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I think he needs to start doing some really goofy martial arts kicks. Dolph could absolutely be the next Stan Lane.


We do need someone to bring back goofy looking White Boy Karate ala Stan Lane, Tracy Smothers and Ranger Ross. I know Ross is black but he most definitely looked like a graduate of the Stan Lane "flail your legs around in something resembling a move you saw in a Bruce Lee movie" School of Karate.


Its not the move or moves in particular that look weak, its the execution . I mentioned the ones I did in particular because those would look like murder regardless of who did them. Dolph is soft in his execution , but I do love the idea of him doing goofy karate moves, he seems like a Kobra Kai type of guy as it is.


This thread has three pages so far with most of it taken up over the umpteenth time people have debated how good Dolph Ziggler is.

The thread from last week has two pages and had a MOTYC between Bray Wyatt and Dean Ambrose that seemingly only three people on here have watched.

Go watch that match.

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Yes, he has a varied offense...a varied weak offense. That has nothing to do with booking. Even during his program with Cena or Del Rio, one of his biggest weaknesses was his unimpressive offense. It speaks volumes when the few months he was doing a superkick made him much more credible looking in-ring because everything else he did wasn't. His biggest strength is taking crazy bumps that make the other guy look good at his expense. That's not the recipe for a main eventer, that's the perfect traits of enhancement talent.




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I hear that Randy Savage fellow could bump just a little bit.


HHH has been bumping pretty well since he dropped down to part time status.  He was flying all over the place for Bryan, Rollins etc etc.


Damn, I think saying Brock bumps just "pretty well" is doing him a disservice. He bumps like a fucking maniac. I've never seen a guy that big, with that much money, who works that light of a schedule be so willing to just dump himself on his head repeatedly.

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For year, all people talked about was Ziggles' bumping. What the fuck else is there? That's my take on Ziggles.



All those guys' ponytails oozes more "it factor" than Ziggles entire being. Especially Brock and Flair.


The worst thing Ziggler does is the mounted punches in the corner, where he always goes into a flurry instead of giving the crowd a chance to count along. You can hear people starting to count, but it always ends up as "one...two..three.fourfivefkejfgiekf"

It says a lot about Dallas that he made Fandango, a man who has always been sleazy right from NXT Redemption, look like a pretty regular guy during the post match promo.


 I think some of the Michaels comparisons to Ziggler are apt; he creates similar sympathy with his bumping. It's just that when it comes time to take over, Michaels could wow the crowd with a moonsault, the elbow and then finish them off with the superkick. Ziggler has the corner punches that he does too fast for the crowd to count along to, the DDT that should be a finisher but instead it is the start of his comeback and then he finishes them off with some sort of fall to the ground where he cradles the guys head to the ground. Mojo Rawley has a more hurty looking finish at this point. 


Dolph's an amazing athlete. It's a shame that his comebacks and finish never really highlights this. 

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For year, all people talked about was Ziggles' bumping. What the fuck else is there? That's my take on Ziggles.




He has good timing and is good at laying out a match.


You know who were amazing bumpers....The Mulkey Brothers. Enough with the comparisons to Flair, or Michaels, or Randy Savage, or Brock Lesnar. That is just over compensating.

Were they though? TBS jobbers take legit beatings, those are easy to sell because your brains are legit being beat in. 


Bo Dallas rules. That's pretty much all I have to say after that segment.


The "there are other fish in the sea" line had me laughing so hard. Bo is the best.

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