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So I can't go in to the gif threads without my computer drowning in a pool of it's own tears, so I'm asking this here: I once saw a video capture of Negro Casas undoing his wrist tape, throwing it in the air, and then punching his opponent in the mouth. Does anyone have this gif or know what match it's from? I want to say it happened in a trios, but I'm not certain. 

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warning: long winded post ahead. it deals with my pro wrestling viewership and Owen Hart. i'm going to spoiler tag it for anyone that doesn't want to deal with one guy's emotions.

background: i'm a wrestling fan. i'm 33 years old and live in Iowa. i grew up watching wrestling sporadically (my dad didn't necessarily care for it and my mom thought it was more of a punchline than a profession). I'd catch it randomly at friends' houses, or through uncles who were fans, etc. i remember Hogan slamming Andre. i remember siding with Macho Man when Hogan tried to steal his girlfriend. i remember being a big Ultimate Warrior fan. But all of these things came from bits and pieces, not from following week after week. this is how i "watched" wrestling until i was a teenager. I had never seen a complete episode of Raw. i'd rent Coliseum Videos from the local movie place. i'd watch Superstars if i happened across it. Wrestling was not prescription viewing.

All that changed in 1996 (i would've been 13). A friend pointed out that Razor Ramon was showing up on this new show, WCW Nitro, and that i should check it out. I did, and i was hooked. I watched WCW every single week, catching Saturday Night and Worldwide whenever i could, up until the 1/4/99 show with all the bullshit of the Hogan/Nash 'fingerpoke of doom'. Around the 1998 Royal Rumble, i also started to watch Raw (this is when my local broadcast location started carrying USA). I would watch Raw live at a friend's house, then rush home to watch the Nitro replay. and it was awesome.

Anyway, on to the point of the story. I was familiar with Owen Hart through the wrestling videos i had rented and dubbed. I adored watching King of the Ring '94 (how much does that guy weigh?), mainly due to the Owen/Kid and Owen/Razor matches. I always thought he was an above-average wrestler, but after the Hart Foundation split for WCW, he never did anything of note. He wasted away in the midcard, losing most of the feuds he was involved with. It wasn't until the "Canadian Country" (Owen Hart/Jeff Jarrett) tag team formed that i was all-in on Owen again. They had an awesome run with great matches against all sorts of tag foes. Until we came to Over the Edge '99. Now, i never saw this PPV live. you see, my friends & i and tickets to go see the Monday Night Raw taping two nights later, so we were all too broke to fork out $30 or whatever for the event. in the years since, i've both thanked and cursed myself over that.

You see, the death of Owen Hart hit me hard. I had never met him and wasn't even a hardcore fan of his until about 6 months before his demise, but i felt as if i had lost someone very close to me. Until this day, it is the 'celebrity' death that has hit me the hardest.

A few years ago (2012 to be exact) i started watching Nitro (and later Raw) in real time. I'd fallen out of love with current wrestling a few years prior and stopped watching altogether, but i missed it. i decided to return to the Attitude Era, and watch from the beginning, one Nitro a week until it was completed. The dates generally lined up, so if there was a show on July 12, 1996, i watched it on July 12, 2013. At some point, i realized that Over the Edge '99 was something that would happen. i debated over watching it, sometimes with a morbid curiosity, but usually with overwhelming dread. That day was today.

last night i watched the documentary "the Life and Death of Owen Hart" that was filmed alongside Wrestling with Shadows. it was a very negative (and understandably so) look at the events leading up to Owen's fateful fall. It heightened my depression of the entire circumstances and left me somewhat bitter and angry.

i reluctantly popped Over the Edge into my dvd player (i prefer to watch the live PPV broadcasts over the Network versions) this morning, and watched HeAT and the first few matches of the pay-per-view. then the fall happened. JR's announcement comes to be called the "Owen voice". i teared up. i was actually surprised that the show went on as seamlessly as it did. i expected to see more of the wrestling have bad timing, or just look uninterested, but to their credit, everyone seemed to hold their own and turn in decent-at-worst performances. The actual announcement of Owen's death, before the main events, seemed more of a formality than a revelation.

then i watched the Raw is Owen tribute from the following night. it didn't get a little dusty in my living room. i was outright crying. i know it's been 17 years, but i still felt an immense sense of loss. the emotions from the other wrestlers and coworkers was just too real.

i finished up my Owen fest by watching the new WWE doc, "Owen: King of Harts" this evening. it brightened my day by keeping a positive outlook to everything. The positive stories, memories, and recollections really put a new spin on everything. A couple of the stories mentioned during the Raw is Owen broadcast were reiterated, which was an awesome way of tying everything together (however unintentional they may have been). i feel like my own personal focus of this event has been evaporated and that i can finally grieve the death of Owen Hart in a way that i hadn't been able to before and that has festered inside in some sort since 1999.

I'm not familiar with how this dvd set was received, but if anybody got a sort of closure at or near the level of my own, i feel extremely happy for them. Owen for HoF class of 2017 !!!...?

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Cheers, @RIPPA. I've wanted to see Luke Harper live since my first WWE event last year. Luke was booked for the WWE show I attended last month but it wasn't to be. When Luke Harper returns, I hope he gets the push he deserves .

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Who does everyone think should win MITB next month?

I think AJ or Owens would be the best picks. For AJ, it's a good way to keep him relevant while he goes back to the upper midcard for a bit and lets him back in the title picture later. Owens is ready to take the next step for sure, and he's pretty much the blueprint for a MITB-carrying heel.

My ridiculous fantasy scenario is a debuting Finn Balor, with the help of a certain club.

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2 minutes ago, Go2Sleep said:

Who does everyone think should win MITB next month?

I think AJ or Owens would be the best picks. For AJ, it's a good way to keep him relevant while he goes back to the upper midcard for a bit and lets him back in the title picture later. Owens is ready to take the next step for sure, and he's pretty much the blueprint for a MITB-carrying heel.

My ridiculous fantasy scenario is a debuting Finn Balor, with the help of a certain club.

In the Extreme Rules 2016 thread, I said:

3 hours ago, The Natural said:

Kevin Owens is my favourite to win the Money in the Bank Ladder match. Other contenders: a New Day member, likely Kofi, Dean Ambrose and maybe Sami Zayn?

I should have mentioned AJ Styles as well.

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Finn painting the demon face on the briefcase would be pretty cool. Hopefully he wouldn't do his full entrance during a cash-in because it would give the champ like 15 minutes to run away. 

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I've managed to populate most of my side of a discussion of last night with a friend of mine with punchlines I stole from here:

Friend: Really, really tempted to get that Rollins shirt.

Me: Watch him cut a promo tonight and see if you're still tempted.

Friend: Please just make him a face and get it overwith.

Me: How does making Seth a face make Roman look really really strong?

Friend: But this is a lot like Rollins’ run, except this time Reigns is BECOMING a heel. Rollins was just a heel from the jump. Rollins wasn’t really taken seriously as a champ until when? The second Ambrose match? Cena?

Me: TBD.

Friend: I hate you.

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Probably a NXT guy but knowing how they book the match it will be Rollins making it five MITB winners in a row where the WWE picked the wrong guy.


Sandow, Orton, Rollins, Sheamus were the four previous winners.


I say Rollins because Brock was the champ and the whole chase meant nothing.  We all knew Rollins would never cash on Brock without help.  When Brock was off television Rollins showing off the briefcase was a complete waste of time.  

It was such a poorly done angle because there was no fear or suspense surrounding when the MITB holder would cash in.  

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36 minutes ago, Playa Shunna Ver 3.0 said:

John Cena is winning the case. Cashing in at The Summerslam.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I can totally see this.  Gets Cena his 16th WHC run, he does it technically through interference which doesn't weaken Reigns, and it sets up Cena/Roman at WM 33.

It may not happen--but I can see it.

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2 hours ago, (BP) said:

Finn painting the demon face on the briefcase would be pretty cool. Hopefully he wouldn't do his full entrance during a cash-in because it would give the champ like 15 minutes to run away. 

Eh, he can just play his entrance theme and Roman stop what he's doing and stand around hypnotized for 15 minutes, so it works out.

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49 minutes ago, sydneybrown said:

I so wish whoever gets the case just immediately bashes Roman in the head with it and cashes in right then and there (whether they win or lose) so we can maybe go a whole year without it being around.


They won't give up their get out of booking jail card that easily.

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1 hour ago, sydneybrown said:

I so wish whoever gets the case just immediately bashes Roman in the head with it and cashes in right then and there (whether they win or lose) so we can maybe go a whole year without it being around.


I'd just like someone to do nothing but go around and bash Roman in the head with a briefcase for a year. That's how you get someone over. Walk in, bash 'em, leave. No promos, no explanations.

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1 hour ago, sydneybrown said:

I so wish whoever gets the case just immediately bashes Roman in the head with it and cashes in right then and there (whether they win or lose) so we can maybe go a whole year without it being around.


You don't like the MITB gimmick?!

It's one of my favourite concepts WWE has come up with.  It can get a guy over as an up-and-comer/future main eventer more than anything other than a Royal Rumble win (And those aren't given out easily anymore).  Plus it creates an elevated level of excitement every time the champ gets beat down with the crowd buzzing for the cash-in.  And when the guy cashes in the MITB, the whole crowd is completely electric for it, whether it's Dolph Ziggler or The Miz cashing it in.  If it were up to me, I'd do more MITB stuff, maybe have a MITB women's match on the show as well.  

About the only thing i don't like about the MITB gimmick is that the winner has to be called "Mr. Money in the Bank" until they cash it in, and that just reminds me of Michael promoting his son and calling him "Mr. Manager" and George Michael going "I'm Mister Manager" until Michael says "It's just manager" on 'Arrested Development'.

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19 minutes ago, rzombie1988 said:

I'd just like someone to do nothing but go around and bash Roman in the head with a briefcase for a year. That's how you get someone over. Walk in, bash 'em, leave. No promos, no explanations.

I'm sorry you're racist against Samoans.

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2 hours ago, sydneybrown said:

I so wish whoever gets the case just immediately bashes Roman in the head with it and cashes in right then and there (whether they win or lose) so we can maybe go a whole year without it being around.


Already been done


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This doesn't really apply to anything or anyone specific in WWE right now, but I always thought a cool thing would be a single camera shot that follows the winner to the back, where he immediately waffles the champ from behind, throws him over his shoulder (or on a stretcher), brings him out, dumps him in the ring, and pins him at the MITB event itself. The surprise cash-in has jumped the shark, unfortunately. I think what LU does with the Gift of the Gods being it's own secondary title and MITB wrapped into one (which I think TNA might have also done with the X Division title a few years ago, but I stopped watching TNA regularly by then) is a fresher take on it.

I'd also like to say that I think it's bullshit they don't do more with the idea of having matches to qualify for the MITB match. I think more emphasis on those would give it an old school KOTR feel, and make the match seem more important-- like Royal Rumble in the summer

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