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He said he wouldn't do it. They said "Here's a dumptruck full of money". He said "Well, I guess you've found yourself a whore".

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I thought the guy was officially out for the sequel as well?


The rumors came out and then either his publicist and/or Universal put out an obligatory statement that he is so happy to return for the sequel about a week later. So yeah, I would assume he just can't get out of it like the director did.

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Sam Taylor-Johnson has announced that she will not return to direct the next two 50 Shades of Grey movies


I knew this was coming as soon as it came out that EL James was demanding to the write the screenplay for the sequel, thus answering the question, "Will The Room ever be replaced as the movie with the most clunky and laughably bad dialogue in film history?"  

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I'm probably gonna get shit on for saying this, but that could very well end up being better than Rocky.

Great cast and looks good but better than Rocky? Get serious.
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I watched about half of that and had to turn it off.  Normally it doesn't bother me how much of movies trailers give away these days, but this is one of those rare movies where I want to be exposed to as little as possible until I see it in the theater.

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Messages coming from company e-mail addresses aren't private.


Eh...as someone who has looked over emails sent to companies for so much as spelling mistakes the idea of trashing someone, so high up no less, is sort of absurd.


On the other, eh, people get comfortable and they relax, you know? Maybe that's preferable to being anxious about every single thing in life?


Is a world where you can't say Adam Sandler is shit really one worth living in? I just don't know.

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