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Someone mentioned they prob want big dave to be champion when he does press for the movie.


There's a difference between:


"I bet WWE would like Batista to have the belt again" which is perfectly logical, and


"Batista has been guaranteed a run with the belt and that's why your 5 paragraphs of dumb fantasy booking won't work"

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Is the guy who reported Batista getting a run with the belt the same guy who said there might be plans down the line for WWE Network on your PS1 or PS2?

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They could dress up El Torito as Rocket Raccoon. That'd be great. I guess Khali can be Groot.


I guess that leaves AJ Lee in green body paint filling in as Gamora.  I can live with that.



Well, there goes my train of thought for the rest of the day.


P.S. "Evolution X" brings back memories of video arcades and games with Aerosmith music playing on a loop...


It makes me a little sad that so many people are praising the end segment and how over it was but in the same breath shitting on the Wyatt family. I mean, Bryan is super over and teflon and everything, but I can't help but think that the segment doesn't land nearly as much without Bray bringing the expressions and crazy eyes and then taking a man sized beating inside a cage. The segment didn't take place in a vacuum, and we should give credit where credit is due to everyone involved. 


I went to bed after Kofi's victory and DVR'd the rest so I could get up for school. Wow, great job in the last match by all involved. Everything lead perfectly to that conclusion.


Odd seeing Cena-Sandow and Kingston-Orton get decent time, both times I figured they'd be quick five minute matches. Sort of made up for the crummy Cena's dad gets beat up again segment. Come on Cena, he is a sitting duck out there, get him to sit in Cole's old box or something so people in the crowd don't laugh as Orton pummels him again!


It makes me a little sad that so many people are praising the end segment and how over it was but in the same breath shitting on the Wyatt family. I mean, Bryan is super over and teflon and everything, but I can't help but think that the segment doesn't land nearly as much without Bray bringing the expressions and crazy eyes and then taking a man sized beating inside a cage. The segment didn't take place in a vacuum, and we should give credit where credit is due to everyone involved. 


The whole thing doesn't work without Bray being so awesome. It doesn't have nearly the impact if he's really bad and you think he doesn't have this ability to convince Bryan to continually sacrifice himself for his cause.

Also, Bray didn't back down from Bryan in the cage. He stood his ground. He even made himself vulnerable for Bryan to strike. Even when Bryan dodged the corner charge, Bray still got in a lick before Daniel laid into him.

If Bray cowardly flees but gets caught, it doesn't work. Bryan was in a cage against a total lunatic who can hurt him. He overcame that.



The whole thing doesn't work without Bray being so awesome. It doesn't have nearly the impact if he's really bad and you think he doesn't have this ability to convince Bryan to continually sacrifice himself for his cause.



I think this is part of why people haven't been focused on Bray's role in this. The board is split on whether or not Bray had convinced him at all or if it was a plan. 


I spend most of my time shouting DANK and pointing at the ceiling when I read these threads. That goes for UltimoDank too. Not sure who's the superior there.




Not sure what this has to do with Daniel Bryan, except for maybe that it's a better way to describe the last few years than "glass ceiling."

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Since we are saying hateful things about each other

All of you who hate Lillian Garcia are stupid.

Bunch of oxygen thieves. The lot of you.

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At one point in the night, it was looking like the show highlight would be the start of a long-overdue AJ-Naomi feud.  Took long enough.  Let AJ break the longest-reign record and then drop the belt to Naomi to pay off the Total Divas feud.



On another subject, the New Age Outlaws thing played out EXACTLY right. All last week, I was wondering why Triple H's old DX buddies were palling around with C.M. Punk...and we got the answer on Raw. On top of that, the Outlaws get a Tag Title shot on Smackdown as an unspoken "reward".

I thought Flair was going to turn on Cena last week and hook up w HHH and Orton. Evolution Reunion



I instantly fantasy booked this in my mind, and was massively disappointed when it didn't happen.  It even looked like Flair was positioning himself behind Cena for a low blow at one point.


Bray had very little to do with the reaction. In fact, despite the great promos by Bray and the in-ring work by Harper, those guys are barely over comparable to their push.  They've been tormenting Bryan for months and even turned him heel. What do they have to do to get some heat?


Fans love cheering for Daniel Bryan. He's one of three over acts on the entire roster (Bryan, Punk and Cena) and probably gets a bigger reaction than 2 and 3 combined.  Creative inexplicably took that away from the fans. When they gave it back, the fans were happy. That could've been Jinder Mahal in the ring and the reaction would've been the same.


None of the dipshits that make horse jokes about Lillian would EVER kick her out of their bed for eating crackers. Just sayin'.

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Dammit - stupid being on my phone and unable to suspend first.

Anyone else feelin froggy?


I don't really want to see fantasy booking..  I simply want to see what WWE creative is going to do. Lately, they've been more good than bad. I doubt the end game is Bryan/Kane vs. Wyatts but we'll see. I just find it hard to believe that they would spend so much time on Bryan (he's ended how many RAWs now?) just for it to be a midcard tag at Mania.




I swear at the time, I thought that Punk was just trolling him given how over the top his reactions were. 



Ok, first of all, there's nothing about this video that isn't awesome. Punk's Killswitch Engage theme (even though CoP is better, I forgot how much I liked this one), Burke and Cor Von looking like future stars, the pounce which RVD ate like a champ, the Punk/Cor Von/Burke trio looking badass combined with the visual of the super lame mid-90s-esque Matt Striker and Kevin Thorn jumping up and down like they were copy and pasted into a generic SvR create-an-angle set piece... Good stuff.


Back on topic, if there's 4 words that make the decision to unify the belts look like the dumbest course of action imaginable, it's "Batista guaranteed title run." Maybe they can weasel out of it by giving him the US belt. If WWE hasn't realized that giving Batista a face push at the expense of Bryan won't go very well, they're even dumber than I thought.


Also, I don't want to see Batista very much. He had a great career and I enjoyed large chunks of it, but at no point since 2010 have I thought "You know, I'd really like to see Batista again." There is no possible program with him that would excite me now. Well, I take that last part back... I was so desperately hoping that no one interesting would be wasted on a Batista program that I was ecstatic when Del Rio called him out. 

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