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If Batista is going to hold the title until fall, then just put Bryan in a program with Dean Ambrose and shed some light on the US Title.  It would be something of a downgrade for the Beard but at least you'd get some quality matches and a hate filled feud.  Ambrose would also get more opportunities to talk crazy in promos.


Then just put Bryan over UT next year at WM if that is supposed to happen and add some Road to Destiny bullshit and seagueway that to Bryan winning the World Title at Summerslam against Brock..


As it stands now, Punk vs. Ambrose looks likely and I am not sure I want that.  I'd have been all for it a year ago but Punk just seems to be mailing it in more than usual lately.


After last night's epic ending, I'm trying hard not to fantasy book Mania.  There are some really interesting ways they can go now.  I just really hope Batista's promised title run comes later rather than sooner.


When I first saw Emma in the audience I thought her sign said "Emma-Training".  That didn't make sense to me until I saw the picture this morning.


I slept through a portion of the show, but were the New Age Outlaws the only wrestlers to get the mic in-ring during the entire episode?  That's wild (and good).


The only thing that really disappointed me about the show was how unimportant Cesaro is right now.  I hope he gets a better push soon.  He deserves it and can certainly be more than what he is now.


Cesaro needs to cut fence (no pun intended) from the Real Americans, but I am not sure that would translate to a push.  I'd like to see Cesaro work Big E in an IC Title program.



OR HOW ABOUT THEY DIDN'T KILL A THING???? That this was the story? Bryan joins them in order to finally get to Bray alone and get revenge before the PPV.

You just keep the dream alive, Sunshine.



Fuck, I have to say this.  You are the absolute worst.


You managed to convince yourself that anything other than Bryan winning the Rumble is a failure, partially because of the success of this weeks closing angle, while shitting on people for LIKING THE CLOSING ANGLE.  Weird.  Top that off with about 8 fantasy booking posts and you are right back to gearing up for disappointment.


As much as I'd like Taker/Bryan, it seems a waste


When what you want is so specific that you are unable to enjoy the idea of TAKER VS BRYAN AT MANIA, it might be time to want something else.


Yeah, too bad really good long term "wait and see" stuff is fucked by "we need to sponge pub so we bring in another part-timer to hand the title to" and back burner guys that are around all year.


Yeah, too bad Batista is coming back.





and Bryan is on the back burner.




Wait... we both watched the end of Raw, right?  The one where Bryan closed out the show with the crowd going crazy for the billionth time.  Batista might win, Punk might win, Bryan might win.  It's nice that this years Rumble winner isn't so painfully obvious.  It's also clear that Bryan is positioned as one of the favorites.  I understand that isn't enough for you, but don't shit on everyone else because you can only enjoy the narrowest of storylines.

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Cesaro needs to cut fence (no pun intended) from the Real Americans, but I am not sure that would translate to a push.  I'd like to see Cesaro work Big E in an IC Title program.


I'm telling you, Rey/Cesaro/Hogan vs Real Americans (Ryback, Axel, Swagger) for the rights to the song. Gold. 


That's the issue these days. It's not about what WWE does, it's about what WWE doesn't do. Fantasy booking is a plague. We've got people in here saying Bryan should win the Rumble and beat Brock or Batista or Orton at Mania. Bryan over Hunter at Mania was talked about. Someone mentioned ending the Streak next year. I feel like not all of that will happen and people will be mad.

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Just to piss off FSW:

I would be fine with Brock-Batista and Bryan-Taker at Mania for the sole reason that it's pretty obvious that the Main Event would need to be Bryan-Taker, even without the belt. The hottest act in the company tries to end The Streak, and for the first time in years, it's someone you could conceivably imagine them ending the Streak for.




OR HOW ABOUT THEY DIDN'T KILL A THING???? That this was the story? Bryan joins them in order to finally get to Bray alone and get revenge before the PPV.

You just keep the dream alive, Sunshine.



Fuck, I have to say this.  You are the absolute worst.


You managed to convince yourself that anything other than Bryan winning the Rumble is a failure, partially because of the success of this weeks closing angle, while shitting on people for LIKING THE  CLOSING ANGLE.  Weird.  Top that off with about 8 fantasy booking posts and you are right back to gearing up for disappointment.


I didn't shit on anyone for liking the closing angle. I liked the closing angle.   I hit him for jumping on the "Oh, this is what's been there all along!", when it wasn't.  The "wait and see" crowd basically were blind squirrels finding a nut last night.  


I didn't say anything other than winning the Rumble is a failure, I said it was a dumb move.  Big difference. 


Reading Comprehension is fundimental.

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As much as I love DB, at this point I would not buy him beating the Undertaker and ending the Streak at all. I still think we'll get HHH v Bryan at Mania as a close to this entire angle that's been going on since SummerSlam.


I'd pay cash money for Prince Nana to form a face version of The Embassy with Cesaro, Kofi, and the repackaged Yoshi Tatsu (or maybe Haku's kid wrestling as a Tongan instead of a Hispanic) and set them against the repackaged Real Americans (Ryback, Axel, Swagger) just to see what crowd in the states would start chanting USA during the New Embassy hope spots.


That's the issue these days. It's not about what WWE does, it's about what WWE doesn't do. Fantasy booking is a plague. We've got people in here saying Bryan should win the Rumble and beat Brock or Batista or Orton at Mania. Bryan over Hunter at Mania was talked about. Someone mentioned ending the Streak next year. I feel like not all of that will happen and people will be mad.


I'd rather people fantasy book because they don't know where things are going as opposed to figuring out how we get to Rock-Cena II five months before it happens.

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Also, I'm not gearing up for dissappointment, I'm expressing reality.  Hot act this time of year should coast into Mania, but over the past few years, that hasn't been the case.  The case has been using part-time talent that used to be Main Eventers to sell the big PPV at the expense of full-timers getting said slots, and relegating the full time talent into the Undercard.  Its a problem I've had with Mania the past few years, and has led to Taker having the only real outstanding match on the show for the past 4 years running.


Its dissappointing that the WrestleMania Headline matches are likely have less than half their participants be full-time talent. 


As much as I love DB, at this point I would not buy him beating the Undertaker and ending the Streak at all. I still think we'll get HHH v Bryan at Mania as a close to this entire angle that's been going on since SummerSlam.


If people bought Jeff Hardy beating UT in the RAW run, then they can buy Bryan doing it.  Especially at a WM when that match would be red hot.


That's the issue these days. It's not about what WWE does, it's about what WWE doesn't do. Fantasy booking is a plague. We've got people in here saying Bryan should win the Rumble and beat Brock or Batista or Orton at Mania. Bryan over Hunter at Mania was talked about. Someone mentioned ending the Streak next year. I feel like not all of that will happen and people will be mad.


See, this is the exact mentality that gives us Nickelback and Pitbull. "We best eat what they feed us and like it." You just keep on consuming there big guy. Independent thought is the enemy. 


Another Bobby Lashley match you say?


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Cesaro needs to cut fence (no pun intended) from the Real Americans, but I am not sure that would translate to a push.  I'd like to see Cesaro work Big E in an IC Title program.

It looks like they may have planted the seeds of this with Cesaro running off and leaving Zeb to get whomped by Big Show last night.  I'm hoping so anyways as Cesaro is so much better than what he's being given in that team.  They can easily pull some other new guy up from NXT in his spot if they want to continue the RA gimmick (and I hope they do as it's a decent heel tag team act).


Isn't Dutch contributing backstage somehow?  I thought I read somewhere that he's helping with booking or some such.



That's the issue these days. It's not about what WWE does, it's about what WWE doesn't do. Fantasy booking is a plague. We've got people in here saying Bryan should win the Rumble and beat Brock or Batista or Orton at Mania. Bryan over Hunter at Mania was talked about. Someone mentioned ending the Streak next year. I feel like not all of that will happen and people will be mad.


See, this is the exact mentality that gives us Nickelback and Pitbull. "We best eat what they feed us and like it." You just keep on consuming there big guy. Independent thought is the enemy. 


Another Bobby Lashley match you say?



A decent attempt, friend. Decent indeed. Unfortunately you've sort of missed what I was saying. People get excited for streak ending world champion authority ender Daniel Bryan. Then when they just get authority ender Daniel Bryan they're furious.


I think at this stage people will be happy so long as they get option A, option B, or Option C.


Option D is Team Hell No vs Wyatt, Harper, and Rowan, which would make Vic and Gregg happy maybe (especially the latter if it was for the soul of Brie Bella), but no one else.


Also, I swear it's sad that I still only remember which one is Brie and which one is Nikki due to what someone posted once. Brie = Bryan, Nikki = (K)Nockers. 


I'm a terrible person. 

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Also, I'm not gearing up for dissappointment, I'm expressing reality.   


No, you dope, you are being a huge bummer.  Go on, though.  Tell me about this "reality" where the WWE is out to get Daniel Bryan, hold em down and destroy everything that makes him special.  


The true reality is that the WWE want Daniel Bryan to succeed as much as you do, because $.  You may hate the losses, screw jobs and booking, but it seems to be working just fine.  They have created a true underdog babyface for the first time in what seems like forever.  


Obviously, Bryan deserves the majority of the credit for this, but the idea (and this wasn't your talking point, but you are the most vocal doofus in here so I'm rolling with it) that Bryan is succeeding in spite of the WWE is foolish.  They have been giving him 40 minutes per Raw for the last 6 months.  They are succeeding together.



Also, I'm not gearing up for dissappointment, I'm expressing reality.   


No, you dope, you are being a huge bummer.  Go on, though.  Tell me about this "reality" where the WWE is out to get Daniel Bryan, hold em down and destroy everything that makes him special.


The true reality is that the WWE want Daniel Bryan to succeed as much as you do, because $.  You may hate the losses, screw jobs and booking, but it seems to be working just fine.


You really only read what you want to, don't you?


I *want* Bryan to Main Event WM for the Title.  He won't.  That's reality.  Because Batista has guaranteed a Title run and has a movie to promote that WWE has to leach off of, Brock seems to be getting his unless that challenge two weeks ago where he nuked Henry was meant to go no where, and WM Main Events include at least one guy that works less than 5 times a year.  I'm still gonna watch WrestleMania, and by SummerSlam, Bryan will likely have the title.


I'd pay cash money for Prince Nana to form a face version of The Embassy with Cesaro, Kofi, and the repackaged Yoshi Tatsu (or maybe Haku's kid wrestling as a Tongan instead of a Hispanic) and set them against the repackaged Real Americans (Ryback, Axel, Swagger) just to see what crowd in the states would start chanting USA during the New Embassy hope spots.


The answer's "Arizona," isn't it.  I feel like the answer's "Arizona" ...



I'd pay cash money for Prince Nana to form a face version of The Embassy with Cesaro, Kofi, and the repackaged Yoshi Tatsu (or maybe Haku's kid wrestling as a Tongan instead of a Hispanic) and set them against the repackaged Real Americans (Ryback, Axel, Swagger) just to see what crowd in the states would start chanting USA during the New Embassy hope spots.


The answer's "Arizona," isn't it.  I feel like the answer's "Arizona" ...



It needs to happen in Texas so that Zeb could riff on a state that elected a conservative Tea Party member to the US Senate that has a Hispanic last name yet is actually Canadian by birth.


On another subject, the New Age Outlaws thing played out EXACTLY right. All last week, I was wondering why Triple H's old DX buddies were palling around with C.M. Punk...and we got the answer on Raw. On top of that, the Outlaws get a Tag Title shot on Smackdown as an unspoken "reward".

I thought Flair was going to turn on Cena last week and hook up w HHH and Orton. Evolution Reunion

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On another subject, the New Age Outlaws thing played out EXACTLY right. All last week, I was wondering why Triple H's old DX buddies were palling around with C.M. Punk...and we got the answer on Raw. On top of that, the Outlaws get a Tag Title shot on Smackdown as an unspoken "reward".

I thought Flair was going to turn on Cena last week and hook up w HHH and Orton. Evolution Reunion



It's a terrible, terrible idea and I am sorry, but part of me kind of does want this to happen, with HHH, Michaels, the Outlaws, Orton, Flair, and a shock turning Batista being Evolution X or something.


I just really like factions.

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