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Wrestlemania XXXI

Matt D

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I'm okay with Bryan as IC and Cena as US Champ. Might help elevate the belts.

LOL.  Cena will probably come out the next night and vacate the title so he can challenge Roman or some such nonsense.  D-Bryan will go on a 3 month losing streak of non-title matches until he finally loses the title.  I think Roman could cure cancer live in the middle of the ring at Mania and he is still getting booed.  Vince just needs distract everyone with a shiny object.    I mean the Rock endorsement didn't work.  Maybe he can have Rock, Austin, Foley, HBK, Bret Hart, Hulk Hogan, Bob Backland, and Bruno all come out and raise Roman's hand.  That might help.   

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Hyrule Husky ‏@PrinceCGR   1m1 minute ago

Not a real thing. Why would there be ANOTHER match?? 
Goldust beat Stardust. Stardust moved on. No plans got "nixed"
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I can't decide if wrestlers' talking about their booking and angles on "secret" twitter accounts is awful or terrible.

I'll go with embarrassing to the industry's past.  You think Scott Hall would be telling folks that Razor wouldn't be working with Goldust at Mania on Twitter.  Fuck no.

Is Scott Hall really someone you want to takes cues from on anything?

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I can't decide if wrestlers' talking about their booking and angles on "secret" twitter accounts is awful or terrible.

I'll go with embarrassing to the industry's past.  You think Scott Hall would be telling folks that Razor wouldn't be working with Goldust at Mania on Twitter.  Fuck no.

Is Scott Hall really someone you want to takes cues from on anything?



Back in his Mania days, Scott would think twitters were something you could snort

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I'm actually kind of pumped for Rusev vs. Cena, and I haven't been enthusiastic about a Cena match since the SummerSlam massacre against Brock.

I agree. I'm feeling also kind of bad for him. Granted he was never a Malenko in the ring and his character got more corny by the years but he worked his butt off over the years and I respect that. I don't think I could boo him at this stage of his career. When you have respect for this business and the greats over the years, you have to respect Cena as well. At least IMO!

Somehow I could see not getting a whole lot of love for this post haha

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I just found out today that a couple years ago John Cena actually

.  In the modern WWE.


I will think twice about ever complaining about him again (especially considering any "objection" to him is really just a by-product of WWE style, particularly as it pertains to Top WWE Babyface, which he happens to be).


He let Punk piledrive him, and considering he's spent his whole career in the Piledriver Ist Verboten era of the WWE and thus cannot have much practice taking it, he did a fine job.  He's okay in my book.

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I just found out today that a couple years ago John Cena actually

.  In the modern WWE.


I will think twice about ever complaining about him again (especially considering any "objection" to him is really just a by-product of WWE style, particularly as it pertains to Top WWE Babyface, which he happens to be).


He let Punk piledrive him, and considering he's spent his whole career in the Piledriver Ist Verboten era of the WWE and thus cannot have much practice taking it, he did a fine job.  He's okay in my book.

Never seen his Wrestlemania match with HBK? Took one on the stairs there.

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I just found out today that a couple years ago John Cena actually

.  In the modern WWE.


I will think twice about ever complaining about him again (especially considering any "objection" to him is really just a by-product of WWE style, particularly as it pertains to Top WWE Babyface, which he happens to be).


He let Punk piledrive him, and considering he's spent his whole career in the Piledriver Ist Verboten era of the WWE and thus cannot have much practice taking it, he did a fine job.  He's okay in my book.

Never seen his Wrestlemania match with HBK? Took one on the stairs there.


Sounds like I need to see that match then :)

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It's good.  I think it was basically the best match Shawn had up to that point in his comeback, and was just as Cena was really cementing himself as a damn great performer.

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Cena is the best big match wrestler of all time. I can't believe the fact he took a Piledriver or two, or that he's earned someones respect through longevity alone (and thus ignoring the countless classic matches he's had) sways someones opinion in 2015. This is DVDVR, not wrestlingforum.

C'mon, man. Can you at least qualify that with "in WWE history." There are like six guys in All Japan back in the day that are in a different stratosphere than John Cena. 

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Cena is the best big match wrestler of all time. I can't believe the fact he took a Piledriver or two, or that he's earned someones respect through longevity alone (and thus ignoring the countless classic matches he's had) sways someones opinion in 2015. This is DVDVR, not wrestlingforum.

C'mon, man. Can you at least qualify that with "in WWE history." There are like six guys in All Japan back in the day that are in a different stratosphere than John Cena. 


From a WWE perspective of course, I should have been more specific. I can't think of a wrestler (from the modern era, anyway) that has consistently had so many great matches on top of the card.

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Let's give Cena some credit, his feud with CM Punk is one of the best in-ring in WWE. Especially recently. Their MITB match, the Night of Champions match in Boston, and their Raw match are all fantastic. Shame they never had a match at Wrestlemania.

Cena is also responsible for Khali's better matches at JD'07 and ONS'07. The Edge feud is great, love their TLC match and Last Man Standing match. Love the RVD match at ONS'06. That Cena vs. Bryan match is one of my all time favorites. His story lines just always suck. Nexus anyone?

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Cena is the best big match wrestler of all time. I can't believe the fact he took a Piledriver or two, or that he's earned someones respect through longevity alone (and thus ignoring the countless classic matches he's had) sways someones opinion in 2015. This is DVDVR, not wrestlingforum.

C'mon, man. Can you at least qualify that with "in WWE history." There are like six guys in All Japan back in the day that are in a different stratosphere than John Cena. 


From a WWE perspective of course, I should have been more specific. I can't think of a wrestler (from the modern era, anyway) that has consistently had so many great matches on top of the card.

Bret would probably be the best case but he was not booked as prominently for as long as Cena has been. I think Bret was better at getting more out of less on a more regular basis than Cena, though the Khali matches are good evidence for Cena being able to carry a broomstick.


Six String Orchestra, there's also the Umaga RR '07 match that everybody loves to bits. 

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So, as we get closer to Mania and Roman is now 99% sure to win, what happens. Does Vince "send them home happy" or is Reigns booed like he kicked a puppy? I don't watch Raw or Smackdown (no Dish/cable/etc.) so I haven't see with my own eyes how the crowd has reacted since Backlash.

I really think Rollins is cashing in at Mania.

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