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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/03/2017 in all areas

  1. 11 points
  2. 10 points
  3. Dillinger at 10 feels so obvious, I suspect almost anyone else would get booed in that slot.
    8 points
  4. "Wayne!" "Shut up, butthead!" ::narration:: "Right then and there, I knew my shot with Missy Hyatt was over." ::"Turn! Turn! Turn!" starts playing::
    8 points
  5. Shane was finally going to show us the photos of Miss Elizabeth
    7 points
  6. Don't you mean to say Roode would be GLORIOUS? I believe the word you're searching for is GLORIOUS.
    6 points
  7. He deals with the God damn customers so the ownership doesn't have to. He has people skills.
    6 points
  8. Hey, we all knew Hollywood Cibernetico was bizarre and insane before he got banned here...
    5 points
  9. Alberto is pregnant! Congratulations! Ooh, feel those kicks? He's gonna be a soccer player. Yes he is.
    5 points
  10. When you have the death sentence on 12 systems, maybe you know when it's time to go.
    4 points
  11. It was 30 minutes of Rosenberg: "here's some legitimate gripes from the paying customers" JBL/Heyman: "fans are all idiots"
    4 points
  12. Here I go, double-posting again!
    3 points
  13. And writers don't vote for guys because it is the first time on the ballot And writers don't vote for guys because since Babe Ruth was 100% no one can be 100% Etc.. Etc..
    3 points
  14. And then he lost said match. And got control of Raw.
    3 points
  15. A NEW YEAR and some OLD OLD ASS references form Johnny Carson to provide a little history for those of you not old enough to assume Shawn Mendes is "probably a baseball player." ...WAY BACK to January 1, 1975 - A reference to Catfish Hunter. All through the late 70s Catfish Hunter was the code word for "rich athletes" all because of something that happened just before this episode aired. Yes, it's January 1, 1975, about two years before the final death of the pernicious "reserve clause" that essentially forced major league baseball players to work only for the club that drafted them unless traded, an indentured servitude guaranteed legal only by exemptions granted to Baseball as an industry. But before that would happen, due to shoddy accounting and nonchalant arrogance, the greatest pitcher of the moment, Catfish Hunter, who had led the cheap-ass Oakland As to three consecutive world championships on a salary of $100,000/year was suddenly declared a free agent by an arbiter. You see half his salary was supposed to be paid by the club and the other half sent to a North Carolina bank where Hunter lived. The annuity checks were always late and when Hunter complained the club ignored him. That violated the contract and suddenly he was one of the first ever actual free agents, and the first to be so valuable....Every single team made a bid and he eventually signed with the New York Yankees for five years and a TOTAL of $3.75 million. Today Johnny Gomes will probably make that much next year playing in Japan somewhere. But it was astounding in 1975 and no one could shut up about it and your grandpa probably still thinks he's overpaid. - A reference to Marlon Brando giving land to native Americans. This is a tiny footnote in a series of larger ongoing story in the early 70s. The larger story was a strong and militant native rights movement including a series of tense standoffs in the early 1970s. These included the so-called "Wounded Knee Incident" an occupation of the town of Wonded Knee, South Dakota by native activists protesting the actions of the president of the tribal president. It also included an incident in Tacoma, WA where native fisherman fired warning shots at state police attempting to stop them from fishing in waters guaranteed them by treaty. The next layer down in importance is the ongoing attention paid to Marlon Brando's interest in the movement. He showed up at Wounded Knee Don't worry, he'll grow into the coat. and, in the midst of that protest, sent native activist Sacheen Littlefeather to accept his Oscar for best actor for THE GODFATHER. Thanks, but no thanks, Roger Moore. I've been offered shiny trinkets by douchey travelling brits before. If you have any stolen land though! Brando gave her a 15 page speech to read during the ceremony but she was told that she would be physically removed if she attempted to give it. And then finally the actual reference was to one little moment in that Brando part of that other thing: Two days before Catfish Hunter got rich, Marlon Brando caused a stir on Dec. 30, 1974 by calling a press conference so that he could hand over the deed to his family's land in Agura, CA to the Survival of American Indians Association. The press conference was carefully handled by Brando himself and was mostly viewed by the press with a certain amount of dismissive ridicule, especially when it was revealed five days later that the land had a mortgage lien on it and what he really handed this group was a $320,000 debt that they couldn't pay. - A reference to Marty the marijuana Mouse: Boy this is deep, It doesn't even have a wikipedia page...unless you're a pot-head because then it's canon. You can still find plenty of sites about marty the Mouse, though, because weed guys can't shut up about everything weed related...I"M LOOKING AT YOU DOUG BENSON JUST MENTIONING GETTING HIGH IS NOT A JOKE ABOUT GETTING HIHG!!!!...Ahem... Marty the Marijuana Mouse was the closest thing to what we would call a "viral sensation" in 1974. The story began in San Jose when police found a mouse living in their evidence locker apparently mostly eating grass that was being stored there. Beaver County!!! I think I've seen that movie on a grainy VHS tape I found in the woods!!! CALLBACK!!!! When they attempted to trap him they found that he would not respond to cheese or peanut butter or anything, and they couldn't catch him at all until they used some marijuana seeds. Luckily they didn't just kill him and the story got out that they were shipping him to UCLA to study the effects of a marijuana diet on a mouse. after a few months there he was sent back and became something of a mascot. It was pretty great except that, of course, he WOULDN"T SHUT UP ABOUT HOW MUCH HE LIKES TO GET HIGH AND MADE THE SAME STUPID 420 AND MUNCHIE JOKES EVERY 20 SECONDS FUCKYOUDOUGBENSON!!!!! A reference to C. Everett Koop's surgeries. This one, like Marty the Marijuana Mouse, was new to me...and is kind of the opposite of Marty the Marijuana Mouse because I always just knew C. Everett Koop as the goofy-ass ship captain who showed up on t.v. looking like a doofnut telling me not to do drugs: I guess he wears that becuse technically he's an officer in the U.S. health service corps. But even when he wasn't wearing that he still looked like someone who should be writing letters to complain about sentences ending with prepositions in the NEW YORKER and how standards have fallen since the golden age of William Shawn. But apparently, in 1974/75 Koop was known for a series of ground-breaking pediatric surgeries separating conjoined twins. He was the leader as early as 1957 of the surgical team that separated twins joined at the pelvis, and then again in 1974 for separating twins who were born joined across ther chests, including circulatory systems that crossed bodies and sharing major organs. Spoiler warning for large image and three adorable faces: He was eventually famous for being Ronald Reagan's Surgeon General, including for the Koop report, which he apparently fought against behind the scenes because Reagan was seeking to prove that abortion was detrimental to a woman's health and Koop would not sign off on that. He was anti-abortion but claimed that it was "a moral issue and not a health issue." The report was subpoenaed and eventually released under his name anyway. He is also infamous for being the face of Reagan's refusal to recognize, study, or do much of anything to help stem the AIDS epidemic. It seems this was also something he was unhappy about but he didn't resign over it either. Meanwhile I had no idea he was involved in any of this because he looked like a dork and MOONLIGHTING was on!!!
    3 points
  16. I don't think I even hate Peter Karmanos as much as I hate the ped state "our football team was the real victim and Jo Pa is innocent" pieces of human garbage. Think of the magnitude of that statement coming from me
    3 points
  17. I feel like Undertaker transcends the idea of tiers. He was never a top top breakout star, but through the uniqueness and coolness of the gimmick and sheer longevity he's as well known as any wrestler ever.
    3 points
  18. Hey guys guess where I stopped reading
    3 points
  19. 3 points
  20. So I figured I had to start the new thread when I saw this
    2 points
  21. So you lose game 1 by DQ, but all of their players are in the hospital. That sounds like a 4-1 series win to me. I get what Barkley is talking about. I don't agree with him, but I understand how some people don't like the dependance on the three point shot these days.
    2 points
  22. Carmella is FABULOUS on Talking Smack.
    2 points
  23. The third hour isn't the problem. 3 1/2 hours straight on Tuesdays with 205 and Talking Smack, and most seem to really enjoy it. The problem is that a lot of RAW isn't very good.
    2 points
  24. Great to see Al Perez tonight as La Luchadora II.
    2 points
  25. 2 points
  26. Roode debuting in the Rumble, and then starting a feud with the person who drew the number behind him for ruining his entrance would be outstanding.
    2 points
  27. I am deeply amused (and totally not surprised) that Meltzer's problem with the show was JBL shitting on the UFC
    2 points
  28. That was the oddest promo/stipulation/result in recent memory. Either something in their plans radically changed (like the rumor that Taker was supposed to lose but wouldn't, which I find unlikely) or its just an example of WWE booking week to week with no long term planning.
    2 points
  29. It's a stack of film reels showing the Invasion angle going in the right direction, Austin not turning heel at WM 17, and clips from a successful Cena heel run. They all have titles like "The TL Hopper Flies High." Vince has hundreds more, but those were the ones Shane was able to steal and lock away.
    2 points
  30. My theories on the twist ending thanks to the overabundance of information provided by the trailers coupled with extrapolation provided by my ridiculously extensive horror movie plot pedigree: I also plan on going to see this.
    2 points
  31. It was pretty awesome. It is nice to see the series return to its mystery and detective story roots, but the whole fight in the pool thing still shows me that Moffat still has this thing with having Sherlock out 007 a certain agent from MI6 and that is somewhat annoying. As much as Sherlock's arrogance taxes my patience, it does provide him with a believable weakness his enemies can exploit to keep the stories on an even keel, so you don't have Holmes pulling solutions out of thin air and foiling crimes before they happen. Sherlock's need to not only defeat his foes but humiliate them and suffering the consequences of his pride, continues to be the show's best angle. Sherlock is much of his own mortal enemy as Moriarty is / was.
    2 points
  32. 2 points
  33. Koop's face is on the house medical book over here that's been floating around forever. To me he looks more like a Civil War general. How Reagan stood for the mutton chops + goatee look is beyond me. Must've figured those medical guys are all kooks anyway, right Nancy? The Marty article being right next to a Watergate article is further proof that nothing ever changes in this country.
    2 points
  34. Sorry I had to roll suddenly, Robert. I hated to leave because I had been dying laughing the whole time we were raising hell. My night started off comical because I had a Keystone Kops episode of trying to do CEO work. It took me so long to log on because the servers were screwy that I didn't bother doing the playlist glitch to get in an empty room. I didn't get messed with much, but I damn sure messed myself up a ton. The best was when I got my first special cargo. I picked it up and called in a Merryweather chopper so I could drop it off quickly. Dumbass landed halfway on a concrete highway divider, so when I ran around to get in, the rotors were low enough to chop me up. The damn thing then exploded. I picked the package back up and called for my Entity, thinking I could at least drive fast to drop it off. Nope. Damn snow made the ass end get loose on an off-ramp and I jumped the wall and landed in the damn water. Ended up delivering the package though. I was trying to make another cargo delivery when I (without even knowing he was in the room) drove right through Robert sticking rocket feet up white dot ass and my truck ended up flipping over on its top. (Don't worry Robert - I ain't mad in the least.) I rammed it a few times trying to flip it over to no avail, then I said fuck it. Blew up the truck, retired as CEO, and then Robert and I ran off every white dot we could find. The first two were mic'd up and coming through my TV, and it was hilarious. One dude was calling me bitch because he was up on me by a couple. Then, I got him twice in a row and there was light whining. Then Robert continued whipping his ass and I heard the guy accuse him of cheating. The two of them disappeared - not sure if they left or got dumped or what. The funniest part of the night was when the "bail and slide the farthest" event started. I was on my way to Robert and saw that a guy was in the lead, so I decided to bail out of the car to see what my score might be. I got 143.4 feet. The dude (Quest83) then popped up with 142.4 feet. I don't know if Robert did it intentionally or not, but he whooped the poor dude's ass so much that he didn't have a chance to take the lead again. Winning by one literal foot made me cackle. The other part that cracked me up was when we ran off everyone around us and were both in pause menus/away from controller. I see three dots in a car and take off, then I see Robert a few streets over - ahead of me. Then came the explosion and a shit ton of death notifications. We then wore their not-car-having-anymore asses out. The only real challenge (not to say I didn't die more that I would have liked) was a run-in toward the end from some cat named Angel something or other who fancied rooftop sniping. Never got a kill on that s.o.b. Anyway - fun as hell night - looking forward to another one.
    2 points
  35. I am watching Streets of Fire and it's exactly what I was hoping it would be. If I had caught this on Sat afternoon TV when I was 12, it would have been in my top 3.
    2 points
  36. A consideration of alignment:
    2 points
  37. You could have just said fantasy booking is a bad idea
    2 points
  38. Cardboard Dolph is far more interesting than actual Dolph at this point.
    2 points
  39. Hey Kurt, can you give us a visual representation of how WWE booked Sting? Thanks Kurt!
    2 points
  40. I think it's going to get overturned on Talking Smack. Miz will argue for the DQ.
    1 point
  41. Rings, plural. So what, the video goes viral?
    1 point
  42. Didn't Metalik already debut in a Raw 4-way? Now Tozawa could debut then.
    1 point
  43. I saw the movie three days ago and I have absolutely no idea who Dr. Evazan or Ponda Baba are. So that kinda proves your point. Donnie Yen was supposed to be some sort of space monk? I thought he was supposed to be last of the Jedi or somesuch. Actually, I thought he got lost and wandered onto the set thinking it was where they were shooting whatever movie he's really supposed to be in, and they let him stay and gave him lines because he's Donnie F***ing Yen. Fairly certain a ton of cameos and what not either went unnoticed by me, or the signifcance went right over my head. At one point, had this conversation about the movie: Wife: Was that Jimmy Smits? Me: I think so. Wife: Why? Me: No idea. I vaguely remember him being in the couple Star Wars films they did in the 2000's.
    1 point
  44. I can see why. The officer has means to defend him/herself. The nurse doesn't and has nothing do with arrests.
    1 point
  45. So why am I supposed to know this Kaitlin Olson person? And why should I care that The Mick is debuting tonight?
    1 point
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