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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/19/2014 in all areas

  1. CMLL's Los Ingobernables (Rush, La Sombra & La Mascara) rocking an awesome look for their entrance the other day:
    13 points
  2. St. Louis Rams. Balls of Steel. EDIT: Multiposting raining balls everywhere.
    4 points
  3. One Man Gang at SICW tonight:
    4 points
  4. They just announced that Gary Wolfe is going to do the halftime show for the Cowboys on Thanksgiving.
    3 points
  5. No. You do not get sympathy when the fucking Lombardi Trophy is held by your team. No no no no no.
    3 points
  6. I've always said If he didn't die young he would be looked at like we look at Pauly Shore. You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become Pauly Shore.
    3 points
  7. Davy Richards on a pole inside of a steel Davy Richards where if Davy Richards loses Davy Richards has to leave town for 30 days while Davy Richards wears a tuxedo and Davy Richards has to get a Davy Richards miner glove and Davy Richards has to wear a blindfold.
    3 points
  8. We've really been blessed this year with a ridiculous amount of great matches. Shield/Wyatts I is the MOTY and one of the greatest matches in WWE history. The Shield were amazing for a lot of reasons, but the best part was them bringing the WWE/Dragon Gate hybrid style into our lives. These matches really evolved WWE storytelling. The great Daniel Bryan push began not at SummerSlam when he beat Cena, but when he became the first person to get a pinfall victory over The Shield. This match was the best WWE Dragon Gate match and the peak of a style. I broke this match down for my friend's blog here. One of the amazing things about this match is how these units weren't around for very long. The Shield were around for two years or so. The Wyatts were in the WWE for about six months at this point and didn't have too many six-man's in NXT. The feud also didn't have too much meat to it other than, "YOU COST US A MATCH, WYATTS!" I've watched this match maybe 10 times at this point. They do so many little thing in this match to make it special. It starts right from the beginning, when all six guys are in the ring. Dean (who has been having issues with Reigns) shows some of his inferiority complex by needing to jaw-jack with Bray. And Bray starts screaming "LOOK AT HOW THEY TREAT YOU BOY!" at Dean. This naturally sets The Lunatic Fringe off more, while Reigns and Seth scream at him to hold him back (for whatever strategy they have). And then it ends with Dean being the first to jump, creating the first brawl. There are so many awesome little things in this -- little fish-hooks and beard pulls and the like. But the structure is great. It's a three-part story. The first is about the evenness between the two teams. All six guys have great segments (with Seth Rollins stealing the show with his insane dives). The final part of this sequence is amazing with all these great dives -- with Harper doing his awesome tope for I believe the first time, too. Right after the dive sequence, Reigns almost pins Rowan with a roll-up. It's a great near fall. If the match ended right there, I think it still might be the MOTY. That's how great the first sequence (and the bulk of the match) is. They also wisely give the crowd and awesome break here with all six guys laid out. I love little segments like that. It's such an awesome breather. The WWE has really toned down the table sports lately, which makes them, when they happen feel Sabu-in-ECW level special. In lesser matches, they get to the table right away. But in this, they WORK towards it. It's teased a few times, most notably when Dean comes running in off-screen to take Harper and Bray out before they powerbomb Rollins through the table. Dean and Bray then end up in the crowd (which is the great whodunnit that led to the next plot point in The Dissent Of The Shield stuff) before Bray returns. Right when this happens, Rowan hits a fallaway slam on Reigns, who has to roll out onto the floor. People wanted to bag on Rowan when he first came in because he's a big dude without indie cred. He's been a good clobbering beast from the jump and was REALLY great here. His main purpose in all The Wyatt stuff is to be the workhorse who takes the punishment while Harper is the equalizer and Bray is the killer. But Rowan finally -- FINALLY -- wins a segment, and does so against Roman f'n Reigns. They then put Rollins through the table, which ends the second act. Even the table bump is artistically impressive. In the history of table bumps, it's nothing. I'd imagine Rollins went through more insane stuff in the third match of the night in some dumpy indie show. It's like 1/1000000th the insanity of Foley's bump, and a fraction of early Sabu. I don't even know if it's as crazy as the table bump in Flair/Funk. It's a basic (and I'm not dismissing it -- it's still a huge bump) back pump. But Harper and Rowan really use their size to make it look bigger, and everything in this match has been so amazing and brutal looking that the crowd just eats it up like it's the most insane move of all-time. I think after the second act, if they were to figure out a way to end it right here, it's definitely the MOTY. The third arc, though is so amazing. They spent the past two years making Roman Reigns near unbeatable. They played up that the first time he was pinned was in an 11-on-3 match on Raw. He singlehandedly won a Survivor Series match. He set the record at The Royale Rumble for most eliminations. He won countless matches with last-second spears for The Shield. And now he's in a 3-on-1. Can he do this one more time? They put all of that narrative capital into Roman for a pay-off at some moment in time, and this is it. (In a way, this reminds me of the Art Barr/Eddie vs. El Hijo/Octogon match from When World's Collide (which might be the greatest match of all-time in wrestling history). El Gringos won the first fall. In the second, they eliminated Santo early, so Octogon had to somehow miraculously keep the match alive in order to save the lineage of Mexico's most beloved icon.) The best in this is when Bray has Roman set up for Sister Abigail. This might be the best facial expressions in WWE history. Bray's near arrogant when he's about to hit the move. Roman powers out and has an awesome Ultimate Warrior kinda face as the crowd rallies behind him. Bray has this perfect look that's shock/fear and amazement at the same time. He's downright in awe that Roman can do this and blinks for a second before he headbutts Roman. And THAT's awesome, and maybe the most brutal in the tiny executions of violence they pepper in this thing. In most matches, Roman powers out. But even in this, he has to fight. It's one of my all-time favorite wrestling segments. This is legitimately just a fantastic performance from six amazing workers. A+. I really would love to have a "Behind The Music" type thing with whoever put this match together. I really think it might be my favorite wrestling match of all-time.
    3 points
  9. How quickly we forget Trent Dilfer has a ring.
    2 points
  10. I think this post is pretty spot on, but I'm not sure we can refer to Lawler's commentary as 'borderline' racist, unless borderline now means 'totally and completely'.
    2 points
  11. I'm here. I have no idea what happened to my Panthers, because ye gods, that was ugly no matter how you looked at it.
    2 points
  12. Patera and Sheiky waiting outside the principal's office? Sheik is there to audition for Hüsker Dü.
    2 points
  13. Brian - you do realize that not all Dolphins fans look alike right?
    2 points
  14. I've always said If he didn't die young he would be looked at like we look at Pauly Shore. You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become Pauly Shore. "What was that name you and the boys had for me back at the Comedy Store, Gordon?" "I...I don't know, Pauly." "Say it. SAY IT." "Wheez...zel. Pauly Weasel."
    2 points
  15. You sons of bitches get your head out of you fucking ass and tackle somebody. Play with a sense of fucking urgency. You're making Aaron Rodgers look like the fucking GOAT (he may very well be that anyway but shut up). I hate all of you. Try not fucking up for five seconds you assholes
    2 points
  16. I hate football. I hate this. I just yelled out "FUCK ME" in my house, where my mother is. Fuck this.,
    2 points
  17. So sorry, DVDVR Panthers Fan Club. I'm sure you feel like this right now.
    2 points
  18. Put Tracy Smothers in a ring with 8 sheep
    2 points
  19. ConAir has Colm Meaney so it wins. And this line Guard Falzon: It smells like someone shit in your mouth. Pinball: He told me he loved me.
    2 points
  20. I am 39, overweight, and not as pretty as I used to be. However, I am still alive, which is saying something.
    2 points
  21. or, alternatively, don't ever, ever, ever, ever (this continues for an hour) tell someone you'll wait for them, even if you would.
    2 points
  22. the best part of the Randy Orton RKO thing is whenever they show "him" running like a DOOM enemy.
    2 points
  23. I know that there are technically better WWE matches, but I fucking loved Big E v Rusev.
    2 points
  24. "Hello everybody, Jim Ross here with Missy Hyatt...."
    2 points
  25. Dairy Queen night crew vs the staff at Mr. Gattis, winners get Joel's Corvette for the weekend
    1 point
  26. Fowler is doing the DX chop to any Saints fan he knows.
    1 point
  27. Fowler might be nekkid at this point.
    1 point
  28. Remember, you're still technically "Defending World Champs" until the playoffs start. (hopefully the Cardinals don't end up making a monkey out of both of us)
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. They should scrap that idiotic football act and just make it the 5 second rule. If its good enough to determine the ediblity of your ham sandwich, it's good enough to determine whether a catch is a catch.
    1 point
  31. I find that hard to believe and totally unlike you. Was it one of those "hey, you know this one? BRROOORROORORRRRROOROR" nights? Who played "The Rodeo Song" only to have all of us start singing aiong at the end? That's an American classic, even if the band is Canadian.
    1 point
  32. For all the praise that Cena/Cesaro got, I'm afraid it's overshadowing the Cesaro/Orton match the Friday prior, and I felt that was the superior match. I need to rewatch Shield/Wyatts. While I enjoyed it and thought it was fun, I never came away from it thinking it was an all-time classic.
    1 point
  33. I often like to look back on Farley with fondness, but I can never fight the nagging feeling that if he were still with us he'd be co-starring in one awful Adam Sandler vehicle after another and be universally loathed.
    1 point
  34. This won't make you happy, maybe (from Tiger Hattori's Twitter):
    1 point
  35. Aw, nuts to that! Nowadays I've kind of gotten accustomed to more conetmplative stuff, like what I've got queued up tonight on Oxygen, two early 90s classics: From the guide And in an emotional one-two punch, that is followed immediately by the sequel: Jealous? Yeah. You don't need to answer that. I know you are.
    1 point
  36. We seriously need to do a Kickstarter for piranesi to get a different cable/satellite provider.
    1 point
  37. Well for one thing because he has 60 chances. Refer any other questions to the blank, Super Dave Osbourne look of dumb paralyzed persistence below: = And since = than by the transitive property, Mike Matheny is all about PEOPLE POWER!
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. Okay, instead of dialing back to Frankenstein or Poe, I'm going to start and the end of the 1890s, using The Lost Stradivarius by John Meade Falkner as our first "modern horror" novel. This was 1895, two years before Dracula. I just re-read this a year or so back and it holds up wonderfully well. 1897: Dracula - Bram Stoker (There are reasons why this book was a smash hit for thirty years before anyone had heard of Bela Lugosi.) 1898: The Beetle - Richard Marsh (The yin to Stoker's yang. Fast-paced to the point of leaving the reader gasping for breath.) Where Dracula is slow-moving and atmospheric, The Beetle is manic chaos and a great deal of fun. There are tons of cheap reprints out there. Buy one! 1907 - The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Hanns Heinz Ewers (The Frank Braun Trilogy spans four decades, so I wasn't entirely sure where to put it as it is basically one story broken into three books). Anyway, this is where it begins, if this one doesn't do it for you, don't bother with the sequels. On the other hand, if you like this, you'll want to read the rest of the story immediately. 1907-1912: The Boats of the Glen Carrig, The Ghost Pirates, The Night Land and The House on the Borderland - all by William Hope Hodgson. Included in this group of four you have H.P. Lovecraft's favorite novel (House) and Caitlin R. Kiernan and John Pelan's favorite novel (The Night Land) and there's a bunch of folk who would call The Ghost Pirates the best supernatural horror novel ever written. The Boats of the Glen Carrig is sort of the Jun Akiyama of the group, and that's not really a bad thing. The phrase "cosmic terror" begins (and some would say ends) with The Night Land. The highly stylized language might grate on modern readers a bit, in which case James Stoddard (he of The High House and The False House fame) has done a masterful retelling of the tale in more modern prose. There are also a lot of people who would side with Lovecraft and proclaim The House on the Borderland to be the better book. It's much, much shorter and more accessible, so if you haven't read Hodgson at all, that might be the place to start. He was also a hell of a short story writer. Okay, we had this nasty thing called WWI interrupt everything for a few years... When we return, it's the Roaring Twenties! 1925 - Invaders from the Dark - Greya La Spina (Until the publication of Tessier's The Night Walker some fifty years later this was the gold standard of lycanthropy novels. 1926 - Fettered - Greya La Spina (Sadly, this appeared as a serial in Weird Tales and has never been reprinted. I'm fixing to do something about that in the very near future.) 1925-1928 The Werewolf of Ponkert, The Return of the Master, The Werewolf's Daughter (All three ran in Weird Tales, later all three were published in book form by Donald M. Grant). Only the first novel has been published in paperback. An excellent period piece, but didn't get to shine very long with La Spina's novel appearing the same year. 1927 - The Devil of Pei-Ling - Herbert Asbury (Yep, it's the Gangs of New York guy. Before he started writing more-or-less true crime stuff, Asbury wrote this amazing novel of Asian menace with huge rats and toads, bloody ropes dripping from the ceiling, etc. etc. Recently reprinted and an absolute blast. 1927 - The Dark Chamber - Leonard Cline (Pretty much Altered States sixty years earlier and better written.) 1929 - The Fire Spirits - Paul Busson (A period piece that seamlessly mixes fact and fiction to the point where you're left wondering whether this was fiction or not. Absolutely chilling for that reason.) Sort of a summary, marketing categories were much broader then, all of these and many more disparate books were simply called "thrillers". A "thriller" could be a non-supernatural horror yarn, a police procedural, a supernatural or science fictional tale or any combination thereof. "Horror" was a reaction to something, not a marketing buzzword. We do see some real diversity, from the traditional (La Spina, Munn, Stoker) to the wildly experimental (Cline, Hodgson, Ewers). All in all this is just a hint of what's to come when the floodgates open in the 1930s. As I'm on a deadline, as much fun as this is, I'm going to have to rein it in until I'm done with the task at hand, probably have to pick this up tomorrow...
    1 point
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