JohnnyJ Posted June 21, 2014 Posted June 21, 2014 Dolph is a minor miracle. The guy has been consistently jobbed for years. His offense is weak because its ineffective. It's ineffective because he always loses using it. It's a vicious circle. The fact that he gets any reaction at all when his contemporaries who have been similarly treated come out to crickets or are no longer with the company really says something. 2
Niners Fan in CT Posted June 21, 2014 Posted June 21, 2014 Couple things. Ambrose promo in the back was awesome and damn he is pretty jacked now.
Big Fresh Posted June 22, 2014 Posted June 22, 2014 The jeans and wifebeater look has definitely been kind to Ambrose. But he should probably start wearing the leather jacket during his entrance.
caley Posted June 22, 2014 Posted June 22, 2014 You know who were amazing bumpers....The Mulkey Brothers. Enough with the comparisons to Flair, or Michaels, or Randy Savage, or Brock Lesnar. That is just over compensating. I don't think anyone was comparing Ziggler to Michaels et al. (I wasn't) but taking umbrage to the suggestion that "His biggest strength is taking crazy bumps that make the other guy look good at his expense. That's not the recipe for a main eventer," when a good portion of WWE's top faces have been guys with weak to weakish offence who took big bumps to make their opponents look good: Flair, HBK, heck even Austin (Foley called the Thesz Press a "dick in the mouth" that was one of the least impressive looking moves going) and a certain John Cena who has been on top of the WWE for the last few years. Not one of those guys has an especially impressive-looking offence but they all made their opponents look good. Now I'm now saying there aren't other factors like a certain charisma etc. etc. But the suggestion that a bumper doesn't make a top guy in WWE is to not understand what makes a top guy in WWE.
Eivion Posted June 22, 2014 Posted June 22, 2014 I really wouldn't put Cena in that group considering how he has switched around over the years to things like emerald frosions, half-nelson neckrbeakers, diving tornado ddts, ect. And then there is just that lariat where he tries to take peoples' heads off with.
Ace Posted June 22, 2014 Posted June 22, 2014 The Rocker Dropper broke a dude's neck and ruptured The Rock's hammy. I don't see what's so weak about it. 1
Niners Fan in CT Posted June 22, 2014 Posted June 22, 2014 Can Ambrose come out with a cigarette also? I want the complete James Dean.
mattdangerously Posted June 22, 2014 Posted June 22, 2014 Barring the writers turning him into a giant, passive pussy like they tried to make Bryan, I think Ambrose could end up being a big star for the WWE as a babyface. He's just so magnetic.
Skeeball Wizard Posted June 22, 2014 Posted June 22, 2014 For year, all people talked about was Ziggles' bumping. What the fuck else is there? That's my take on Ziggles.He has good timing and is good at laying out a match.I finally figured out what exactly what Ziggler's problem is, in my opinion anyway: the bumps he takes are far more memorable and exciting than anything he does on offense.
Greggulator Posted June 22, 2014 Posted June 22, 2014 This thread has five pages and I think maybe three of us watched at least part of the show. I still haven't seen the main event but I'm on it today.So much of the show that I watched was really good. It wasn't anything earth-shattering but it was a solid wrestling show. I loved Roman getting up in Cena's grill during the every man for himself promo to start things off. That had a ridiculous amount of electricity to it and felt like an inevitable "passing of the torch" feud coming our way at some point. Rollins/Kofi wasn't anything much but man oh man did Kofi eat the Curb Stomp. Ambrose's ascent continues as he's now challenging Bray for best promo guy in the company. Think about ME saying that, too, since I'm the biggest Bray mark there is. And the Fandango/Bo Dallas stuff was such a goofy, fun time. I love Summer seducing Fandango leading to Layla flipping out. Bo sleazily taking out Fandango and then doing his "There's other fish in the sea" act post-match was A+ work. He's getting REALLY over, too, from the look of things.I'm still mad that no one beyond me and like three other people have seemingly watched Bray vs. Ambrose from last week. You're all doing yourself a disservice. It's one of the ten best matches of the year, at least, and think about THAT for a second since it's not even June and we've had a Top 10 MOTYC list that could be the best in WWE history, and it's littered with guys who weren't on the roster two/three years ago. It might be the second best free TV match of the year, which means it might trump Cesaro/Cena and think on how absurdly great that match was. Legitimately -- the "what's up with Dolph" talk is fine but there's so much to talk about than a conversation that's had in wrestling circles every other day. 1
The Natural Posted June 22, 2014 Posted June 22, 2014 I'm still mad that no one beyond me and like three other people have seemingly watched Bray vs. Ambrose from last week. You're all doing yourself a disservice. It's one of the ten best matches of the year, at least, and think about THAT for a second since it's not even June and we've had a Top 10 MOTYC list that could be the best in WWE history, and it's littered with guys who weren't on the roster two/three years ago. It might be the second best free TV match of the year, which means it might trump Cesaro/Cena and think on how absurdly great that match was. I'll second the support for this match.
Goodear Posted June 22, 2014 Posted June 22, 2014 So Greggs, Bray as world champion at Money in Da Bank best option or bestest ever option? You could have a World Champion who is a great big match worker who is also a outstanding promo who is also part of a stable so he can be in trios matches every week and not give matches away for free who is also a fresh face at the top who is also not a member of the Authority and could be booked as a heel or defacto face against them who also could turn the whole money in the bank thing on its head by hunting the guy with the briefcase. Or it could go to Alberto Del Rio.
Joe Fixit Posted June 22, 2014 Posted June 22, 2014 Bray should win if Bryan will definitely be ready by Summerslam.
Greggulator Posted June 22, 2014 Posted June 22, 2014 So Greggs, Bray as world champion at Money in Da Bank best option or bestest ever option? You could have a World Champion who is a great big match worker who is also a outstanding promo who is also part of a stable so he can be in trios matches every week and not give matches away for free who is also a fresh face at the top who is also not a member of the Authority and could be booked as a heel or defacto face against them who also could turn the whole money in the bank thing on its head by hunting the guy with the briefcase. Or it could go to Alberto Del Rio. Bray or Reigns would be my one or two. I'd go with Bray because he's my favorite wrestler (duh) but then there's everything else you said. And then there are two other add-ons: A rematch against Daniel Bryan for the belt when he returns and the potential of him and Harper/Rowan holding all the belts at once. Bray's been talking about his quest for power. Those three with the belts might make Bray ambitious enough to go for the brass ring -- and that's eliminating The Authority and taking that throne. Ambrose having the briefcase chasing Bray would be a blast, too. Reigns has looked like a total stud. They might as well have him have a test run to see how well he does with the belt. He's going to get it at some point and dudes hold titles multiple times. Rollins going after him is ready-made. But if Ambrose wins the briefcase and his best friend holds the World Title? That's awesome. We're also sleeping on Cesaro. It might be time to pull the trigger on him and see what happens. He can have a great match against everyone on the roster (save the utterly worthless RVD) and has Heyman doing his mic/dirty work. And then a Cesaro/Lesnar match gets on the table, too. But I'll take anyone but Del Rio holding the belt. Sheamus/Orton/Cena all have good rematch feuds with Bryan waiting for them upon his return.
Fat Spanish Waiter Posted June 22, 2014 Posted June 22, 2014 They finally unite the belts and make it worth something and already you're talking about throwing them on second and third tier guys "to see how they do". God fucking damn it I hate people. 1
Big Fresh Posted June 22, 2014 Posted June 22, 2014 Whatever gets us to Cesaro vs. Lesnar is cool with me. 3
Greggulator Posted June 22, 2014 Posted June 22, 2014 That main event was a lot of fun. Everyone got some shine and had good moments. Cena worked his face-in-peril that they built to the hot tag to Reigns who brought it when he finally got into the match. Definitely worth a watch.
Eivion Posted June 22, 2014 Posted June 22, 2014 I'm still mad that no one beyond me and like three other people have seemingly watched Bray vs. Ambrose from last week. You're all doing yourself a disservice. It's one of the ten best matches of the year, at least, and think about THAT for a second since it's not even June and we've had a Top 10 MOTYC list that could be the best in WWE history, and it's littered with guys who weren't on the roster two/three years ago. It might be the second best free TV match of the year, which means it might trump Cesaro/Cena and think on how absurdly great that match was. I liked the match, I just don't rate it as high.
ebbie Posted June 23, 2014 Posted June 23, 2014 This thread has five pages and I think maybe three of us watched at least part of the show. I do think it's kinda.. idk.. I wouldn't say "ironic," but one hell of a coincidence that pages are dedicate to whether or not Ziggles can do more than take a bump; only to Ziggles hardly did any outrageous bumping in the match vs Barrett. Poor Layla.
Johnny Sorrow Posted June 23, 2014 Posted June 23, 2014 "Ziggles" is a really annoying term . It's not funny . Stop being not funny. 1
Fat Spanish Waiter Posted June 23, 2014 Posted June 23, 2014 Ziggler is a stupid fucking name and should be derided as such.
Stevie Ray Von Erich Posted June 23, 2014 Posted June 23, 2014 I liked the new look for Rollins. I think it makes him stand out more than the tactical gear, but still looks enough like it that it fits his overall persona. He looked like a super villain when he came out with the matching top. I'd like to see Bray win the title because I think it's the most interesting option, but I don't see a heel winning the match. I'm guessing Cena or Sheamus wins as it still feels a little early for Reigns. I also have a feeling, however, they're going to build to a Summer Slam main event against Brock with whoever wins on Sunday; I can't see them shuffling the title around again before then. I think that opens the door for a pseudo-hoss v. hoss match between Roman and Brock for the title, then. Given the reaction on Raw to the Reigns/Russev showdown in the battle royal, I think the general audience would like to see that match. I'm not sure how good it would be, but it seems like an interesting possibility as long as there were lots stare-downs and pull-aparts in the build up. Cena/Brock or Sheamus/Brock would both be excellent, I think, so either way, really.
BurningBeard Posted June 23, 2014 Posted June 23, 2014 I think Bray's of the Jake The Snake mold - does not need the title at all his gimmick is that strong. Of course if you keep putting him in that mix and he doesn't win it at some point he looks weak so it's a double edged sword I guess
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