not realised. They weirdly showed a lot of respect for the German announce table both at Summerslam and at Raw. I was expecting someone to go through that table as well. It's almost like they're afraid of the Germans. What's up with them having their own table anyways? They know what the Germans are all about. 1
HumanChessgame Posted August 23, 2014 Posted August 23, 2014 Instead of finding the Eye of the Tiger, how about Cena stumbles upon the Eye of Tyr? It might be the only thing that can stop him. Cena gets the Eye of Tyr and goes back to his roots to complete his training by entering King of Trios as a part of Team UPW with Tom Howard and Bleach Blond Samoa Joe. This is how the SHIELD gets back together. The three of them unite out of nowhere to triple team Lesnar before Rollins cashes in. That thought had crossed my mind as well (in terms of shocking surprises) and I'm in the midst of watching Rollins and Ambrose go hard on Raw. I could totally hear Ambrose doing that promo, throwing their rivalry out the window, saying something like "What, like none of us have ever taken a beating to prove our point before?" Roman needs another year in the cooker. I've said it 30,000 times here and elsewhere-- Roman is on the cusp of being where Nash was when he was with paired with Michaels, and I think if they had just given the Shield a little longer with those guys he'd be all the better for it. The difference is while Nash stood at ringside and watched Michaels, 123 and Razor work every night, Roman is learning WHILE he works. I'm a little off track now from the original topic at hand, but whoever here said that Roman needs to do a couple dozen house show loops with a Finlay or Dustin type vet was 110% on the money (I'm sorry I forgot who said it, if you're reading please take credit) I've made such a claim in the past but I know others have as well. If Del Rio hadn't been released he would be alright in that role, or Christian if he's even still able to wrestle. I'd also nominate Jericho but I don't think he does house shows. If they somehow managed to switch the dynamics to where Brock is an unstoppable monster heel (well, I know he's technically a heel but he gets cheered a whole lot) and Rollins the underdog young upstart face then I could see it working. Maybe Lesnar turns on Heyman to join the Authority and they have him put the boots to Rollins because he can't get the job done or won't stay in line and be a good company stooge or whatever. He then says he'll cash in the case at some PPV, but the Authority make it no-DQ or something because they want to "make an example of him" by mauling him worse than Cena. They've got him beaten down and HHH is about to use the sledgehammer or whatever, when "Sierra Hotel India Echo Lima Delta" hits, Ambrose and Reigns hit the ring with chairs and triple powerbomb Brock.
DJ Hero Morganti Posted August 23, 2014 Posted August 23, 2014 Jericho does house shows...at least, he did the house show I went to.
Big Fresh Posted August 23, 2014 Posted August 23, 2014 Randy Orton could be an excellent guy for Roman to learn from, if Randy is feeling generous with his knowledge. He's been around forever and he's really, really good, contrary to what some people around here think. But I don't know if he cares enough to really help out Roman right now. Shame.
Ziggy Posted August 23, 2014 Posted August 23, 2014 Just watched the PPV and not one bad match, and at the same time it felt like the angles that were present should be interesting going forward. I still havent watch WM yet but I can image this was way better because not filler matches or meaningless skits. The Lumberjack match felt like a way to feature guys that didnt match the card but Ambrose and Rollins made it work very well but I know if they did a stipulation that fit them more they would have tore shit up, which may be another reason to have a lumberjack match. Swagger vs Rusev was really good as well, I was really behind Swagger during his ECW run so I've always wanted him to do well but I havent cared for him since until this match, I thought the hero way going too come out on top which made to match good too, Rusev isnt just a monster well can help tell a story and swagger is a good face surprisingly too me so this may be watch he need to refresh him self. Riegns and Orton wasnt anything memorable but it wasnt bad at all, I think it wouldnt hurt for Riegns to keep going 15-20 with Orton to learn. The main even was off the Chain, I already see the finish somewhere but I was expecting more offense from Cena as I watched but it told a good story. It was like a One side. All Japan main event. If Cena a little more offense at NOC it might top this one it wont have same big match feel as SS. I guess i was expecting it to be like the ER '12 but Im glad they had totally different match. I like how SS has been the better PPV from an inring perspective than WM for the past few years because you have had less filler and throw away shit on SS and WM is like alot of skits to feature legends and celebrities Matches just to place guys that didnt make the cut which some of the undercards time. . I can watch the end of the Shield documentary now that Ive seen the matches the were featured in.
Gordi the BJW fan Posted August 25, 2014 Posted August 25, 2014 I saw the huge German announce table team. I saw Lesnar throwing a lot of German suplexes. My vision was sadly not realised. They weirdly showed a lot of respect for the German announce table both at Summerslam and at Raw. I was expecting someone to go through that table as well. It's almost like they're afraid of the Germans. What's up with them having their own table anyways? German announcer: [threatingly] We Germans aren't all smiles und sunshine. JBL: [recoils in mock horror] Oooh, the Germans are mad at me. I'm so scared! Oooh, the Germans! [hiding behind Cole] Uh oh, the Germans are going to get me! German announcer: Stop it! German announcer 2: Stop, sir. JBL: Don't let the Germans come after me. Oh no, the Germans are coming after me. German announcer 2: Please stop the `pretending you are scared' game, please. German announcer: Stop it! Stop it! JBL: [brief pause, then resumes] No! They're so big and strong! German announcer 2: Stop it. German announcer: Stop it, JBL. German announcer 2: Please stop pretending you are scared of us, please, now. JBL: Oh, protect me from the Germans! The Germans... German announcer: JBL, STOP IT! 1
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