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AEW TV - 4/24 - 4/30/2024 - Who's House? Gunn's House!

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Remember when a bunch of folks were saying how AEW was fucked because now people would chant Punk’s name each week?

I gotta say, even though I thought it was dumb to show the All In footage, the storyline for showing it was fine, Perry is as over now than at the height of Jurassic Express, again - Jack Perry actually means something now so that’s a feat in and of itself, Kenny is returning next week, and who knows how this all shakes out.

For all of the booking corners TK backs himself into, he has a pretty good track record of threading the needle to make things work.

Sucks that Hobbs’ knee blew up mid match in maybe his biggest match. Awful timing.

All in all a pretty fun AEW that reminded me of the more chaotic, crash tv lite days of the company.

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Expected Worse Friends instead got Worse EVPs. Weird show for sure, although I enjoyed the new gauntlet match and Ospreay being in it was a nice surprise.

Oh and Kenny's back next week but he's still ill but not too ill to eat an EVP trigger I'm guessing we're heading towards AEW: Civil War.

Edited by Leonidas
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Very sports entertainment-y show, but I honestly didn't hate it.

I don't think serious, violent Trent is a long-term thing, but him killing Chuck in a parking lot should be fun.

Swerve/Fletcher was a good Swerve showcase and sets up the Callis Family break-up since new heel stables are moving in.

Willow/Mercedes segment was good. I love that they aren't forcing any face or heel roles here, just let the women be themselves and the crowd can do what they want with it.

Mina/Anna was a nice little match. Toni and Mariah as tweeners is working and there's plenty left in that well before the break-up.

The casino clusterfuck was ridiculous, but it was set up perfectly to keep the crowd hot and there were some good sequences in there (particularly Ospreay/KOR). Interesting to have Will go after Roddy which seems beneath him, but will be a great match. Roddy seems way beneath Will at this point, but the story of whether Will has lost his killer instinct evens it up a bit.

I know I'm totally in the minority, but I love Jericho's new gimmick. Totally leaning into to all the online criticism and playing it straight. The Learning Tree is such a wonderfully stupid and self-indulgent nickname. I died when he used the phrase "Jericho vortex." Bill as the muscle works great. Only problem is no more White Zombie.

Mox/Hobbs was there. Shame about Hobbs getting hurt, but man, Callis was a fucking pro heel there. "I'm more concerned about the loss."

The closing segment was one of the most WWE-ish things AEW has ever done, but it wasn't terrible. Whoever said New Elite vs. Team Tony in BnG is probably dead right. The timing of Kenny coming back seems just right for him to lead the charge. Extrapolating a little further, Hangman coming back as the 5th for the Elite seems right since his heel run got cut short. Kenny, Ospreay, Swerve, and FTR feels good for the face team.

Edited by Go2Sleep
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The only way they could have they made that last segment funnier is if they had a graphic with Tony's photo that read "Tony Khan Was All Elite  1982 - 2024" followed by some Sarah McLachlan. 

 What really cracked me up is that of all the wrestlers to come out and check on him, they had to be careful not to show anyone important, so it was basically "send out the luchadores and Christopher Daniels!" 

 I actually like obliviously uncool Chris Jericho's new role/group. I'd like to see him surrounded by some real young guy and have Jericho try to talk about Stryper with them. Also he should say "Lol" ( but actually pronounce it) and maybe create a Tiktok account where he unironically dances and sings duets. 

Swerve's first post-win appearance was kind of weak. Almost like they didn't trust him with a microphone. Prince Nana got to talk but Swerve just had a too competitive match with a guy way below him in the hierarchy. It was weird.

Liked the gauntlet casino match. Komander hitting that move on Archer then staring back in disbelief was great. I would like to see them run this match again and have #1 roll up #2 for the win and cut to backstage where 47 guys are standing around waiting and someone just says "Dude..." and they cut to the next match. 

Jack Perry with a beard talking tough would be like The Miz showing up with a beard talking tough. 

Edited by caley
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Willo is such a good promo, I love Mercedes but se has to get rid of that WWE style promo Cadence. Especially since she probably won't be wrestling frequently on this current run she's got to get better with the promos. Willo could be a made woman if this comes off well.

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I wish hostile takeovers worked like that in real life.

I didn't notice Hobbs blowing out his knee and was wondering why the match wasn't too good. Well, that explains it.

Deeb getting to play with Storm is good.

The opener ended up being crazy, though it took a while to get going.

Strong might as well hand over the International title right now.

Shibata as a JTTS with a phone that translates for him is oddly hilarious.

I had to see if "The Learning Tree" was a Fozzy song, but I guess not?

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Yeah I have seen this game in wrestling before and unfortunately after the first time it has been awful every time.   I mean what is next an authority figure that will probably turn heel 6 weeks later.    Tony Khan coming back and becoming Mr. Khan who ends up being a heel eventually. People acting like this a great way to get him off TV completely haven't watched a ton of wrestling.  Or you watch the best version only and was blissfully ignorant.    

At least the wrestling is still damn good.   Just hope we don't see less it.  The only thing that gives me any hope on this tired ass angle is that Shad Khan will look at this shit and say to calm down.   

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The biggest thing wrong with pro wrestling is that everyone is happy that they “let Chuck say shit” instead of being moved that he was so upset that they couldn’t stop him from doing it.

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I loved the final angle, not the execution itself but the idea. The best thing was that Okada was there, doing nothing but being the one with the greatest presence in the whole segment. Nice touch that Mr. Khan was out there.

We'll see if it's a smart move or not, they need to start with this angle on Collision, they'll probably have their biggest lead-in of all time from the NBA playoff game.

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Did y’all see that selling? Shad Khan gets pro wrestling more than Jungle Boy does.

This was all stupid though. The show reeked of TK having his eye off the ball being stressed to hell all week about which Big Ten offensive lineman to take in the fifth round, then just showed up to work and said “fine, let’s do that” to all of the talent’s shitty ideas.


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1 hour ago, hammerva said:

Yeah I have seen this game in wrestling before and unfortunately after the first time it has been awful every time.   I mean what is next an authority figure that will probably turn heel 6 weeks later.    Tony Khan coming back and becoming Mr. Khan who ends up being a heel eventually. People acting like this a great way to get him off TV completely haven't watched a ton of wrestling.  Or you watch the best version only and was blissfully ignorant.    

At least the wrestling is still damn good.   Just hope we don't see less it.  The only thing that gives me any hope on this tired ass angle is that Shad Khan will look at this shit and say to calm down.   

I hate the angle as much as the next guy, but whoever is saying it’s a great way to write TK off TV is dumb as fuck because I can count on one hand the amount of times he’s been on screen in a meaningful way over the past 5 years. I also don’t think, and haven’t seen anyone seriously suggest it, that they’re going to bring him back as a heel authority figure. All of that was done just to get heat on the New Elite, and “put them in charge”, until they’re dispatched of eventually by a group of people. Next week will feed more into this “get as much heel heat as possible onto them” scenario, with either beating down or kicking Omega out of the building or whatever in his hometown.

Shad Khan isn’t going to look at that angle and say shit. You think he’s out here reading Reddit comments and the Observer or something? This company is valued at $2b 5 years into its life, the fuck does he care about if us nerds don’t like that his son got tombstoned by a shitty heel tag team?

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I think it’s sort of all true

The babyface owner/matchmaker getting beat up by heels is a trope as old as pro wrestling itself: Watts did it, Jarrett did it, Von Erich did it, Vince did it…

Said babyface then gathers all the top good guys and walks tall over the heels in the big blowoff.

So in that sense this doesn’t make TK Jacksonville Dixie or whatever. This is the usual TK deal of revisiting classic territory angles. That’s generally perfectly ok.

My thing though, is that I don’t want to see Tony Khan walking tall like Bill Watts. Actually I don’t think anyone wants to see that. 

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Yeah I mean I’m not arguing the fact that owner getting beat up isn’t a classic trope or anything, but I don’t think this is going to lead to TK being on TV any more than he ever was. We aren’t going to get TV vignettes of him building a team or something. It’s not too hard to imagine FTR coming out to cut a promo and bigging him up and they’re proxies for him or whatever. Or Omega implores the babyface locker room to not take this shit lying down before he gets beat up/kicked out. Multiple ways they can go and none involve TK being an on screen character.

I think if anyone is immediately jumping to “Tony Khan is going to be an on-air character now/will be a heel/whatever” then you’re letting decades of WWE trauma slip in. Again, I hate the angle, mainly cuz of the Bucks and Perry and the lack of focus last night on Swerve’s big moment on Sunday, but I don’t think this is veering towards how WWE or whoever in the past would do it. TK is not built to walk tall, and if he had any interest in being an on-air character past what he’s done thus far it would have happened already I’d imagine.

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Man, there's some bad faith shit happening in this thread. That fucking ruled. In fact, this whole show ruled. Other than the completely uninteresting Best Friends stuff. Swerve looked great. They should've let him talk but iiwii. He will. Prince Nana always kicks ass. I thought it was cool how many women they got on the show. I hadn't seen Mina Shirakawa before but that was awesome. I dug that whole thing. 

Ospreay is so dynamic he made Kyle O'Reilly interesting. Lance Archer deserves more credit. That Gauntlet match didn't make a lick of sense, but it ruled ass. I dug every bit of it. Switchblade looked good, too. I hope this starts his character rehab. UK feels like such an afterthought since Ospreay and Okada showed up. Get Wardlow away from those dorks and salvage what still can be. 

I'm thinking Big Bill joining Jericho is a bad sign for Ricky Starks' AEW future. That's a shame. His ceiling at the other company is "fun nxt talent." 

I hope Hobbs is okay. Mox is the man. 

I don't care what any of y'all say. That main event segment was awesome and everything pro wrestling should be. I'm convinced some people are going to just always have something negative to say about AEW. This door was opened when TK played the All In footage, which he was right to do, and making this issue part of the show is no different than a million other times backstage issues have been made into wrestling angles. I despise the Young Bucks, but they're knocking this role out of the park. Okada fucking rules. He looks like he's having the best time. 

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8 hours ago, Casey said:

the fucking NFL has an article up about TK taking the tombstone. What in the world.


At first glance it's fucking amazing but it lost the point of the article once they said it was an angle and he was protected.  I mean yeah kayfabe's done for and all but they could have at least tried to go along with it since he'll likely be shown in a neckbrace for draft night.

As for the show itself I liked it.  The matches were fun and the gauntlet was a blast because once Ospreay came in I was like "I want these two to have a singles match!"  "No, wait, I want THESE two to have a singles match!" and so on.  No matter their placement in the company Will has an embarrassment of riches when it comes to opponents so I'm hoping if/when he wins the title we'll see defenses against some quality opponents.  And the ending angle is fine and with Kenny back next week they have a plan that they're looking to quickly follow up on.  I don't like evil authority angles either but willing to see how this plays out.  Also, Adam Cole still has a long way to go in his recovery.  He was carefully going down the steps on the ramp so while I like seeing him out there who knows when he's back wrestling.

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Yoooo I just realized that Tony wearing the brace to the draft and the NFL and ESPN being in on the gag would be fucking amazing. Imagine them kayfabing the shit out of it and Mel Kiper is talking about the projectability of the young kid Perry. Quick off the edge, real lunch pail kind of guy but has some off the field issues that have scared some federations away. 

Oh shit even better if they do it Naked Gun style where TK himself gets up there in full neck brace to announce some random 6th round pick on day 3 and the Bucks jump his ass AGAIN and put him through a table while there’s like mascots and shit freaking out on stage.

Edited by For Great Justice
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