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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/14/2019 in Posts

  1. No idea why I'd wade into this muck again but here goes...I don't dislike Cornette for thinking most modern wrestling is crap. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I dislike him because he's disingenuous. He's a carny who knows exactly who his audience is and what they pay for, so he gives them that, regardless of what he truly believes. He's a brilliant mind and historian who realized that being a brilliant mind and historian doesn't pay the bills as nicely as being an outlandish, negative prick does. My god, what a waste. He could have a great podcast full of well-thought-out criticism that leans on his decades of experience that spreads some positivity and knowledge, but he's chosen the easy and cheap way instead. He doesn't believe most modern wrestling is crap but his fans do, so he just gives them that. It's really lame and a huge waste of time unless you're one of these sad people with a rage boner for Kenny Omega who needs to get off on being miserable. Also, it's funny that Cornette is alleging Omega has a "Japanese school girl fetish" like Cornette is in any position to kink shame someone.
    6 points
  2. Jim Cornette is also, not President of the United States. And this thread is done.
    4 points
  3. I mean, it's great they're making a retro PS2 game and all...
    4 points
  4. How did Maven make it into the game?
    3 points
  5. Is she butthurt because she got a low rating in 2K20?
    3 points
  6. I agree, if the refs are going to have different styles and standards for their matches, they need to make that clear quickly. Make Aubrey the tough ref and Knox a little looser, then it can be part of the match's story rather than a distraction. JR could say things like "That's Referee Edwards in there, she'll make sure this match is done by the books" or "Rick Knox is known for letting wrestlers bend the rules a little, and like it or not it makes for some incredible action" instead of crapping on the product on national TV.
    3 points
  7. So WWE isn't the only promotion that can't let go of the Attitude Era?
    3 points
  8. Fighting logic. The more you use a move, the better you are at it, and the more effective it is. Tim Storm is such a resolute babyface, he doesn't even know how to blast another man in the balls properly.
    3 points
  9. 3 points
  10. I just scroll past a post that has Cornette's take on the show, just don't see a reason to be bothered. If he means it then that's his opinion, but if he's doing it for attention then that's just sad. But I don't care either way. While I don't blame those complaining about his stuff being mentioned here it's just not worth going nuts over it.
    3 points
  11. As much as I love Corny talking old school and don't take his views on the modern product very seriously, I do like him breaking down tv shows from a technical standpoint, given his experience writing, formatting and producing wrestling shows.
    3 points
  12. Went to the cardiologist yesterday and it appears that the stents and medication are working because my outflow rate went from 19% to 45-50%. 50-60% is normal so huzzah to modern medicine and pharmaceuticals! The main thing is that I don't need a defibrillator installed and can stop wearing the fucking Life Vest. Now I just have cardiac rehab and dieting to contend with. Plus I'm staying retired since the wife got a job teaching science at a catholic school in Richmond so I will take over homeschooling the boys. And watch 6 hours of pro wrestling every day.
    3 points
  13. Sure enough, part 2 of the draft was just as dumb as the first. Daniel Bryan is drafted by SmackDown and they make a huge deal about Raw losing him. THEY DIDN'T FUCKING HAVE HIM TO BEGIN WITH Most of these picks were just ones to keep the shows as they were drafted a year ago. Then you look at the picks that were made and the order they were made in and it makes zero sense. Some of you can try to twist the logic into a way that makes sense, but the reality is that this company didn't put half as much thought into those picks that you did. Ultimately, they just kept shit the same and made good workers look lesser than in the process. Yet another person commits arson against Bray Wyatt. Coooooool. I hope to hell Randy Orton re-tweets himself from a month ago when he called for this exact thing to happen. And on top of it, Bray will job again or we'll get another non-finish because 50 Cent: Blood in the Sand is basically just a glorified house show. Sorry Bray, you've been Ryback'd. Braun and others can give you more details about this club you've joined. I used to like Seth too. I didn't think he was nearly as bad as you all made him out to be, but now he's just been saddled with one lame ass storyline after another and the scripts he's given are dogshit. Like, he's great at memorizing them, but his ability to act those scripts out isn't good enough to inject any charisma into charisma-less dialogue. Didn't care for the closing tag match either. About the only positives I can say are that it's cool the War Raiders are champions and I really dug not only Buddy vs Cedric, but Buddy winning as well. I'm hoping that next week things wind up better and the quality of these shows have gone down because they've been saddled with booking around the draft. So maybe with the draft out of the way Raw will be somewhat watchable again like it was a couple weeks ago.
    2 points
  14. I swear these cuck storylines are gonna lead to a surfacing Linda/Ahmed Johnson vid with Vince holding the camera yelling, "What A Maneuver!!!" I'll see myself out.
    2 points
  15. Naively hoping The Fiend wins the WWE Universal Championship from Seth Rollins which would cancel out Bray Wyatt getting drafted to Smackdown but that ain't happening. Poor Bray. In closing, this fuckin' company.
    2 points
  16. I kind of wish people wouldn't use the "new Roman" because Seth actually deserved the shit unlike Roman
    2 points
  17. ALmost thought the Cardinals would be the most embarrassing thing on the air tonight until I remembered RAW and boy did it deliver!
    2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. This is a continuation a conversation from this weeks Dynamite thread that I decided to add to the October thread. There’s several Ring of Honor contracts expiring at the end of the year. Marty, Brody PCO, Cobb, Rush, Dragon Lee and Bandido, plus dudes like PJ Black, Shane Taylor, Tracy Williams and Beer City Bruiser. That’s a lot of talent on the market come January. Marty seems to be a lock. Does anyone know when exactly Marty’s contract expires in November? I’d like to see PCO and Brody King in AEW. The idea of Marty going rogue and not aligning with The Elite but having his own crew. Although PCO is challenging Rush for the ROH Title at Final Battle. They put the strap on Kyle O’Reilly and he didn’t resign. If PCO does win the strap and doesn’t resign he could always drop the strap to Jay Lethal at Wrestle Kingdom. Or PCO could turn up on Dynamite and toss the strap in the trash. Or they could have Rush retain and drop they belt to somebody the next day at the TV Tapings. Who I don’t know. Maybe Silas Young. If I was AEW I’d go after Rush, with ROH’s relationship with CMLL getting stronger I can’t see Rush and Dragon Lee staying in ROH once their contracts are up. Entice the brothers by allowing them to continue taking Mexican Indie dates. I’d make a run for Bandido too. Now that New Japan seems cold on him I’d go for Jeff Cobb too. I’ve seen him plenty live in ROH and Defy dude is very athletic and can go from what I’ve seen. Plus he has a pretty solid buzz in the Bay Area/PNW and when AEW starts expanding out there he’d be a perfect addition to the roster. How many people they sign at the first of the year I would imagine depends on if the start running the Saturday night house shows by then. Extra date a week would mean filling out the roster. Also if they do add a Television title with Weekly defenses on television with the 15 minute time limits you will also need to bolster the Midcard. With that in mind I’d look at Tracy Williams and Beer City Bruiser. Tracy is really good wrestler whose just been under the radar honing his craft in AIW, Beyond and Evolve before spending this last year in ROH. I think he’d be perfect for a Television Championship devision. Beer City is the guy I’d make a run at. He’s a classic boss. A tough guy looking for a fight. A throwback to the tough guy midcarder heels from the territory days who may not have the best win-loss record but you know he’s gonna give the face a run for their money. Bruiser was on Jericho’s Podcast and Jericho seemed to be a fan of his work. Having an advocate on the inside may help him get a contract. This is all speculation. I’d also make an offer to Silas Young when his contract is up at the end of 2021. I wouldn’t bother with Black or Taylor.
    2 points
  20. 2 points
  21. Once Hikaru Shida (and Yuka Sakazaki) come to AEW fulltime, the Women's division is going to be a lot better. Still rewatching All Out, and Shida vs Riho was much better than I remembered, and better than Riho's match with Nyla Rose was.
    2 points
  22. Its amusing after so many years of complaining about Yukes that its when they leave the game somehow gets worse.
    2 points
  23. I do love that on a night where we had that Succession finale and the Gemstones finale that Ballers finally ended. What a shitty finale to a shitty series. The ending to Ballers made the MCU movies look realistic. This final season also made zero sense. It's like there was a missing season before this one and that's where the NCAA fallout with Spence happened and that's where everyone turned on Spence.
    2 points
  24. BTE taking the piss out of fans complaining about the Moxley interference from two weeks ago and poking fun at the "wins and losses matter!" thing is great. "Why are you knocking on the wall?" "I'm back. It's Britney, bitch."
    2 points
  25. How is this happening? I don't understand how it can revert to legit PS3 level of graphics. That looks like it's from Bully.
    2 points
  26. It'll probably take at least three hours to scroll that Twitter death thread. One omission I noticed: Sky High. I'm also holding out for them to release the shorts... you can't tell me a collection of, say, the Goofy toons like "How to Ski" shouldn't be there.
    2 points
  27. Freddi Cougar would be a great milf porn parody.
    2 points
  28. Just wanted to piggyback on this and add one more thing. Cornette frequently shittalks President Camacho Cheeto, which, ok, fine because I don't like the prick either, but Cornette does the same exact shit that Cheeto does. Corny is the biggest hypocrite. He constantly dog whistles, is a bigot, doubles down when he's clearly wrong, etc. So I don't want to hear some this shit about how smart Corny is. He ain't. He may know how to work the marks and may know wrestling history, but that's where it stops. If he were so smart then he'd be self-aware enough to know that he does the exact same shit that he hates Trump for.
    2 points
  29. Speaking of... Best episode in forever.
    2 points
  30. Shit, man, me too. With Dark and Dynamite there's now two nights to get excited over and it just feels so damn good. Strange for sure considering it's been quite awhile. But very good all the same. Considering they save the promos for Youtube I would hope that if they show it in a video package they put a watermark showing the Youtube channel it's on. A friend of mine is new to it all and she didn't know about either channel (has since been corrected) So while there's a lot of die-hards that know about them it'd be nice for new fans to know where to go to. EDIT: The stats that LoneWolf linked to are amazing. I would absolutely love to see that be an official thing if only for big matches. It covers the sports aspect they want and is fascinating to read.
    2 points
  31. This past weeks Dynamite had some impressive looking clothesline’s like it was WCW in 96.
    2 points
  32. Fuck, Lee/Xiong ended in just about the most dramatic fashion. Xiong was seconds away from likely winning a decision until Lee got that choke. Lee's standup is super rudimentary and was teed up whenever they weren't grappling. Showed some great heart to persevere to get that submission. Damn. DJ, I literally couldn't see his punches at the start of the fight.
    2 points
  33. Because he's a shitty bigoted troll. If people want to post Cornette's podcasts, get him his own thread. He does not, no will have anything to do with AEW.
    2 points
  34. While on the subject of wrestling tributes and/or parodies: My ultimate sleaze King of Trios team: Macho Warrior Ric Hogan, Hardbody Harrison, Buck "Rock & Roll" Zumhofe
    2 points
  35. The Last Boy Scout is still one of the best movies ever made.
    2 points
  36. I re-watched this episode today. I enjoyed the closing segment more on the second viewing. I listened a little closer for the pops and watched for the little things like Cody mouthing "thank you" while hugging MJF, and MJF pulling away from Nick Jackson trying to check on him. The pops for MJF and Darby Allin were huge. They're both made guys right now. Although we know the MJF turn is coming, it will still be a sad day. I had goosebumps watching that segment. That's how professional wrestling is supposed to make me feel. I hope we get another men's singles title. It would help a guy like Jimmy Havoc so much. I thought he looked fine, but I've seen elsewhere that people have said he looked lost in a non-deathmatch environment. I think his presentation is great. I love his look, entrance theme, the whole package.
    2 points
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