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Also I hate to be that guy but Brock is taking the title to Mania. Of this, I am sure.

Brock vs Bryan. Erections for all.


Only if Bryan beats Lesnar with a kneebar.


Big Show/Zeb segment and Reigns's terrific apron dropkick are getting slept on because the ending of the show were so awesome. Heck, I even forgot to mention them before.


Also, very glad the Usos have become so over.


I wonder if that Michigan State Daniel Bryan chant was what finally got them to take notice as to how hot it is?




They booked him as a whiner on NXT and he always lost. They sent him away after he choked Roberts with a tie. They had him lose at Wrestlemania in seconds. They saddled him with a silly "anger management" gimmick. They piled a "weak link" gimmick atop that. They "built" him up for the Cena title match by constantly harping on him being a short underdog. They booked Orton and others to bone him out of the title three straight times. They had be submissive to Bray Wyatt


A normal man would've had his career Miz-zed by two-or-so of those instances. This magnificent bugger keeps rising above it and gets more popular. It's amazing


Someone please explain how he's become so beloved. Dudes like Flair, Hogan, Bret, Austin, Rock, Eddie, Cena, etc., each had their own certain charisma. I cannot figure out Bryan's, other than he wrestles with the intensity of 10 men....


EMMA!!!!! That was almost the best thing on the show until, damnit, that ENDING!!!!!


The only thing that can happen is Bryan winning the rumble.


Just don't know what to do with BIG DAVE then...does Bryan eliminate him last?


....also, fuck it, let's do Warrior vs. Undertaker at WM. I want a proper payoff to the coffin angle!!!

I think this would work:


Batista vs Lesnar

Undertaker vs Wyatt

Punk vs HHH

Bryan vs Cena

Orton vs fuck if I care


No surprise that I loved the ending to RAW. Bryan was so over. I really liked how Bryan built the Yes chants slowly then quicker before the running knee that's put everyone down. Amazing visual of the crowd doing the Yes gesture with Bryan. Bryan's the fuckin' man.


If you're wondering just how awesome that ending was, remember that after 6 pages only one person has mentioned Roman Reigns doing the Marufuji apron dropkick from the floor (and executing it better than Marufuji).


If you're wondering just how awesome that ending was, remember that after 6 pages only one person has mentioned Roman Reigns doing the Marufuji apron dropkick from the floor (and executing it better than Marufuji).


I was about to mention that, how great was that spot?


That ending was fucking bone chilling awesome.  I want Daniel Bryan to take me to a national park ask me to marry him soooo bad.


Low-ki What made last night vicious, no commentary. They only shut the hell up for the Undertaker's entrance for the most part. You don't have to be a wrestling fan to enjoy this. This is why I say "The Holdy Ghost" is nothing more than atmospheric excitement and can happen ANYWHERE. Goosebumps man. Goosebumps


If you're wondering just how awesome that ending was, remember that after 6 pages only one person has mentioned Roman Reigns doing the Marufuji apron dropkick from the floor (and executing it better than Marufuji).

Or, more importantly, that maybe two people have mentioned the appearance of Emma. AJ Lee feuding with goofball Emma over her not being serious enough is something that needs to happen.


I dig the Uso's push but they are just gateway tag guys for the mid-card right now.  I'd like to see the Rhodes vs. Usos for the titles. Even a spirited match ending in a loss would put them in the title picture or at least it would in the eyes of guys like me that actually want to believe in kayfabe.


Holy shit, Bryan is fucking over like no one else in the business.  Both that and the Kofi win smelled like Brody finishes though to energize that damn zombie crowd.  I didn't think that AJ coming out of her top would be enough to give the sleepy rubes a shot in the arm.


And here you thought that Roman Reigns was going to be the lard-ass, two move guy of The Shield.  That Apron Dropkick was choice!



If you're wondering just how awesome that ending was, remember that after 6 pages only one person has mentioned Roman Reigns doing the Marufuji apron dropkick from the floor (and executing it better than Marufuji).


I was about to mention that, how great was that spot?


That and the crowd's "ohhhhhh shit" pop when he tagged in for the first time.


What did poor Zeb do to deserve getting KO'd by Show? Did I miss something on Smackdown? I'm hoping that isn't their way of writing out Dutch, because he's been awesome and I'm amazed at how he's gotten almost a whole year of employment with this.


Insane ending. As far as the question of whether this was the preplanned end of the angle or things were sped up/changed, I'd argue that either scenario looks good for Bryan's future. Either the WWE set up a short angle to build to that moment last night, or they had a longer story planned but changed it because Bryan's crowd reactions flagged slightly for all of two weeks and they wanted to reverse that trend. Either way, the writers/corporate/Vinny/whoever thought it was important to keep Bryan at or near main event level while transitioning him out of the title picture at least temporarily.

Ok, that crowd reaction might've sealed the Rumble results and Mania Main Event.

I feel like twenty people are setting themselves up for inevitable disappointment. Just take what you get ;)

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Ok, that crowd reaction might've sealed the Rumble results and Mania Main Event.

I feel like twenty people are setting themselves up for inevitable disappointment. Just take what you get ;)



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I'm really puzzled by the people who think this was an aborted angle. Bray had no match going into the Royal Rumble, and neither did Daniel Bryan. To me, Bryan's turn to join the Wyatt's was the rising action in this storyline and last night was the climax/turning point. And if you want an explanation, just go with Bryan saying he had to learn from the devil to know how to beat him.


So, when do we start making Royal Rumble predictions? I'm guessing the final two end up being Batista and Bryan with Bryan winning and challenging Lesnar at WrestleMania. They've already established that Bryan can overcome the numbers game, and eliminating Batista would show he's a giant killer as well.


Why does the ending NEED to be a plan of Bryan (and possibly Kane)'s? Why can't it be Bryan realizing he made a big mistake, that he was always going to take the blame (and Sister Abigail) when something went wrong, then taking advantage of an opportunity that presented itself?

Also, Kane didn't make the cage match, Maddox did. Kane only added the locked door and him having the key. That only needs to be him feeling the need to one-up Maddox.


I'm sure it's been mentioned but just in case it hasn't... what do you think the chances are that they aborted the angle because of the YES chants during the Michigan State game and it kinda becoming a quasi-mainstream thing?

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