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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/21/2015 in all areas

  1. Gee, the Patriot fan thinks it's a bullshit story, what a shock. It's not about them needing to cheat to win. Nobody is going to say the difference on Sunday was some deflated footballs (unless they are ingesting some mighty fine drugs at the time). It's a story about why the fuck they would bother cheating at all, and that's not bullshit. If the league somehow finds evidence that they tampered with the balls during the game, I hope the Hoodie gets the ban hammer for the Super Bowl. They gave Sean Payton a year off for Bounty Gate, surely a second time getting caught breaking the rules deserves a one game suspension for Bill.
    5 points
  2. If Vince started dong the Norman Fell "deliver a punch line and look directly at the camera/studio audience and smile" thing, I would fucking die. For reference: NOTE: The best is the delayed one at 1:22 of the 2nd video and the one right after that. Watch those and try not to burst out laughing.
    5 points
  3. By the way, NY Post headline for this (and it's real) NFL SQUEEZES PATRIOTS' BALLS
    5 points
  4. A locker room clearing brawl the week before the Royal Rumble? That's unheard of!
    5 points
  5. This new Weekend at Bernie's looks kinda shitty.Can Stephanie not smile normally in a picture or does she just choose not to?I gotta hand it to the funeral director that embalmed Vince. He or she did a tremendous job.
    5 points
  6. I'd love it if they brought back Vince and Linda as a Mr. and Mrs. Roper-type bickering couple. In their backstage office, Hunter and Stephanie spend their time making babyfaces' lives miserable; meanwhile, in the locker room downstairs, Linda questions Vince's manhood while Vince cracks wise about Linda's casserole the night before, then turns to the camera for a hearty chuckle.
    4 points
  7. There's a report that, provided his annual physical on neck checks out alright, Peyton plans to lose in the playoffs again for Denver next year.
    4 points
  8. Yeah, its like the Colts were pretending to be Ric Flair, but Belichick, IS RIc Flair. . .
    4 points
  9. LOL that is the best criteria. I need to steal that. "If you're a nitpicking, joyless douche, avoid this film." The "goofs" section so ridiculous. My favorite is in "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes," where one viewer posted about how the apes, while riding horseback and firing guns, never reload. Jesus Christ. This is a film where apes ride on horseback and fire guns, and this is the hill you choose to die on. That lack of reloading, while APES RIDE HORSES and FIRE GUNS, was just a bridge too far.
    4 points
  10. Steiner's chest-piece is like Affliction He-Man Battle Damage.
    4 points
  11. This new Weekend at Bernie's looks kinda shitty.
    4 points
  12. There wont be a 30 for 30 on that until Simmons leaves espn.
    3 points
  13. That reminds me of a story that Jason Bonham told me after a Foreigner concert:He & his wife got called to his son's school. School: "Your son has been lying and we need to nip this in the bud." Jason: "Oh really? What's he saying?" School: "He said he's a golf champion, his dad's in Foreigner and his grandfather was in Led Zeppelin." Jason: "Well, he's lying but not about the thing you think he is..." Sidenote: Jason Bonham was a really cool dude.
    3 points
  14. The point where you thought next year's Rumble is in 2015?
    3 points
  15. Vince is looking more and more like Jim Dial with each passing day.
    3 points
  16. And half the Seahawks defense has been caught using PEDs. Cheating everywhere.
    3 points
  17. Dixie really does come off as a truly awful person behind the veneer of politeness and civility. Say what you want about Vince, at least he's upfront about being an asshole.
    2 points
  18. Mario Chalmers has the basketball IQ of a fucking kumquat.
    2 points
  19. Why pay $60 when you get it for....awww fuck it.
    2 points
  20. Whoa Whoa, now! No one said anything about Vince looking like Mr. Furley! No one goes Roper to Furley and lives. It's just not possible.
    2 points
  21. I'd love it if they brought back Vince and Linda as a Mr. and Mrs. Roper-type bickering couple. In their backstage office, Hunter and Stephanie spend their time making babyfaces' lives miserable; meanwhile, in the locker room downstairs, Linda questions Vince's manhood while Vince cracks wise about Linda's casserole the night before, then turns to the camera for a hearty chuckle. And every week, Vince accidentally overhears a different conversation backstage, completely misinterperets it and jumps to the wrong conclusion, leading to various wacky hijinks.
    2 points
  22. I love it not because I care about deflated balls or because I think it impacted the game, but I don't like New England and things like this and Spygate will piss their fans off for the next 20 years every time it is brought up. If I have to listen to 20 years of BOY I LOVE LOSING SUPERBOWLS then they can live with 20 years of Spygate and Deflategate.
    2 points
  23. 2 points
  24. This Is The End is such an awesomely great-dumb movie. Cindy hated it and I agree with her that it needed more Emma Watson, but I thought it was pretty damn hysterical.
    2 points
  25. You should block/mute the asshole Craig, never play with him again. Your friends should understand. If they don't, then they're not really YOUR friends. I'm sure glfpunk can get you a spot in his raiding party. This game is difficult enough to stay interested in on its own merit, I dont see why anyone should punish themselves by playing it with someone they hate. That or cut a vicious promo on him, bury him. Make it so bad he'd have to go back to developmental for a year until the office had a new gimmick for him.
    2 points
  26. He really takes the old Bobby Heenan mantra of "Win if you can, lose if you must, but always cheat" VERY seriously.
    2 points
  27. Jack Tunney has ruled: Colts vs Packers this weekend for the vacant spot.
    2 points
  28. proof of a Gorilla Monsoon/Jerry Lawler commentary team for at least one show in 1994.
    2 points
  29. I feel like Dusty in the first picture is somehow reacting to the shorts KENTA is wearing in the 2nd. Someone with better Photoshop skills than me needs to combine these. Last night after Schamberger posted a pic of his Finn Balor painting, and putting together his smile, I really want Finn to bust out the Yankee Rose Diamond Dave....
    2 points
  30. Like i said with DC, 1. A good jumping on point is also a good jumping off point. 2. They have not taken away any of your old books, for you to reread whenever you want.
    2 points
  31. Here's the picture from Twitter: "Hail Hydra"
    2 points
  32. When I was about 20, my cousin 16 and my brother 12, WCW came to town for a Nitro (Note, this wasn't even good Nitro it was mid-Russo shitty shooty Nitro!), I had tickets but they didn't. About an hour before the show, my cousin broke down and decided to buy him and my brother tickets, right after buying them, a guy in a suit came out and asked if they were coming to the show tonight, they said yes and the man said "Here, compliments of Mr. Goldberg!" So, all night long, my brother and cousin are DIRECTLY behind the announce table, repeatedly on camera all night long, almost get trampled by the Harris Twins, have a piece of table go flying past their heads (If you ever watch an old Nitro, and see a guy point directly into the camera, then do the RVD point, that's my cousin!). So, later that night, about 1 am or so, my mom goes past the room where my cousin was staying and sees he's still up, she goes in and asks him "Can't sleep?" and my cousin replies "Auntie Liz, that was the greatest night of my life!" I was reminded of this, tonight, when I saw Cena grab that kid and hug him. I thought "My God, that kid just had the greatest moment of his life." And that is why, I may get bored with occasionally, I may get disgusted with it occasionally, but I will never completely not be a fan of pro wrestling.
    2 points
  33. In fairness he could do fuck all for the next four years and still have like 14 good years ahead of him. Sixteen years old. Those were the days. Of course, he could also become Marko Marin.
    1 point
  34. I will have all of you banned if you continue to use "Gronk" as a verb.
    1 point
  35. If I was an employee or investor, I'd be hoping this is just a terrible picture. Vince looks fairly sickly in that pic. If he looks like that day-in, day out, I'm passing him in the hall thinking to myself ".....that guy still largely controls a massive, publicly-traded company." Then I'm probably feeling a little insecure about the future of the company and my investment/job. Wonder how heavily involved Vince really is day-to-day and what his health is like? You youngsters! I think most 69 year old guys wish they looked that good. Yeah, other than the weird Bruce Jenner eyebrows, I think Vince looks pretty damn good.
    1 point
  36. Fun casting to have Wentworth Miller and Dominic Purcell playing a pair of bad guys with Miller working a long elaborate plan and Purcell being a hothead.
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. The thing about DC is that the idea was good, it just was executed so fucking poorly. Batman was/is great, Wonder Woman was pretty damn good, the middle part of Green Arrow was outstanding, and everything else was kind of just blah. Apparently they were making money hand over fist those first couple of months, but they didn't really give their readers insentive to stick around. They should have taken more chances, and pushed more boudaries to keep readers interested, but they basically reset at #1 and kept telling the same ol' stories. Hopefully Marvel learns from this and pushes their entire universe in a more creative direction. I've really liked a lot of the Marvel Now stuff, and a lot of the newer solo books for their more minor characters. Over the last few years they've hit more than they've missed on their more controversial storylines. Superior Spider-Man, was shat upon when it was announced, but it was a great series that readers loved. All-New X-Men has taken a downturn lately, but was great for the first 12 issues or so. I've enjoyed the new Thor and Captain America books, but they are too new to judge as a whole. If this is an opportunity to make more creative choices like these, I'm all for it and I'm not going to shit on it before I find out.
    1 point
  39. "Cena finally turning heel" Nope. "Seems so simple and logical to do that" There's the problem.
    1 point
  40. maybe Warlord used his W staff to bodyguard.
    1 point
  41. So, Scott Steiner has some new ink. Also, he apparently forgot to shake.
    1 point
  42. Leslie Jones needs to go. She simply isnt cut out for acting in sketches. Hart was funny in everything and had great energy. I feel like Che and Jost are gelling into a solid team.
    1 point
  43. Alright, which one of you is at Buffalo Wild Wings smashing on the OT button?
    1 point
  44. By always landing on his neck/head?
    1 point
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