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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/19/2016 in all areas

  1. Yep, Cameron just pushed his dad's car through the glass. Boy is he going to have a hard time explaining that.
    10 points
  2. I know Gregg is always gonna be extreme positive on the women's matches but to say ALL 5 Sasha/Charlotte matches were better than (off the top of my head) Ziggler/Miz (the IC title vs. Career one) AJ/Reigns AJ/Cena AJ/Ambrose KO/Ambrose The 4 way IC match from Extreme Rules Sami/KO (the one that was SUPPOSED to be their final match) is just silly and discredits their actual good matches
    10 points
  3. I feel like I'm kinda over this Victator comeback already.
    9 points
  4. 7 points
  5. Okay, so, I lied. After finding out how easy the damn glitch was, via a friend, I did it. Not that I needed it. It involves the free Elegy RH8, worth $900k+ in resale. Way, WAY quicker than the Sultan RS glitch from months back. Since jack shit was going on, we piled into an invite only sesh to do this. Took about 90 minutes. I didn't watch the tutorial video nor read it from my link. It was easier to just hear it from a friend in party chat for a min and I got the gist. With my 60 Elegy Retro's and 30 Sultan RS', I've got a good nest egg incase something happens Its a shame we're on split systems, otherwise we could walk through it. On a very sad note, I have lost my dunce cap. We had some great times, no doubt. It shall never be forgotten. I'll never get a chance to get it again. As my next Bad Sport will be my fourth. I cannot risk my "get out of jail" card again. I am legitimately bummed about it. Fuck 2016. Don't you, forget about me...
    5 points
  6. You tend to keep moving when you have the death sentence on twelve systems.
    4 points
  7. Today in Lydia idiocy We leave a cave and as soon as we get outside "Hey look! A cave!" You don't say Lydia. You don't say
    4 points
  8. Man, I swear Rusev could be the guy if they'd let him.
    4 points
  9. And he was the heel in this feud how?
    4 points
  10. 4 points
  11. I liked Big E's dig at Charlotte becoming a 16 time champion by next month.
    3 points
  12. Not sure where the best place to put this, but NJPW World has posted all their January 4th Tokyo Dome shows for free. http://njpwworld.com/c/t_0000_2016_41
    3 points
  13. The NFL have smartly decided not to fine Zeke for this.
    3 points
  14. You know how there's bits of American that the rest of the country makes fun of for marrying their cousins? Norfolk is the English version of those places. So when you brought up his bloodline, a lot of people from Norfolk have very pure bloodlines. Inhumanly pure.
    3 points
  15. Ever have a job with a manager who was obsessed with numbers, metrics, or some other such thing that didn't really accurately measure how well people were doing their jobs but still insisted on making a big deal out of it anyways? It's the same thing here. The powers that be have been obsessed with streaks, win/loss records, and other statistics for the past couple years. It pretty much started with The Undertaker's WM streak in that it wasn't something most people thought about until they started making a big deal about it, then in typical WWE booking fashion handled the payoff in a less than stellar way. Look at Nikki Bella's women's title reign and how people speculated they were having her hold it for so long as some sort of screw you to AJ. Now they're trying to make a big deal out of Charlotte's PPV win streak as if it's some big thing that will be important when it's finally broken, even if no one actually cares or of the booking surrounding the actual matches doesn't make sense. New Day's title run was just another one of these - another record to break that completely flies against whatever actual sensible booking decisions could have been made in the mean time.
    3 points
  16. And in the end none of it meant anything. A half dozen title changes. A PPV winning streak that nobody cares about. Nothing setup for Sasha moving forward. And Bayley in line as the next challenger and they've done nothing to build her up to that.
    3 points
  17. Rogue One is an excellent accompany piece because it explains the one big great plot hole in A New Hope. Overs the years, everyone from film critics to comic fans to Robot Chicken to Family Guy have joked about “Why build such a big, scary expensive death star with such a glaringly obviously flaw?” Answer; Because the guy who helped create it secretly hated the empire and was sabotaging that thing from the get to. And instantly told the Alliance about that glaringly obviously flaw.. A truly dazzling, quirky little film twist. And it makes complete and total sense.
    3 points
  18. I don't speak Spanish, so forgive me if this isn't exactly how you would say it, but I looked it up on Google translate. I took four years of French. Los perros están encerrados en la zona de la piscina.
    3 points
  19. If it is not a racial thing, why do you make It a point to say she's big, fat, ugly, and black? You could've stopped at, "She's not funny at all," and left it alone.
    3 points
  20. Just being honest, I'd take any of the big 5 Revival matches over any of the Charlotte/Sasha matches.
    2 points
  21. Does this count as an old joke now? I feel we're dating ourselves now. (Because someone has to)
    2 points
  22. When CEO, alternate your car missions with Headhunter. Easily soloable in a Buzzard or Hydra. $20-22k for about a minutes work. That might help you get to where you need.
    2 points
  23. No shit, i wanna try that one too. Wonder if theres on to make you passive to NPC's. Gettin run the hell over every 27 seconds is friggin annoying as hell. I have the 2nd amendment right to walk down the road shooting my assortment of guns at whoever the fuck i want to. Dont run me over. Thats uncalled for and by dalmit unconstitutional. It makes me take an occasional minigun rampage flip out on all ass hats in vehicles. Bastards gotta learn.
    2 points
  24. Reminds me of an Elk's Lodge show Ray and I went to where Sandman worked (I think) Steve Mack. Sander did a takedown and some matwork right at the start and I jokingly chanted "holy shit!", so he laughed and yelled "You didn't think I could wrestle, did you?" at us.
    2 points
  25. Big thanks to Stout for helping me get my feet wet with CEO crate work. We did most of it in an empty room, then it started filling up. We continued it until we inevitably got messed with, and then the CEO work stopped for some good old-fashioned scrums until I started getting cross-eyed and had to go to bed. The funniest part was that we technically started the shit because Stout accidentally killed another CEO with a Buzz-ard. But as your school teacher always said, it doesn't matter who started it - because we sent him packing with an empty lunchbox. The rest of it was chaotic but fun. If I remember right, it was 2 on 3 and we all kept respawning up each other's asses so there wasn't much time to breathe. If anyone is around tonight and wants to try that glitch, I'm game. I have a long, slow crawl to being able to afford to even wipe my own ass in Los Santos.
    2 points
  26. All i can say about Roadblock is: German engineering prevails yet again in the face of disaster.
    2 points
  27. Vader going batshit on those guys in that hallway, man. That was some Jason Voorhees shit right there. In about a minute they did more with the Vader character than the prequels ever did. My mark out cinema moment of 2016.
    2 points
  28. 2 points
  29. AJ's sure had a good year.
    2 points
  30. Let me preface this by saying I fucking LOVE the NHS sometimes. When it works, it's seamless. So, momma Red is 61. And has had her health check, which is given to all women of retirement age. Standard thing, blood pressure, cholesterol, brain function, weight, x-rays. Except that on the xray they found something. On her right breast. Usual tests abound, biopsy, mammorgram. Everything. Apparently you couldnt have found it during your own self test. Stage one Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (which she's named Tony Blair, as he's a right tit) approx 11mm in diameter. Which basically means it's there, but it hasnt progressed (as far as the surgeon can see) beyond there. She's going in for her op on the 28th. They'll remove the tumour, plus investigate any other excess bits around the zone. Then a 4-6 week radiotherapy course at mount vernon (local cancer specialist hospital) followed by a hormonal treatment pill once a day for 5 years, which I'm assuming is complementary medicine to the radiotherapy, to ensure it either doesnt come back, or spread. So........yeah. Not the best news, but you know what? Not the worst either. Mum'll fucking smash it. I'm confident she'll batter the everloving piss out of this. She's put up with my for thirty*cough* years, this'll be a walk in the park.
    2 points
  31. Dude, Ambrose is going to be in a feud with fucking James Elsworth and then probably gunning for the Intercontinental Title. The only reason he is not in the midcard now is because John Cena and Undertaker rather not work consecutive Tuesdays. They are monthly. Dean Ambrose is midcard material. Sami should be top babyface by all inetents and purposes. but Raw is fucking stupid. I wouldn't trade Dean for Sami. Maybe Baron Corbin...I feel that is an equal trade because there are too many heels on Smackdown. And honestly, thank god for Adrian Neville interfering. The thing about the Cruiserweights is that they can outwork anybody in the company. They have potential to be next level. The problem is the beginning of this endeavor. Foley basically did to them what Stephanie did to the Divas Revolution. There was no ease. Then there was the poor booking and giving TJ shitty lines and a live mic. These guys don't need to talk a lot. If you want their stories to get across, you have to do more than change the ring ropes and make the lighting purple. Okay, I am in the minorty here, but I do not like the Sasha vs Charlotte matches as much as some people here. The Falls Count Anywhere match was great. But everything else was hit or miss. I also did not like seeing Sasha bleeding from the mouth because I was confused if it was her hair or blood or bloody hair. The damn matches have run their course and Charlotte should not have the belt. She just shouldn't. She is a great champion and wrestler, but Sasha is better, if a little too risky. Roman Reigns vs KO was okay. Hated the finish. I would rather have had KO beat Reigns clean because fuck that. Reigns should lose. He should steer fucking clear from main eventing Wrestlemainia. No one wants it. I don't want it. His best match of the year was AJ Styles. I like him doing his Michael Elgin impersonation, but let someone else main event Wrestlemania. The WWE should get out of the habit of focusing their entire organization around one star and create more than 3 because they have probably the most talented roster of guys in terms of ring ability than they ever had.
    2 points
  32. New Day might as well carry a flag saying "We only broke the record because the real record holder filed a lawsuit." The more wrestling exposes, the worst the writing gets. The gimmick on Zayn/Bruan hurt the match and helped neither guy. Even Zayn's moral victory was hurt by Foley eating up time on the clock and Braun not really trying. I look forward to Sasha and Charlotte having a bra and panties cole miners glove in a cage match.
    2 points
  33. Bout time one popped up. I was afraid Rockstar had their shit together or something. Got on for a few minutes tonight and tried a little car stuff in a fairly full room. Sold one with no issues, but then had 3 assholes in a turret Insurgent come after me when I was taking a Z type to the warehouse. Outran em and got it dropped off. Came out expecting shit, and shit there was. Fortunately they decided to come at me by driving along a riverbed while I was sitting on the hillside above. People don't seem to realize that those things are sitting ducks against somebody even slightly above them. Shot the driver out first. Then took out the gunner. The other passenger tried to get out, but that didn't help him any.
    2 points
  34. No jokes, I'm significantly more excited for Sasha/Emmalina then Bayley/Charlotte.
    2 points
  35. Booker T has needed to get off my TV since he debuted as an announcer on WWE TV some years ago. So fucking annoying and he's easily worse than Jerry Lawler, in my opinion. @Burgundy LaRue I agree. It's obvious they're trying to go back to Rusev being controlled by Lana, which is fine I guess. But if that's the case, and we're judging the Enzo/Cass/Rusev storyline, I don't see a way in which Rusev or Lana are the faces. She played a long con with Enzo, convinced him to come to her hotel room, seduced him when he had obvious doubts about the situation, and then had her husband hiding in the bathroom and he beat the shit out of Enzo. It'd be one thing if Lana was the helpless woman, trying to get out from underneath Rusev's crushing jealously or whatever, but it's not that kind of narrative at all.
    2 points
  36. Alberto Del Rio is a dickhead...but you already know that!
    2 points
  37. The ending was fabulous, straight out of a Sam Raimi-Bruce Campbell movie. I wanna fantasy book some more: 1. When the planted fans got taken out during the Lashley-Edwards match, I wish they would've started mumbling and groaning in pain "holy shit." 2. To follow on my Lashley-Edwards continuation theme, I wanna see pretaped segments showing their fight from North Carolina to Florida, including a segment where one says: "whoa, whoa" "what?" "You hungry?" "I could eat" And they fight their way to a nearby Waffle House, where they sit down to a calm meal together - "how's the family?" - followed by paying the check, getting out to the parking lot and starting to brawl again.
    2 points
  38. As cool as the last Vader scene was, let us not lose sight of the fact that earlier in the movie he CSI:Miami'd Krennic with an awful pun about choking.
    2 points
  39. 2 points
  40. Found two of my favorite early 90s albums in used book store today. one is Deadicated, the grateful dead cover album, with people like Warren Zevon, Elvis Costello, Los Lobos and more on it. My favorite song on it: The other is the soundtrack to thr 1989 Denzel movie, The Mighty Quinn. This includes a version of the title song done reggae style by sheryl lee ralph and two of the Marleys.
    2 points
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