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I could totally see the New Nation being a launching pad for Titus and MAYBE Big E. Kofi is dead in the water, heel turn or not. Xavier could be an interesting manager, god knows his wrestling does nothing for me.

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LANA ‏@LanaWWE 2m

. @HeymanHustle & @BrockLesnar are back.I look forward to the day that @RusevBUL will CRUSH the man that conquered streak ! @wwe #RAW


I would like to officially turn all my fantasy booking over to Lana...along with my car and my ATM pin and this really special ring my nana gave me for when I met the right person.


I will fight you.


I was hoping we'd see Stephanie in jail and she'd pass The Mountie's cell.


I know a couple of people have already mentioned it, but holy shit, Heyman's promo was such a fucking grand-slam home run. Every time he'd do the "my client, Brock Lesnar" and up the growl, I'd mark like a four-year-old on Christmas morning. God, that was such a money promo. I'd send that to NXT and say "watch this until your eyeballs bleed."


Say what you will about some of his booking in ECW or his bad business decisions or whatever, he's one of the great ones on the mic, ever. He's absolutely perfect in his role, just perfect.


God, that Wyatt move (was that Sister Abigail at a different angle?) on Jericho into the locker and Cesaro's uppercut of a diving Ambrose looked super-hurty. The Steph stuff was fun 'cause she plays her role so well. HHH's "she'll be OK" was hilarious, too. I expect Steph won't be forgetting about that. It won't lead to a face turn or anything, but it will be funny.

 Cesaro's uppercut of a diving Ambrose looked super-hurty.


Ambrose launching himself into various different declarations by Cesaro's fist was perfectly beautiful.

But, come on, even Luke Harper washed hist t-shirt, Dean.  Dean?



so am I the only one that's not okay with our future WWE World Heavyweight Champion probably only being on a handful of shows from post-SS to WrestleMania 31? You've got like, 6 PPVs from post-SummerSlam to WM31 - that's a LOT of time for your champion to not be on television. It's like when The Rock had the title last year, but drawn out a lot longer. I'm sure he'll defend it at Survivor Series or the Rumble, but my point stands.

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That's a lot of extra appearances, especially when they're trying to cut back on spending right now due to the Network supposedly. Yeah, wouldn't surprise me though. I think it's a madhouse in WWE right now. They couldn't decide whether or not to release Steamboat this weekend, so who knows. I think everyone is in a panic, personally.




God, that Wyatt move (was that Sister Abigail at a different angle?) on Jericho into the locker and Cesaro's uppercut of a diving Ambrose looked super-hurty.


They really pussed out on not having Jericho bust out an ACTUAL blade job, instead having some damn red food coloring trickling out of the ear. On the other hand Ambrose looked like he was legit seeing stars from that European.


I just want one segment after Brock wins the title where the entire Authority + Lesnar are gathered together and Brock just glares at Seth Rollins and says "You thinkin' about usin' that?" and Rollins hides the case behind his back and mumbles "No sir..."

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I just want one segment after Brock wins the title where the entire Authority + Lesnar are gathered together and Brock just glares at Seth Rollins and says "You thinkin' about usin' that?" and Rollins hides the case behind his back and mumbles "No sir..."


Words wouldn't even be necessary.


Brock could win the title at SummerSlam and "hold it hostage," defending every once in a while, building steam for Reigns to take it from him at Wrestlemania. Congress never really passed a law that the title has to be defended at every PPV or whatever they call them these days. If someone mentions the 30-day rule, Heyman can say "we make the rules."


Ambrose probably should have said that too, then maybe we wouldn't have FELLA! runnin' around with the US Title.


I just want Lesnar on my TV, week in, week out. I see this as his final run, too. A monster run where he demolishes more people (started with The Undertaker at WM30) and his path of destruction ends one year later at the ends of the new, "Next Big Thing" Roman Reigns. Just so these past 2 years aren't completely for nothing and all that jobbing then getting his heat back finally works out in the end and uses it to make another superstar.


I love, love, love Ambrose but unless they're all cards in on Ambrose, I don't think he's going to reach the heights a lot of people here want to see him get to. They'll try on Rollins, and it might work for awhile, but it's pretty clear they're trying to replace Cena with Reigns.


"Mr. COO, you're welcome to come to Brock's compound located somewhere between North Dakota and Nunavut and take the WWE World Heavyweight Championship back from him."

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I think a big reason why Brock works is because he's not on every show. If he was a regular, full-time member of the roster again, he would be just another guy, without any mystique, instead of the big deal that he is when he shows up. We don't need someone else to get over-exposed like John Cena or Randy Orton. Brock Lesnar being part time is a blessing, not a curse. If more guys were part time they wouldn't be so stale.

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LANA ‏@LanaWWE 2m

. @HeymanHustle & @BrockLesnar are back.I look forward to the day that @RusevBUL will CRUSH the man that conquered streak ! @wwe #RAW

I would like to officially turn all my fantasy booking over to Lana...along with my car and my ATM pin and this really special ring my nana gave me for when I met the right person.

I will fight you.

Pretty sure Rusev would end all 3 of us at the same time. Maybe we could use some type of Velociraptor strategy on him.

"Clever DVDVR posters...."

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I think a big reason why Brock works is because he's not on every show. If he was a regular, full-time member of the roster again, he would be just another guy, without any mystique, instead of the big deal that he is when he shows up. We don't need someone else to get over-exposed like John Cena or Randy Orton. Brock Lesnar being part time is a blessing, not a curse. If more guys were part time they wouldn't be so stale.

What are you going to sell these other PPVs on then if not BROCK LESNAR, defending his new WWE World Heavyweight Championship? There's no one around that can give them numbers like Brock presumably does. I'm not saying let Lesnar work matches every week like Batista was doing. Just have him appear on screen at least. I'm a believer that the champion needs to be on the show every week, and it kind of pissed me off that Cena wasn't there tonight so we could get a redux of what happened the last time (or one of the last times) Cena and Lesnar met face to face on RAW. I still watch that pull apart brawl the two had in 2012, excellent television.


I hate to tell you guys this...but you know Cena's winning right?


The evidence is there

1) Michael Cole doing the hard sell "John Cena has no chance!"
2) No mention of the previous time Cena beat Lesnar, so that people won't go "Hmm maybe John can win."


Just because John Cena won't have the belt doesn't mean he can't main event a PPV, right?

Cena versus Kane and/or Orton will sure put those buts in them seats, I tell ya.


Honestly, if Lesnar isn't booked as an unstoppable monster from right this moment until next year's WrestleMania, then they made a huge fuckin' mistake giving the Streak honors to Lesnar. That needs to be used to put someone else over, not lose his first match back since breaking an undefeated that lasted 21 years. Come on, this is simple. I think they've learned their lesson with Lesnar the first year he was back, now they're back to the original plan of making him a true world destroyer (sorry, Bray).

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I can see Dean Ambrose winning the case and then constantly forcing Brock to move to new houses because he well living in his van at the end of Brock's 10 mile long drive way.

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