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Why do you even think this was an aborted angle? Aborted angles don't receive this much time on the flagship show, they just tend end abruptly with no continuance, which this will wind up receiving.


I honestly don't see this as part of a bigger Bryan plan from a character point of view.


There were easier ways to do it than wrestling that whole cage match like that. It's like when you have a heel turn in a tag match where one guy is joining the other two and they work the whole match normally first. That's not how it works. You instead have some BS that keeps the other guy in the ring the whole match and do the turn on the hot tag. This was a lot more spur of the moment than that.


I think the way we're supposed to read it is that he was legit with the Wyatts and then got fed up and broke free and went back to himself post match.


Somebody earlier mentioned Bryan's charisma and how it can't be well defined. 


I think the reason Bryan is as over as he is is because he isn't a turn off to anyone. Cena is great for kids, but adult males hate him. Women love him. Orton is the same way. Punk is close to having some sort of universal appeal, but I think people can pick up on the fact that he is a legit dick. Daniel Bryan is the perfect babyface for this era. He has a fun catchphrase/taunt that kids and adults can get into, he is the best worker in the world so the internet fans love him, he isn't a pretty boy so the guys don't hate him, the Total Divas show has given him a soft lovable side for the females to get into (without being a turn off to the guys), he can talk, he can act, he can be the underdog but still come across as a dude you don't wanna mess with... I usually don't get into the whole "the WWE is missing the boat" blah blah blah because I think most of the time it doesn't matter that much. But seriously, Daniel Bryan should be the focal point of the WWE right now. There just simply is no denying that anymore. 


On another subject, the New Age Outlaws thing played out EXACTLY right.  All last week, I was wondering why Triple H's old DX buddies were palling around with C.M. Punk...and we got the answer on Raw.  On top of that, the Outlaws get a Tag Title shot on Smackdown as an unspoken "reward".


I'm glad somebody in creative decided that Daniel Bryan giving into the Wyatt Family was a stupid fucking idea. Kane padlocking the door to keep Harper & Rowan out, so Bryan finally gets Bray one on one? Is this a build up to the Team Hell No Reunion? Team Hell No vs. The Wyatt's @ WM? I could be into that.


Honestly, I was thinking the same thing for him at Mania. I know a lot of people won't be happy unless he wins the Rumble and main events, but seeing as I really don't think that is going to happen, a Team Hell No reunion and an actually payoff to the Kane/Wyatts deal would be very enjoyable to me. Obviously that would pretty much just tie up all the loose ends for Kane/Bryan/Wyatts and let Bryan move back into the title picture after WrestleMania.


Okay, no way is the Baltimore crowd last week worse than last night.  I know it was a nothing show for the most part, but man was the crowd dead.  I am happy they turned Daniel back, but felt if they had better direction they could have done this a bit longer.  Bray might have been a bigger star if there was more buildup.  The proposed idea of him and Cena was intriguing as if Bryan was under Bray's spell Cena could have stepped in and that would have been something for WM.  On the other hand I'm cool with the idea that this was a two-week ploy by Bryan to get Bray in a cage.  If they explain that then that's just as well for me.


As much as can be said about that crowd though, they totally redeemed themselves ten-fold for that ending.  Bryan escaping Sister Abagail was cause for excitement.  When he slowly did the Yes motion and they went with him that was such a fucking cool visual.  That's gif-worthy if there ever was one.  I think the Michigan State deal helped speed this along a lot.  Why try and quell that anyway?  And in terms of momentum it was the wise move.


Also, that Usos promo was pretty damn cool.  As was that beyond awesome Roman Reigns dropkick to the apron.  That guy is going to be a fucking star and the crowd is really taking notice.  It's amazing how I was more into Ambrose and Rollins initially and gave no shit about Reigns.  But man is he making the most out of this.  I'm happy they're strapping the rocket on him and to an extent Big E.  This might be the year new guys get to the top and it leads to sustained momentum.


Somebody earlier mentioned Bryan's charisma and how it can't be well defined. 


Bill Barnwell nailed it a long time ago: Bryan has WRESTLING CHARISMA. He's never going to make a movie or do commercials, but put him in a wrestling ring and he's the most charismatic motherfucker on the planet. Bob Backlund had it too back in his salad days.

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Yet again - people who upload videos which you think are of wrestling thanks to the screen cap but instead is just their shitty webcam talking about what they just watched can eat a bag of dicks


Between that and people who seem to record their TV using their cellphone, I don't even look for Raw clips on youtube other than the ones WWE posts. At least they do that fairly quickly


I'd hazard a guess that Rippa was talking about the kid who uploaded a commentary about Emma showing up in the crowd.  It *looked* like he shot it off his TV, but he just had the article framed perfectly.


That's not #EMMATainment


I'm really puzzled by the people who think this was an aborted angle. Bray had no match going into the Royal Rumble, and neither did Daniel Bryan. To me, Bryan's turn to join the Wyatt's was the rising action in this storyline and last night was the climax/turning point. And if you want an explanation, just go with Bryan saying he had to learn from the devil to know how to beat him.


This whole angle reminds me of a similar angle in the old WWECW when the new guys were recruiting CM Punk to join them against the Originals.  Eventually Punk did, and the crowds just stopped giving a shit about him.  So he turned back within about three weeks.  That angle didn't work, and this one didn't either.


The crowds weren't reacting to any of this.  So they rushed to the ending.  How is that so puzzling?  And if this entire plot was to get Bray alone, why did Bryan have to keep beating the shit out of the Usos?  That seemed like kind of a dick move.


My belief is that the heel turn was supposed to make the Wyatts stronger (for whatever reason, there has been legit talk of Bray-Cena at WM), but instead the whole thing made Daniel weaker.  So they turned him back. 



I'm glad somebody in creative decided that Daniel Bryan giving into the Wyatt Family was a stupid fucking idea. Kane padlocking the door to keep Harper & Rowan out, so Bryan finally gets Bray one on one? Is this a build up to the Team Hell No Reunion? Team Hell No vs. The Wyatt's @ WM? I could be into that.


Honestly, I was thinking the same thing for him at Mania. I know a lot of people won't be happy unless he wins the Rumble and main events, but seeing as I really don't think that is going to happen, a Team Hell No reunion and an actually payoff to the Kane/Wyatts deal would be very enjoyable to me. Obviously that would pretty much just tie up all the loose ends for Kane/Bryan/Wyatts and let Bryan move back into the title picture after WrestleMania.


That entire paragraph is terrible.


Team Hell No vs. the fucking Wyatts at WrestleMania is an absolute waste of what happened last night.  


Bryan's the most over act in the company now, and his act is going mainstream.  Get him the fuck away from the hokey swamp monsters and make some fucking money off him.

  • Like 1

I'd hazard a guess that Rippa was talking about the kid who uploaded a commentary about Emma showing up in the crowd.  It *looked* like he shot it off his TV, but he just had the article framed perfectly.


That's not #EMMATainment


Actually it was about the closing segment.


I feel asleep before it happened so I wanted to see it this morning. The WWE - at the time - had only posted the finish of the match, not the after match angle.


So yeah kennokevin and lugeyps3 amongst others can go screw



I'm really puzzled by the people who think this was an aborted angle. Bray had no match going into the Royal Rumble, and neither did Daniel Bryan. To me, Bryan's turn to join the Wyatt's was the rising action in this storyline and last night was the climax/turning point. And if you want an explanation, just go with Bryan saying he had to learn from the devil to know how to beat him.


This whole angle reminds me of a similar angle in the old WWECW when the new guys were recruiting CM Punk to join them against the Originals.  Eventually Punk did, and the crowds just stopped giving a shit about him.  So he turned back within about three weeks.  That angle didn't work, and this one didn't either.


The crowds weren't reacting to any of this.  So they rushed to the ending.  How is that so puzzling?  And if this entire plot was to get Bray alone, why did Bryan have to keep beating the shit out of the Usos?  That seemed like kind of a dick move.


My belief is that the heel turn was supposed to make the Wyatts stronger (for whatever reason, there has been legit talk of Bray-Cena at WM), but instead the whole thing made Daniel weaker.  So they turned him back. 



I swear at the time, I thought that Punk was just trolling him given how over the top his reactions were. 


Dug Cena vs. Sandow a decent bit. I actually thought Sandow came out looking better here than he did in their title match last year. The final segment was amazing and I loved how they built it up.


Why do you even think this was an aborted angle?


The feud had weeks of build, had one run of two fucking matches with Bryan actually in the stable (on the same show!), and was pretty much killed in one episode of RAW.  By contrast, Slaughter rolled with the Iranians for months before the showdown with Hogan and Slaughter's eventual face turn.


I think someone just figured out that it would be better for Orton if Bryan made him look like a rockstar.  Putting Bryan with the Wyatts was a bad fit.  No one wanted that angle to get legs underneath it.


I don't think it matters anyway.  With GoTG hitting theaters this summer, Batista will hotshot to a title match, win, and drop the belts by the end of the Summer like the Rock did when he was promoting ninety million movies last summer.


Let me reclarify an earlier stance:


Some people want a Bray/Bryan blowoff, or a THN/Wyatt match at Mania, and that doesn't fit the narrative.  Admitting that there may have been an actual long term plan and this was it, the narrative is still Bryan vs. Orton.  The Wyatt's were a distraction (*SOMEONE* sent the Wyatt's after Bryan and Punk).  The endgame of the Wyatt distraction, aborted or planned, is that Bryan finally figured out how to overcome the Odds being stacked against him, which has been stopping him from beating Orton (its been established that Orton *knows* he can't beat Bryan straight up).  So now that the distraction/training is out of the way, the narrative would naturally move back to him blowing off the 8 month long angle of Bryan vs. Orton/Authority.  Which means, natural progression would suggest he wins the Rumble and faces Orton at Mania.  

But that's not gonna happen.  BFD is gonna get the belt like JT said there, and we'll be waiting and seeing next year, even though the damn iron is hot now.


That narrative would have been a hell of a lot better if Bryan had to beat HHH at the December PPV to get a Rumble shot. 


Actually, what they could still do is have HHH win after coming in at 30 and then do Bryan vs Hunter at the Chamber for the title shot with Punk costing Hunter the match which sets up Punk vs HHH at Mania which is the direction they're going anyway.


Bray is theoretically the booster for Bryan' rocket to the top. Like when Eddie destroyed Chavo in their match at the Rumble before he beat Brock for the title.


As much as I'd like Taker/Bryan, it seems a waste when you're really set for that Title win at Mania.  It just seems that is the better overall story.  It makes the booking since Summerslam fit.  Anything else just seems like more booking on the fly than long term storytelling.


Well again - Batista has been promised a title run (this is per Meltzer)


And like JT said - if they are bringing Batista back partly so he can get them pub while doing the promotion for GotG - it makes zero sense to not have him with the belt when doing said promotion (exactly like Rock last year).

So in regards to the title - Brock/Batista seems to make the most sense (especially since Brock is saying he wants to face "whoever" holds the title)



They finally going to put Randy Savage in this year?

Fuck them man. If they couldn't do it while he was alive, they sure as shit don't deserve to have him in their bogus hall now that he's dead.


Given the stipulation that the only way Randy wanted in the hall was to have his brother and father inducted as a family, I don't see it happening any time soon. But you can bet that when it DOES it will be the most bonkers induction ever. We'll be marking for weeks over it.


Yeah, too bad really good long term "wait and see" stuff is fucked by "we need to sponge pub so we bring in another part-timer to hand the title to" and back burner guys that are around all year.


Brock vs Batista would be pretty cool since neither guy has ever faced the other, but man, it really seems like their styles wouldn't mesh well at all.


BTW, was anyone worried that Reigns fucked up his neck? He did an awesome job of catching and protecting Punk on that dive, but it looked like he hurt his neck at that time. Then when he did the spear, it was the first time where he did it head-on and I thought he jammed his neck. 


Again, there's no reason to do a move like that. None. He already does the Superman Punch and he could easily fit in another high impact running move without risking his career.

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