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I think fantasy booking can be fun, but it ultimately does lead to frustration because you're just projecting what you want to see and that is rarely going to come to any kind of fruition.

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None of the dipshits that make horse jokes about Lillian would EVER kick her out of their bed for eating crackers. Just sayin'.

I prefer a more stable relationship.

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None of the dipshits that make horse jokes about Lillian would EVER kick her out of their bed for eating crackers. Just sayin'.

I prefer a more stable relationship.



We will talk again on Friday Mike


Look, guys, all that matters is there might be a little glimmer of hope that Team Hell No could come back for a short little run. One of the better tag teams in the last decade, in my opinion.


But, yeah, I'm basically loving this shit. They really should have stretched out the "Daniel Bryan "joins" the Wyatt Family" thing. It does feel really rushed. Take last night's reaction and just give it a few more weeks. You take an already awesome crowd response and turn it up to 11 if they gave it the proper build and whatnot. It's okay, though, because everyone involved is still better off than before. Especially the Usos. They'll be the ones to de-throne Cody & Goldust. Speaking of which... do they pull the trigger on Cody/Dustin at WM30?


I think the Bryan/Wyatt angle only would have been interesting if they feuded with big names. Bryan's involvement didn't elevate the group to fighting Punk or Cena. They just kept fighting The Usos. So instead of using him to make the group look like a big deal, they just brought him down to their level. I think that would have engaged live crowds more, but as it was booked it felt more like "He's getting depushed" so crowd's responded as they have been trained to in similar circumstances.


I think if nothing else, it raised the Usos' stock some.

I think they're the only one's who truly came out ahead. Maybe Daniel Bryan, because by taking him away from the fans, WWE ended up reinforcing fans' commitment to him as a lead babyface. 


If anyone hasn't listen to the Austin podcast with Bryan, they really should, because the humbleness really does shine through there and it just makes you like the guy more. It feels somehow fitting now.


I do think the Usos' stock definitely went up. If we had WCW Top Ten Rankings here, they'd definitely be the number one contenders for the title for winning that cage match. I'm just saying.


I think fantasy booking can be fun, but it ultimately does lead to frustration because you're just projecting what you want to see and that is rarely going to come to any kind of fruition.



I will never give it up.  Hurricane Helms and Rosey are at worst third or fourth contenders for the titles right now, Goddammit.

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EMMA!!!!! That was almost the best thing on the show until, damnit, that ENDING!!!!!

The only thing that can happen is Bryan winning the rumble.

Just don't know what to do with BIG DAVE then...does Bryan eliminate him last?

....also, fuck it, let's do Warrior vs. Undertaker at WM. I want a proper payoff to the coffin angle!!!

I think you gotta have Triple H infer next week, maybe without saying it, that Batista is being entered to keep Daniel Bryan from winning it. So then, come the Rumble, you have D-Bry come in like, 4th, and have him keep cheating death. Have Roman Reigns do the thing where the future monster eliminates like 20 guys, have Big Dave come out like 27th, clean house, and have the final four be Reigns/Bryan/Batista/Langston. Final two of Bry and Dave. Bry eliminates Dave for he win.

Crowd goes fucking nuts.

They got Punk in there too. I'd be ok with a Batista/Punk/Bryan final 3. The Indy dream team eliminates Dave and then have a RESPECT~~~!!!ful few minutes before Bryan eliminates Punk.


I'm 2 weeks behind on WWE but caught the end of Raw on YT. Say what you want about Whether or not Bryan is Over but you cant force that reaction. I love that type of crowd reaction especially when its isnt in a smarkish manner and they are genuinely into it.


Everyone is sleeping on the fact that Kane probably knew what D-Bry's plan all along was, and that's why he kept the key to the cage door.

Also, I hate to say I told you so, but... I told you so. Yeah, midcard act my white ass.

Except they didn't play this off like beating up Bray Wyatt was Daniel's plan all along. They played it up as if getting the Sister Abigal was one step too far and Bryan snapped on Wyatt in a fit of rage. Not predetermined.


I'd have them stack the deck against Bryan, Rumble 99 style. Have him take a beatdown from the Shield on the way to the ring and never makes it or whatever.


Final two are Batista and Roman Reigns. Bryan comes back to eliminate them both from behind.  Orton/Bryan at Mania, Reigns/Batista as well. Have Bryan go over, Triple H throws Lesnar in his path. Bryan barely survives the first match, then drops the belt to Lesnar in HIAC.


Lesnar stops following the orders from Triple H. You build to Lesnar vs. Batista at Summerslam.


Everyone is sleeping on the fact that Kane probably knew what D-Bry's plan all along was, and that's why he kept the key to the cage door.

Also, I hate to say I told you so, but... I told you so. Yeah, midcard act my white ass.

Except they didn't play this off like beating up Bray Wyatt was Daniel's plan all along. They played it up as if getting the Sister Abigal was one step too far and Bryan snapped on Wyatt in a fit of rage. Not predetermined.

I'd say having his regular gear on underneath his outfit can be taken as possible evidence that Daniel Bryan's actions were premeditated.

Do you need Michael Cole to spoon-feed you with commentary for you to be aware of the possible interpretations of various actions?

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Everyone is sleeping on the fact that Kane probably knew what D-Bry's plan all along was, and that's why he kept the key to the cage door.

Also, I hate to say I told you so, but... I told you so. Yeah, midcard act my white ass.

Except they didn't play this off like beating up Bray Wyatt was Daniel's plan all along. They played it up as if getting the Sister Abigal was one step too far and Bryan snapped on Wyatt in a fit of rage. Not predetermined.
I'd say having his regular gear on underneath his outfit can be taken as possible evidence that Daniel Bryan's actions were premeditated.

Do you need Michael Cole to spoon-feed you with commentary for you to be aware of the possible interpretations of various actions?

Exactly. The gear thing was to show you that it was his master plan. Like an NWO t-shirt underneath your regular shirt.

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None of the dipshits that make horse jokes about Lillian would EVER kick her out of their bed for eating crackers. Just sayin'.

What kid of cracker would a horse eat? something plain like a "Zesta" brand saltine or the king of crackers, the Chicken in a Biskit?


These are the kinds of things that occur to guy that's never owned a horse...or slept with one even.


So, I totally checked out during all of Batista's rise to national prominence. Yes, literally all of it. What is he going to bring to the table that the current WWE needs or wants? Fill a brother in...

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So, I totally checked out during all of Batista's rise to national prominence. Yes, literally all of it. What is he going to bring to the table that the current WWE needs or wants? Fill a brother in...


At his peak, Batista was a very charismatic big guy who was consistently over and could have good matches with the right opponents. He was a decent man-of-few-words promo as a face and showed some spark as a cocky douchebag heel. His underrated talent was having strong matches with lower ranked opponents. He also fell somewhere between Mark Henry and Rey Mysterio on the injury prone scale.


As for what he brings he now, I have no clue outside of some potential mainstream exposure with his movie. There's already younger/better guys all over the roster.

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