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Steph had become the absolute master of generic villain talk.


"Let that be a lesson to ALL OF YOU!"



     You haven't lived...really lived, if at some point you haven't been caught on camera screaming  "I'LL HAVE YOUR BADGE!!"


"Do you have any idea how powerful I am in this city?"

That stuff is so great.

Steph has been saying so many of my favorite things people can say to other people. Didn't she bust out "I'll get every single last one of you!" at Vicki's retirement angle?

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So the first 90 mins. of that show were fucking death, right? 


When I realized I was feeling relief upon hearing The Miz' theme I gave up and waited until I could FF


I will say the whole Steph-Bri thing was gold. The reaction from the dude in the front row when she slapped Bri, then some dude in Cena gear flipping out when Bri dove after her. Of course Steph was fantastic in the arrest segment -even though her cleavage looked scarily Kofi-esque - going from entitled princess to sniveling baby. Honorable mention with HHH getting off great lines: "is that a hybrid?" and "well it'll take her awhile to get processed."

The only tragedy here is Vince probably hasn't heard of Netflix nor do they have any non Maxim looking girls down in NXT. Because had they some awareness of pop culture, this would be a great way to introduce a couple of henchwomen for Steph based on Orange is the New Black. I mean Crazy Eyes is a ready made wrestling gimmick if I ever saw one.


I think Titus should be the new D-Lo instead. Who's Ron Simmons? Does Mark come back and take THAT role?


EDIT: God yes the ribcage on Steph was unsettling. I loved the guy in the chicken mask in the crowd, esp. during Miz/Dolph. Despite the sloppiness, Miz going Savage/Zybyzko in the stalling and them busting out a million billion rollups and PINNING PREDICAMENTS~! made for a damn good match.


Isn't Mark Henry due back soon? Him as the veteran enforcer seeing this Xavier's way? YES!

Another thing about Steph talking about "how powerful" she is in this city is she has no connection to Miami. That is such wonderfully deluded self-importance.


Somewhere JTG is crying because the Nation Redux wasn't done sooner. So, is Xavier Woods Clarence Mason or Faarooq? I would assume Titus O'Neill and R-Truth will also join. It's not like anything else is being done with them.


For some reason, probably because she was wearing red, I was taken back to the Mountie after the jailhouse match while Stephanie was being arrested. I'd be all for Stephanie being so traumatized that she walks around backstage yelling at people that "The Mountie always gets her man" while threatening them with an invisible cattle prod.

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If we are really doing goofy booking, hopefully the first person Steph sees on RAW next week is Emma in the backstage going "So how was it"  


Emma: So who'd get for processing?  Donny?  Cold hands, right?

Steph:  Fuck you. [walks away]


Emma [calling after her]: Did they have celery sticks?  The celery sticks at Dade County are some of the best your gonna get! [quietly to herself] I bet it was celery stick night...Mondays.

  • Like 10

LANA @LanaWWE 2m

. @HeymanHustle & @BrockLesnar are back.I look forward to the day that @RusevBUL will CRUSH the man that conquered streak ! @wwe #RAW


I would like to officially turn all my fantasy booking over to Lana...along with my car and my ATM pin and this really special ring my nana gave me for when I met the right person.


As long as you can share. I couldn't even notice Lana tonight because I was too busy cringing and covering my eyes at how broken down Khali is. Christ almighty would someone please talk him out of wrestling? Give him some movie roles or something maybe? It's like end of the road Stan Hansen x1000. I legitimately feel bad seeing him out there like that. Rusev wasn't much more mobile than Khali was, either he's great at selling or he legitimately got hurt.


Aside from that I thought this show was great. Miz/Dolph stole the entire show and had an awesome match, the angles were all awesome, Triple H was great all night. Tremendous Raw.


Glad that we are finally getting heel Paige. Loved the AJ beat down and mock skipping. Somewhere, Saraya Knight is saying "now THAT'S my daughter!"



Cole was so annoying here.


Where's the doc?  Somebody get the Doc! 


The doc?  Where the fuck you think you are?


Who needs some Laudanum?

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Every handicap match should have the same result as the divas v. Nikki match. All the heels basically did a gang jump-in beatdown and then picked up the easy win. Enough of this overcome the odds nonsense.

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Brie Vs. Stephanie will have the best buildup for any possible SummerSlam match they can possibly make (yes, including Ambrose Vs. Seth), and I'm not sure it's even that close.


The "Is this a hybrid? You guys must be proud of yourself" (paraphrasing) line was the best line of the night.  Sorry "she has to be processed?" line.


Also, Miami's Finest wouldn't respond that quick; just saying.


I'm just glad that for one night, the Miz proved me right about how he is way better at working with a belt and having a title to defend. That match was great. Most Raws, that would've been an easy highlight. Thankfully, we were also given Cesaro/Ambrose.

Also, to whomever posted that Kofi is D'Lo in this new stable: giving Kofi a chest protector would be the most character development he's had since 2008.

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I like this Brie more than her face run last year. So much like her on Total Divas, and she is clearly the best person with a vagina on Total Divas.



Khali must have naked pictures of someone. There's no way he is willing to look like human peanut brittle these days by himself.


R-Truth can be the reality version of PG-13, because he has a rap album coming out soon. Let's keep the whiteboys out of this New Nation. I didn't like it the first go around, and it'd suck the second time around.


WWE is just bursting at the seems with heels right now, though. Some people have gotten turn face soon, right? Cesaro has to be at the top of that list.


Somewhere JTG is crying because the Nation Redux wasn't done sooner. So, is Xavier Woods Clarence Mason or Faarooq? I would assume Titus O'Neill and R-Truth will also join. It's not like anything else is being done with them.


For some reason, probably because she was wearing red, I was taken back to the Mountie after the jailhouse match while Stephanie was being arrested. I'd be all for Stephanie being so traumatized that she walks around backstage yelling at people that "The Mountie always gets her man" while threatening them with an invisible cattle prod.

I could  see R-Truth being the guy who resists them and gets beaten down. Brodus Clay would've been perfect for this group.


Also, I'm not convinced someone backstage didn't see the overtanned Ryder and mistake him for David Otunga...

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