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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/12/2014 in Posts

  1. This was posted on Twitter, and I thought it was funny
    8 points
  2. I don't think any Super Bowl can be less likeable than last year's Harbaugh Bowl featuring those long touching tributes to Stabby mcStabberson.
    7 points
  3. So I'm an uncle now. I'm keeping it on here and not on the Facebook because I'm still waiting for my brother and sister-in-law to take the reins there, but she was born Friday evening and after some oxygen issues that she powered through like a champ, there's a healthy baby girl that has been added to our family. Couldn't be happier!
    5 points
  4. Imagine we talked about how awesome this is and started planning our circlejerks instead of tattling in about boring shit?
    5 points
  5. So last night I had dinner with the inlaws, and Hillary's mom kept talking about an article in the local Upstate NY paper about a pro wrestler who bucks the trend and is an intellectual, not just some jock. She couldn't remember the name, so she dug out the article and it was Damien Sandow, not breaking kayfabe in the slightest. It was pretty tremendous. I got to explain to the inlaws what 'working the marks' means.
    5 points
  6. I guess I accidentally clicked on the "Hatefully Bicker About The Technicalities of Nielsen Ratings" thread instead of the "Man, The Possibilities of A Lot Of Cool Content For a Great Price Rules" thread.
    4 points
  7. This is like asking because GlaxoSmithKline didn't test their newest medication on you, how does your doctor know it will work? Do you not understand the concept of "sample size?" I'm not going to do statistics 101 here, but these are really elementary points.
    4 points
  8. No, it won't. Any video can be ripped or at worst screen recorded.I'm going to make it my personal mission to report any and all pirated videos after the network launches. If this fails because a bunch if cheap mingebag wrestling fans won't stump up $10 a month I'll be so mad. Man that is some weak ass tattle tale shit. The WWE is a near billion dollar company, that is some sad sorry garbage that you are all fired up to spend your spare time dry snitching for them. I am a man of honor. Righting wrongs as I see them. Hoping each time that the next leap..... will be the leap home.
    4 points
  9. No, it won't. Any video can be ripped or at worst screen recorded. I'm going to make it my personal mission to report any and all pirated videos after the network launches. If this fails because a bunch if cheap mingebag wrestling fans won't stump up $10 a month I'll be so mad. Man that is some weak ass tattle tale shit. The WWE is a near billion dollar company, that is some sad sorry garbage that you are all fired up to spend your spare time dry snitching for them.
    3 points
  10. I'm not clicking on that video and spoiling the mental image of either Hall in Shield gear or Reigns with gold chains and a toothpick.
    3 points
  11. Wait a minute... should he be in the big leagues or should TNA sign him? Which is it? You can't have both.
    3 points
  12. Everything floats down here
    3 points
  13. I think he opened for Pitbull.
    3 points
  14. If it goes out during a Mark Henry match, someone's air bill is going way up.
    3 points
  15. Ohhh, that gives me an idea for another "reality" program. Follow CM Punk, AJ, Kofi and some random 4th person thrown in, (maybe Big E.) as they travel the roads in Punk's bus. They'll get cameos from a lot of other WWE people, ALL OF WHOM WILL BE IN-CHARACTER. This will baffle our quartet. See them stop at a Waffle House at 3AM, and after everyone eats, Wade Barret comes out of the kitchen saying "I'M AFRAID I'VE GOT SOME BAD NYOOS! THAT WASN'T CHICKEN!"
    2 points
  16. Welcome to the WWE, Solomon Crowe.
    2 points
  17. Man if I was top guy I'd Nash the shit out of everyone I'm probably a horrible person but I could pay you to like me
    2 points
  18. How do they test Te'o for a concussion? Asking him if he thinks Lenay is alive won't work.
    2 points
  19. Wait, it didn't mean "pack your bags and get the fuck out of here right fucking now" Damn, here I was becoming a huge Triple H fan again.
    2 points
  20. These refs have completely lost control of this game. Granted, not hard when you have two teams full of punks and assholes.
    2 points
  21. Pause -> Online -> Players -> Select the player from the list -> Kick
    2 points
  22. Newton is sooo unlikeable and punchble. Like every other early 20's something shit head that goes on about swag or bull that the rest of the world doesn't get.
    2 points
  23. Nooooooooooooo I'm guessing it sounded like this in your head FSW
    2 points
  24. If the story about them not going home after being told to do so by Triple H is true, then they deserve to be passed over. That's dumbassery on a level that even Eric Forman rarely reached.
    2 points
  25. New Jack being New Jack And as an added bonus http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liEnACK11so
    2 points
  26. Who the hell is Joss Whedon?
    2 points
  27. 2 points
  28. Yeah, just ask Booker T what a great shooter he is. Should probably ask anyone else there about it cause I heard Batista was beating the brakes off Booker until they got seperated. Then they got into it a second time and Sharmell jumped on Batista's back and tried to scratch his eyes out and then she ended up kicking him in the balls when they were pulling her away. That's the exact opposite of what everyone else reportedI also agree with the post above mine saying Scott Lost was awesome
    2 points
  29. Only way they can fail is if on 2/24 Vince tweets "Sike! $10 for all my shit? Y'all bugging!"
    2 points
  30. AJ's farewell to Kaitlyn, from Main Event. For one final moment, the Chickbusters ride again.
    2 points
  31. Your comment makes me think of something that nutsack Cowherd said--that the defenses on Peyton's team wind up playing bad because he somehow makes them soft. No, dumbass--how about the D relies too much on Peyton to bail them out and when he doesn't, it comes back to haunt them? And now, to what we've all been waiting for--Peyton going over Brady next week!
    1 point
  32. Nothing new. Remeber the dueling asteroid movies? The three undersea movies! Etc
    1 point
  33. Whatever team is hosting the Niners in that Beats by Dre commercial has horrendous stadium security.
    1 point
  34. I don't know about that necessarily. It kinda depends on how Triple H said it. If he was being polite and kinda said to them, "You guys are done for tonight, so you can take off if you want to." then it probably looked to them like the best move would be to stay and watch every match. All the veterans like Austin and Regal are always saying that's the way to improve, so I wouldn't blame them if they wanted to show that they're dedicated by doing that. Wrestling politics are weird.
    1 point
  35. Hand off to Tolbert would have been the play there.
    1 point
  36. The narrative has been set. Plucky underdog Panthers vs big mean 49ers. Watch Steve Smith get away with murder.
    1 point
  37. Does "Dave has a roku box" = "Dave has a roku box and uses it frequently so he will likely have no difficulty" or "Someone got Dave a roku box for Christmas. It's still sitting in the original packaging"
    1 point
  38. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4hjoa_kurt-angle-vs-marty-jannetty_sport
    1 point
  39. On the one hand, I'm glad they resolved it that quickly. On the other, Leonard having the absolute miniscule amount of spine requied to be classified as a member of the chordata phylum is terrible. Dude is becoming straight unlikeable.
    1 point
  40. hooray for the 54 year old for taking a top rope Spanish Fly and winning by Foule! (negro casas)
    1 point
  41. You say that like there was a fourth Indiana Jones movie. There hasn't been an Indy movie since Last Crusade and you'll never convince me otherwise.
    1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. Tony Schiavone made his way through the halls of the Georgia office, copious notes in hand. He'd spent all week digging through obscure Japanese and Mexican wrestling footage, taking notes on unusual moves, knowing that with WCW bringing in so many talents from across the world, that he'd have to bulk up on his wrestling knowledge to be able to call their matches with poise and precision. Tony took a great deal of pride in his work, and knew that the boys took great pride in theirs, and he wanted everyone to- He was suddenly jarred from his thoughts by a forceful shove from Ed Leslie, who was walking ahead of Hogan and Bischoff. "Out of the way, fat-ass!" Leslie said, the push unbalancing Schiavone. He had to reach for the wall to steady himself, and in doing so, dropped all of the notes he'd taken. Leslie gave him a sneer as the trio walked past, while Hogan and Bischoff seemed entirely unaware of his existence. Schiavone looked down at all of his notes, said, "Fuck it. Sidewalk slam," and headed off to the bar.
    1 point
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